CCR1976174RESOLUTION #174-76 TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS. in the pr eparation of the 1976 budg that year had no; been established, and et s alaries for WIEREAS, the Common Council budgeted salaries at the 1975 level and included in the Contingency fund sufficient monies to cover salary increases which might be granted for 1976, and WHEREAS, the Finance Cornnittee has recommended that the necessary transfers from the Contingency Fund Account ik602.049 to salary accounts be authorized, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve of the following transfers from the Contingency Fund Account Q602.049 to the various accounts: e Account #502.011, Salaries & Wages-Clerk Account #503.011, Salaries-Treasurer Account #504.011, Salaries-Assessor Account 8508,011, Salary-Municipal Court Account #509,011, Salaries-City Hall Account #520,011, Salaries-Police Account Q520.012, Salaries-Dispatchers Account #525,011, Salaries-Building Insp. Account #552.011, Salaries-Highway Dept. Account #580.011, Salaries-Library Account 8583.011, Salaries-Park & Recreation TOTAL $ 3 , 000 ..OO 350.00 960.00 1,300.00 884,OO 15,000.00 3,000.00 6,980.00 4,000.00 11,173.09 2,000.00 $w, 647.00 DATED THIS 24 a DAY OFWf&Ld ,1976. e FINANCE COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg Edwin P. Dumke uc-a Charles C. Colburn ATTEST : Duane Dunham, being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is an authorized representative of The Muskeg.? .Sun . , ............ a newspaper published at .. !Y.Sk?g? ........... Wisconsin .and that an advertisement of which the annexed is a true COPY, taken from ... ..... .... .... .. ..... ...... (Signed) . . ... day of. ... ,19 2L. MY Commission expires .. 'f .1g .??.