CCR1976056RESOLUTION W56-76 e DESIGNATING LOCAL AGENT FOR APPLICATION OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER DISASTER RELIEF ACT BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego that Jerome J. Gottfried, Mayor of the City of Muskego, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Muskego, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or other- wise available from the President's Disaster Relief Fund. THAT the City of Muskego, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration FDAA), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for all matters per- taining to such Federal disaster assistance the assurances and agreements printed on the following page. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS \A- DAY OF Rd-, 1976. CERTIFICATION I, Bette J. Bowyer, duly elected City Clerk- Comptroller, of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved by the Co of 4 , 1976. Council of he City of Muskego on the i3 &YOn day Date fl //3/74 Bette J. Bowye# Clerk-Comptroller City of Muskego ASSURANCES A, ne sl,tc aUccs IO lakc necerory ac1mn wlthtn Slalc capbilirirs IU requivc compbance wlh there amlanCcs by Ihe aPPlicanl or 10 mun~c xcTponsibilily lo the I'rdetal govcrment fur any deliciencier not ~cwlved Io the .ulirfaclion of lhe Rebond uirccro, Tha Applicdnl Catilia: B. That (to the best olhir knawledpr and belie0 the disaster relief work described on cach Federal DkaJarler Assirlance Admin- istration (TUAA) Prujrct Application for which Federal financial asirtancc i5 requested is eligible in accordance with the criteria rantaincd in 14 Code of Fcderd Regulations. and FDAA (HUU) Handbooks. C. Thai it II thc lcgal enuty respanriblc.under law Tor the pcrfonnancc of the work detailed 01 acqlr such rerpondbilily D. That the emergency or disaster rclicf work therein descibed for which Fed4 asnrtancc is requcrtcd hereunder docrnot or wiJl not dupliute benefits rcceived lor the same loss from another Y)UICC. E. Thal dl inlormation given by it hcrein is, to Ihc best of 11s knowledge and belief. tIuc and correct. F. That aU financial assistance received undu this application will be,or has been, expended in aaordancc with appticablc law and regulations thereunder. The Appliam Agrees: C. To (I) provide wirhuul cost lo the United Slalcr aU lands. calcmcn~s, and rightr-of.way nearrary lor accomplirhmenl of the ap proved wmk; (2) hold and save Ik United Staler lrec from damages due Io the approvcd work or Federal funding. H. To comply uilh Ttlle VI oi !he CMI Rights Act 01 1964 (PL 88.352) and all rquirements irnpored by the Federal Diuster Ar drma: Adminlrtratlon purruant 10 that Title 10 Ihc end thal. in accordancc with Tille VI of that Act and the Regulation. no perwn in the Uited S131c1 shall. un the pound of race. color. religion. nationality, sex. age. or economic 11ams. be exduded lrom partlopatran in. he dsnled Ihe benefilrof.or be olherww mbjccled Io dircrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant reccived redcral financial arrirrance from the Agency and HEREBY CNES ASSURANCE THAT it UriIl immediatrly take any mearurer neccrury to cffccluatc this ag~cemenl. 1. That il any real propcny or suucturc therem is provided or improved with !he aid of Fcderd hancid aaristmncc extended lo the Appllcanl by the Fedcxal Eirarler Assirlance Admtnistration. this assurance rhaU obligale the Applicanl. or in the CIY of any transfer of rurh properly. my I!anrfcrcc. for thc pcriod during which the real propmy or suuc~re is used for a purpov for whxh the Fedcvd fimncial rrd<lance is extended or for another purpov invohing the proviidon of similar vrvices or kncfitr. If any perlonal properly is .w pruvidrd. lhir assurance rhaU obtigale the Applicant for the pcriod during which il rclaint owncrrhip 01 possession of the property. In all other caws. this assurance shall obligate thc Applicant for the period during which Ihr Federal finmcid assstance is extended to if by FDAA. 1. That the assurance is gwen in consideration of and for the purpov of obtaining any and all Fednal pants, loans,reimbww ,G:~IS, advanms. contracts. properly. discounts or other Federal financial asistancc extended alter the date hereof IO the Ap- in this asuranm and !hat !he Unitcd Slates shall haw the right IO seck judicial cnforcemcnt of this a~wrancc. lkis L~~W~KC is pliant hy FDAA. !hat such Fedcral fiancial akrlmce %ill bc extended in reliance on the represenlatiom and a,g.eemcnu made binding on thc Applicant. IU suc~ssors. oamfereer. and a5SigncSr. and the permon or persons whow signamer appear on the ICWSC ax authorized IO sip lhis assurance on behalf of the Appticml. I;. To obtain and rnamlain any flwd insurmce as may be required for the life of the project(s) fer which Federd fmancial assistance for acqtlisitlon or consuucu~~n purpovr for buddmgr or mobile homes wx prwided herhn; and, 10 obtain and mainain any other mwrawc 2s may be rcm,n*blc. adcqule and necessary lo prarect against further IDIS to any property which was rcplrcrd, rrrlored. repired or romtmstcd with this mistance. L. Tlnal, 3% 2 cnndilion fclr Ihr Frm1. any lepais or conrtrliclion finanud herewith. rhaU be in accordance with applicable standards or duly, drancy and unblsutln and in cod~umilyuilh app~cablecllder.rppl~carionrand rrandardr;and. IO R.IIU~I~ the nalurd huxdr in area< m ul~ich thu prclcredr of the p3nt or lorn ax 10 br urcd and lakc approprirlr aclion to miUgate such slrndxdr. ancluding s3fc land uw and cnmlruclicm ptacliccr. M. To dcfr'r fundrng or an) pre~ccls inVol\lng flertblr fundtng under Seclion 402 or Secrion 419 until FDAA maker a fauolrblc rnvi18mnrnld clclxanre drlrrrmnalion. if this is lyuirrd.