CCR1976020aRESOLUTION #20-76 DENIAL OF GRIEVANCE OF MUSKEGO PROFESSIONAL ?'OLICEMAN'S ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has recieved a grievance filed behalf of Robert Klenz on December 18, 1975, and by the Muskego Professional Policeman's Association in WHEREAS, the grievance claims a violation of employee rights under Article XII, Section 1 and 2 of an agreement Union Local #695, effective January 1, 1975, and executed between the City of Muskego and the Teamsters WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended denial of the grievance on the following basis: ARTICLE XII, Sections 1 and 2 do not provide the employee the right to remove a fellow employee from a particular shift simply because he does not like the hours he is working. ARTICLE XI11 of the agreement, entitled, Management Rights Reserved, provides, in part, that the management of the work and direction of the worbing forces, including the employer. It also states that the employer may adopt right to hire, promote, demote, etc., is invested in the reasonable rules and amend the same from time to time. General Order #135, dated March 7, 1974, a policy which has 7. been in effect for many years states that all assignments and shifts will be made according to certain criteria in the following order: (1) The best interest of the department pertaining to the logical and equal distribution of talent and ments. the operational time of day for functional assign- (2) The best interests of the individual officer pertain to his personal life and professional goals. (3) Seniority, all other criteria being equal. Change of shift assignment will be made whenever vacancies occur or special circumstances dictate a change. Seniority shift change requests will not be considered unless a vacancy occurs. The creation of a fifth team did not result in a vacancy of the team captain position. Thus, since no vacancy was available any attempt to replace the present team captain would be construed as imposing a claim to a position already filled by a fellow sergeant. THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Gommittee and deny the grievance presented on December 18, 1975, Muskego, does hereby accept the recommendation of the Finance Sgt. Robert Klenz. by the Muskego Professional Policeman's Association in behalf of DATED THIS /& DAY OF ATTEST : city Clerk 2/76