CCR1975248r. L. e l RESOLUTION #248-'75 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP (T. Ferguson) WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted by Thomas Ferguson for a one parcel divisicn of his property on Hillendale Drive in Section 5, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recammended approval of said division, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commbn Counci.1 o,f the City of Muskego does hereby approve cf the certi.fi.ed survey map for a one parcel division of the Thomas Ferguson property on Hillendale Drive in Section 5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appr~val. is subject to approval by the city engineer. DATED THIS \\ -& DAY OF%%Q& - , 1975. Ald. R ATTEST: I, City Clerk Part of the NE 1/4 of Section 5, CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP hY OF MUSKEGO. WAUKESHA COUNTY. T5N, R20E WISCONSIN pgE: o Iron pipe 24" x 1" dia. 1.13 + lbs. per 1in.ft. 1 ?~F,g~g~E_;~~~;Q~~~: Tine East line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Sec- tion 5, T5N, R20E, is used as the bearing of North OO"34'40" East. Reference Meridian and has a recorded NOTE: Parcel "A" is granted an easement a))p </ * r and upon the 13,319.135 square feet arcel "B" designated a6 "Reserved for Public Road Purposes". s ! CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVAL: Approved by the Common Council for the rr__r_rr___"-.__I" ANGLES P. S. Muskego 68 Instrument drafted by John W. Jahnke SE COR. OF NE 1/4 WEST 374.68'. N 00°34'40''E 541.3C SEC.5.5.20 \" r - AI ~ Page 1 of 2 13.319.135 SP. FT .. PART OF PARCEL"B" 1 PARCEL "8" 8.1155 AC. NET AREA I