CCR1975201RESOLUTION #201-75 RESOLUTION DIRECTING NOTICE OF FINAL DETERMINATION (Northwest District - J-10) Lembezeder Drive 0 WHEREAS, the Comon Council has made its final determination of special assessments and it is necessary to notice the same: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall give notice of such final determination in the form attached as Exhibit “A“, by publishing the same in the Muskego Sun, the official City newspaper, which has a general circulation in the City of Muskego and in the assessment district known as Northwest - J-10 and is hereby tn he likely to give notice to the persons affected thereby, and by mailing a copy of the same to every interested persan whose post ofrf.ce address is known, or can with reasonable diligence Ire asc~ercained. DATED THlS ~ /A - DAY OF [A& , 1975. t ATTEST: k PL’BLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Edwin P. Dumke - Ronald ‘J . Fog 8/75 NOTICE OF FINAL DETERMINATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMEiWS (Northwest District - J-10) Lembezeder Drive PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following is a final resolution 6 relating to the adoption of plmsand specifications for a sanitary sewer collection system in said city. A copy of said final resolu- tion, together with all documents mentioned therein, is on file in the office of the City Clerk W182 S8200 Racine Avenue. Muskeeo. Wisconsin, and is open for public inspection between the hours of 8:OO A.M. and 5:OO P,M., daily. YI - - WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego on the 13th day of May, 1975, adopted a Preliminary Resolution numbered 124-75, expressing its intent to exercise its special assessment powers in relation to the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the following area: All that part of the Southeast a of Section 5, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: All unplatted lands along the North side of Lembezeder Drive from Hillendale Drive of Lembezeder Drive from Hillendale Drive to 198 feet to Gold Drive; all unplatted lands along the South side West of the West line of Gold Drive. WHEREAS, the Common Council has tentatively adopted the report of the City Engineer containing certain plans and specif- ications for the construction of said sewer system; and an estimate of the cost of the installation of said system; and WHEREAS, the Common Council, pursuant to notice properly given as required by Resolution No. 180-75, and as appears from the records of the City Clerk, held a public hearing on the 22nd day of July, 1975, concerning the matters contained in the Preliminary Resolution and the report of the City Engineer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (1) The said Report, including the statement as to the estimated cost of said improvement and the schedule of be and the same hereby is finally determined to be amounts assessed as to each parcel of said real estate, correct and is finally approved and adopted, and said statement of cost and schedule of assessments are hereby and adopted as heretofore modified. finally determined to be correct, and are finally approved (2) The Plans and Specifications incorporated into said Report are hereby finally determined to be correct and modified. are hereby finally approved and adopted as heretofore (3) The work contemplated in said Report shall be carried out in accordance with said Report as finally approved will be paid by special assessments shall be made as set and the payment of the portion of the cost therfore which forth in the said Report. ATTEST: PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE