CCR1975153RESOLUTION #153-75 e ~ e ATTEST : ESTABLISHING POSITIONS OF RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST I & I1 WHEREAS, the city presently has a position identified as Receptionist-typist, and WHEREAS, Resolution #68-75, adopted March 11, 1975, abolished the position of Utility-Clerk and moved the employee working in that position to the receptionist-clerk position with no loss in pay, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has determined that additional help is needed in the Clerk's Office and has recmended that a second position of receptionist-typist be created, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comon Council of the Citv of Muskego does hereby create the position of ReceptionPst-typist I at the following salary: Start 6 months 18 months $469.58 per mo. 542.88 per mo. 584.24 per mo. and the position of Receptionist-typist I1 at the following salary : Start 490.78 per mo. 6 months 564.38 per mo. 18 months 607.13 per mo. A DATED THIS 1915. FI w ANCE COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg Edwin P. Dude Y City Clerk