CCR1975131RESOLUTION #131-75 APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF GUERNSEY MEADOWS WHEREAS, the city has received a preliminary plat of the Guernsey Meadows Planned Unit Development, and WHEREAS, the Plan Comission has adopted Resolution 1/37-75, As Amended, recommending approval of the preliminary plat, and WHEREAS, the Common council has adopted Resolution 1/6-75 granting to the developers of Guernsey Meadows the right to connect into the city's sewer facilities, and WHEREAS, the Comon Council has adopted Resolution 1/32-75, indicating its willingness to permit the use of "B" Bonds in the development of the subdivision, and WHEREAS, the recommendation from the Plan Commission is for approval subject to the conditions that the proper rezoning be granted, that the city receive an acceptable developer's agreement and deed restrictions, and that the final plat contain 71 lots (65% of the total development), include dedication of the nature preserve to the city, indicate centers in the cul- de-sacs, a pedestrian access to the nature preserve from Linda Court, and 15' radius at street corners. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the preliminary plat of Guernsey Meadows Subdivision. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is conditinned upon the following: (1) Receipt of acceptable developer's agreement and deed restrictions . (2) The final plat containing 71 lots. (3) The dedication of the nature preserve to the city. (4) Each cul-de-sac showing a center landscaped area. (5) A pedestrian access being provided to the nature preserve from Linda Court. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this preliminary plat is approved with the derstanding that final approval of all engineering data for streets, sewers, water, drainage, etc, must be given by the city engineer and the Public Works Committee and further that the data will provide for a 15' radius at street corners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval does not waive the provision that all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as they relate to planned unit devel e DATED THIS A%. City Clerk 5/75 ia 1