CCR1974156RESOLUTION #156-74 (As Amended) AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE COMMITTEE TO HIRE ACTUARY FOR RETIREAMENT PROGRAM ANALYSIS WHEREAS during negotiations for the 1974 city employees one of the requests received was that the city change its present retirement program to the state retirement program, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee was of the opinion that the cost of changing retirement programs would be excessive, and WEREAS the Finance Committee did agree to ask the Council for permission to hire a consulting actuary provided through the State of Wisconsin to compute the estimated cost to the City of Muskego of the participation of its employees under the Wisconsin Retirement Fund as of January 1, 1975, and WHEREAS, the request would be based on prior service costs for total years of employment and a second cost based on the year Muskego became a city in 1964, and WHEREAS, the true cost of joining the Wisconsin Retirement Fund can only be determined through the use of a consulting actuary, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Finance Committee Retirement Program to determine actual costs to the city. to hire a consulting actuary through the Wisconsin State BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated cost would be given for both total employment years as well as employment dating back to 1964. DATED THIS 23 DAY OF July , 1974. FINANCE COMMITTEF, ATTEST