CCR1974099RESOLUTION 1/99 -74 (AS AMENDED) APPROVAL OF SOLID NON-COMBUSTIBLE LANDFILL PERMIT FOR NORMAN THOMAS WHEREAS, on January 23, 1973, the Comon Council of the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #3-73, As Amended, which granted a permit for a solid landfill subject to certain conditions, and WHEREAS, on September 11, 1973, the Comon Council adopted Resolution 11147-73 which rescinded that action because of the failure of Mr. Thomas to acquire the necessary State permit, and WHEREAS, in December, 1973, the Public Welfare Committee advised Mr. Thomas they would be willing to consider a re-application by him for a limited solid landfill permit, and WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas has petitioned the city for a permit, a public hearing has been held by the Plan Commission and a recommendation by the Plan Commission has been received which suggests that the Council include on the permit the conditions placed on the original approval in Resolution #3-73 and further that the approval is subject to the approval of the initial restoration plan, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comon Council of the City of Muskego does hereby grant to Mr. Norman Thomas a solid non-combustible solid landfill permit for the year 1974-75 subject to the following: 1. That in order to provide adequate screening and to insure the use of the premises by only authorized persons a fence acceptable to the Plan Commission shall be prmided along Tans Drive. 2. That a $35,000.00 bond be provided to the City of Muskego. 3. That assurance be provided that proper equipment will be on the premises to insure compaction and coverage. 4. That the hours of operation of the landfill be limited to 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 5. That no operation will take place on Sundays. 6. That there is strict compliance to Ordinance /I194 (An Ordinance Requiring the Licensing of and Regulating Landfill Disposal Sites) where applicable. 7. That the material being hauled to the site does not contain any food particles or putrescible material. 8. That it is the understanding of Mr. Thomas and the City of Muskego that the total restoration of the site by solid landfill method will be completed in three years. 9. That "No Trespassing" or "Danger" signs be placed on the west property line. Resolution 899-74 - Cont'd. e t e I /. 1 a 10. Open burning of solid wastes including clean wood materials is prohibited. 11. A sign shall be posed at the site entrance indicating the materials authorized by the Department of Natural Resources for acceptance at the site. 12. An all weather access road shall be constructed before filling operations begin. 13. A fence and gate shall be constructed to restrict access to the site when it is not open for public use. This shall be along Tans Drive at a minimum. 14. An attendant must be on duty at the disposal operation whenever the gate is unlocked. 15. Screening shall be done as specified in the submitted plans of March, 1973. 16. Each layer of solid waste shall be compacted to a depth of 2-3 feet with no more than 6 feet of compacted waste being placed before covering. Covering shall be done on a daily basis. 17. Wastes accepted shall be limited to concrete, bricks, stones, asphalt, wood wastes, and demolition materials (limited to less than 5% ferrous or non-ferrous metals). No toxic and hazardous, other commercial or industrial wastes, or household refuse shall be deposited at this site. 18. Filling shall be completed in accordance with the submitted map and details of the February 18, 1974, submittal and limited to these heights. 19. The 10' layer of properly compacted clean earthen material which is required in the base of the pit shall be placed and checked for elevation by a registered professional engineer before said filling operations begin. Details of placement should be submitted to the Dept. of Natural Resources before operations commence. 20. No filling shall exceed the 882 contour as shown on the February 18, 1974, submittal. 21. That the wells on all adjoining property be inspected for water safety at least annually from the date hereof by the State Departmedtfi of Hygiene. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this permit is granted with the understand- ing that any conditions which develop that might be construed as environ- mental detriments to the adjacent property owners shall be cause for revocation of the permit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to Plan Comission review of the initial restoFaption plan. 1974. City Clerk -