CCR1973195e e RESOLUTION #195-73 AUTHORIZING A PILOT STUDY ON USE OF OPEN SPACE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CORRIDOR WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has advised the Council that there Affairs and Development, State of Wisconsin, to qualifying communities for pilot studies in land use, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission feels it is the responsibility to set aside lands for open space and environmental purposes but further feels it may be necessary to develop some means of acquiring the land, and WHEREAS, a study of this nature would develop a method for both reserving land and raising funds for this purpose and could be used as a guide to other communities having similar needs, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor to apply for a grant from the Department of Local Affairs and Development in the amount of $28,500.00, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor to apply for a grant in the amount of $28,500.00 from the Department of Local Affairs and Development, State of Wisconsin, for the purpose of providing for a pilot study in land use. a re monies available through the Department of Local n DATED THIS 27 DAY OF #dTMJ , 1973. 'e Ald. Paul J. Schaumberg ATTEST: a e City Clerk v 11/73 je