CCR1973179RESOLUTION #179-73 AUTHORIZING THE PUBLIC WORKS COMITTEE TO ADVERTISE FOR A BACK HOE WHEREAS, It has been determined by the Publlc Works Comnlttee that the clty Is In need of a new back hoe, and WHEREAS, mnles have been provided for the purchase of such equipment in the 1973 Capltal Budget, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorlze the Publlc Works Comnittee to advertlse for bids for a new back hoe for Publlc Works Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the comnittee report thelr findlngs and recomnend- ation back to the Comnpn Council. PUBLIC WRKS COMMITTEE Edwln P. Dumke ATEST: