CCR1973174RESOLUTION 6174-73 REQUESTING CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REVISED ZONING MAP BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cmn Councll cancel the publlc hearlng set for October 15, 1973 at the lntermedlate Hlgh School regarding Muskego's revls- Ions to the Zonlng Dlstrlct Map which Include two proposed catagories of Open Space and Envlromental District. Such hearing should be re-set at such time when the following condltions are fulfllled: 1. That the addltlon and changes to the Zoning Ordinance recomnended by the Clty Planner to the Plan Comnlssion on the Open Space & Enviromental Dlstrlct, which wou-Id be number Chapter 17, SeC. 9.09 and Chapter 17, Sec. 9.10 be returned to the Plan Comnlssion for necessary Public Hearlng would be set with the CouncII then mak- final recmendatlon. (Action was deferred July 17,1973.1. The tng their declsion thereafter. 2. That the amended approved copy of Muskego's Subdlvlslon Control Ordinance would be made available to the Clttzens of Muskego when flnallzed. 3. Zonlng Map be more detailed so that the average Cltlzen can iden- tlfy his property as related to the recomnended change of zonlng. 4. Mskego Comn Council submit to S.E.R.P. Cm. the changed zonlng map, the new Subdivision Control Ordinance and the proposed amend- ments to Zoning Ordlnance for their comnents or recomnendatlons as to how it relates to S.E.R.P. Comn. 1990 Reglnal Plan, and the economtc affect it would have now and in 1990 on the Clty of Muskego. Since there Is no charge for thls service, the request could ellminate the waste of Taxpayer's tax dollars. There is no obllgation on the part of the Clty to accept or reject all or some of thelr recomnendations. DATED THIS PAY OF ,1973. ATEST: Raymond R. Wallner City Clerk