CCR1973113RESOLUTION #113-73 DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY To PREPARE A LEASE FOR OLD CITY HALL WHEREAS, a representative of the Countryside Theater and Muskego Historical Society has proposed that the city lease to Fine Arts, Inc., a non-profit organization of the two above groups, the old city hall, and WHEREAS, they propose to refurbish both the interior and exterior of the building to meet State and City Building Codes, and WHEREAS, they further propose to make the building, upon completion, available to other organizations within the community, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the Common Council direct the City Attorney to prepare a lease for review by the Finance Committee and the Council, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the City Attorney to prepare a lease which would make available the old city hall to Fine Arts, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the lease shall by the Finance Committee for rplcommendation be reviewed to the Council. 1973. FINANCE COMMITTEE Edwin Dumke Paul Schaumberg ATTEST: City Clerk