CCR1972155RESOLUTION #155-72 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF DURHAM MEADOWS SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received the final plat of Durham Meadows Subdivision, and WHEREAS, it is in conformity to the preliminary plat which was approved by the Plan Commission, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval of the final plat of Durham Meadows Subdivision, subject to norma1 approvals by any objecting agency of the State, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve of the final plat of Durham Meadows subject to the approval of all State objecting agencies. BE IT FVRTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the plat in the name of the City after the record owner and other persons have entered into the Subdivision Agreement with the City of Muskego. a ATTEST: a OPEN SPACE ACRELh~iEbiI For Durham Meadows THIS AGREEMENT, made this /f day of August, 1972, by and between JACK L. LaBONTE, as owner of the property hereinafter described (the “Owner”) and the CITY OF MUSKECO, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, a municipal corporation (the “City”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owner holds fee title to the subdivision locatcd in the City known as “Durham Meadows,” including the plattcd Outlot which is subjcct to this Agreement, and, as a condition to the approval of the final plat of said subdivision, the City has required that Owner execute and deliver this instrument and record it concurrently with the recording of said plat; and WHEREAS, promptly after the recording of said plat Owner intends to convey said Outlot to the Durham Meadows Homes Association, Inc., for the common benefit of owners of platted building sites in said subdivision, and Owner and the City desire that said Outlot be subject to the provisions and restrictions of this Agreement at the time of such conveyance. NOW, THEREFORE, Owner hereby grants, assigns and sets over to the City the rights hereinafter described, and hereby declares that the property hereinafter described shall be used, held, transferred, sold and conveyed subject to the conditions, restrictions, coveiliiliis aorl easeiliailis hereinafter set forih: 1. Property Covercd. The property subject to this Agreement (herein called the “premises”) shall consist of Outlot 1, Block 2, of Durham Meadows, a subdivision of part of the SW%, Section 2, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 2. Uses Permitted. The premises shall be used only for (a) esthetic, recreational and cultural enjoyment, and the convenience of residents of Durham Meadows, including their occasional guests; (b) drainage courses; (c) installation as inconspicuously as possible of sewer, water, gas, electrical, telephone and other utility lines, facilities and equipment, television antennae and related facilities to serve or aid in the maintenance or operation of Durham Meadows; and (d) any other recreational use which does not materially detract from the value of the surrounding territory by reason of such use of the restricted open space in licu of the other uses herein permitted. 3. New Construction. This Agreement shall not preclude the construction or location upon the premiscs of any building, structure, sign, fence, equipment, apparutus or other improvement nccessnry or appropriate to the uscs permitted upon thc premises, but no such improvement, other than underground utility lines and installations, shall be constructed or installed except upon the prior approval of the City. e 4. Failure ;G XaiiitGa; CGilVE~ZlCE for PnXc Park. If ;t any time thc Durham Meadows Homes Association, Inc.. its corporate successors or its successors in title to the premises shall fail to maintain the premises in a clean, orderly manner and so as to avoid the premises bccoming a public nuisance or hazard to frequenters, and such condition shall continue unremedied for more than ninety days after delivery by the City to the . then owner of the premises, of written notice specifying the condition to be remedied, then the Common Council of the City, by duly adopted resolution, may direct and require that the then owner of the premises convey the same to the City, to Waukesha County or to any other governlnental body or district having jurisdiction over the area in which the premises are located, for public park purposes. Any deed for such required conveyance shall provide, for the benefit of owners of all lots in Durham Meadows, that the premises shall be used only for public park purposes and such other incidental uses as are specified in clauses (b) and (c) of Section 2 hereof. Upon the execution and delivery of such .conveyance, this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. 5. Ri$ts Reserved to Owner. Nothing herein contined shall be deemed to grant or convey to any person any legal estate in the premises, nor any easement for travel over, or license or other ri~t in and to such lands, except that the City, its agents and employees, shall have the right to enter upon the premises solely for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the terms hereof. e 6. Modification and Enforcement. This Agreement may be altered, amended or terminated in whole or in part by written instrument executed by or on behalf of the then owner of the premises and the City, pursuant to authorization of its Common Council. The City, by its acceptance hereof, agrees that the exclusive right to enforce this Agreement is vested and shall remain solely and exclusively in the City. 7:Term. This Ageement shall run with the land and shall be binding on all persons claiming under Owner for a period of ten years irom tne date hereof, after which time it shall automatically stand renewed for a further psiod of ten years, unless and until there has been recorded an instrument signed, authorized and executed as provided in Section 6 hereof. 8. Definitions. As used herein the term “Owner” shall mean the undersigned Owner and all persons claiming any estate or interest in the premises by or through him, and the term Wty” shall mean the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, or any other municipal corporation which succeeds to substantially the same zoning powers over the premises as are now possessed by said municipality e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has hereunto set his hand and seal and the City IMS caused its proper officers thereunto duly authorized to execute this Agreement to evidcnce its acceptance of the rights herein conferred, all as of date first above - written. :ses a$ to. Jack L. LaBonte JACK L. LaBI -2- a ’, Witncsscs as to Jcronlc J. FOR THE COMMON COUNCIL I m Bette J. Bowyer, . . . . . . . . . STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) Personally came before me this IC’% day of August, 1972, the above-named lack L. LaBonte, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged that he executed thc same as his own free act and deed. ?34awJQ . . .................................. Notary Public, Milwaukee County, Wis. , My Commission 7 13 ‘“75. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss WAUKESHA COUNTY ) Personally came before me this /f 1 day of August, 1972, the above-named Jerome J. Gottfricd, Mayor, and Bcttc J. Bowyer, City Clerk of the City of Muskego, to 4 I me known to be the pcrsons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to bc SIICII Mayor and City Clerk of said City of Muskego, and acknowledged that they excculcd the foregoing instrument as such officcrs as the decd of said City, by its authorily. This instrumcnt was prcpared by Ncal E. hl;discn Quarks, Ilcrriott, Clcmons, Tcschncr & Noclke 780 North Watcr Strcct .. I Milwaukcc, Wisconsin 53202 -3- SUDDIVISLON AGREEMENT For Durham Meadows THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of August, 1972, between the CITY OF MUSKEGO, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, a municipal corporation (the “City”), and JACK L. LaBONTE, as Owner of certain lands situated in the City described in a filial plat approved by the Common Council of thc City on July 25 , 1972 for a’residential subdivision to be known as “Durham Meadows” (the “Subdivision”); WHEREAS, Owner believes that the attractiveness and marketability of lots in the Subdivision depend upon a careful coordination of the quality and price of the services to be rendered to the residents thereof; and 0 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 236.13 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Subdivision and Platting Ordinance of the City, the City has determined, as a condition to its approval of the final plat of the Subdivision, that the subdivider shall make and install, or have made and have installed, the public improvements described in Section 2 hereof; and WHEREAS, the City believes that the orderly, planned developmcnt of the lands -included in the Subdivision with installation of the improvements listed in Section 3- of this Agreement best promote the health, safety and general welfare of the community, but the policies and general public works budget of the City do not include provision for ---,r---rt p., as.. . f?: sx!: LT~:cJ~.~E~~~?~:z cut cf g~nplra1 funds sf thz City; 2nd the City is therefore willing to proceed with the installation of certain of such improvements as public work, provided that the cost thereof is defrayed through special assessments upon the lots in the Subdivision benefited thereby, and the City ,is willing to make such special assessments payable in annual installments, provided that funds will be available through the issuance of Special Assessment B Bonds pursuant to Section 66.54 (IO) of the Wisconsin Statutes to cover the cost of such public work. a NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Owner agree as follows: 1. Prior to or simultaneously with the recordation of the plat of the Subdivision, Owner shall execute and record an Open Space Agreement and Declaration of Restrictions, and shall cause to be organized as a nonstock Wisconsin corporation Durham Meadows Homes Association, hc. in accordance with Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, all of wrhich instruments shall be in the form previously submitted to the City. 2. Owner, at his expense, shall cause engineering plans and specifications to bc prepared by Metropolitan Survey Service and furnished to the City, for the installation and construction of a community well, water mains, sanitary sewer mains. sewer and water laterals, surface water drainage facilities, and the grading, installation of road base and paving of streets to serve aU of the lots in the Subdivision. a 3. Upon approval by the City of such engineering plans and specifications, as submitted or thcreafter revised to meet requirements of the City: @ 3 (a) Developer, at Ius sole expcnsc, shall cause such water facilities to be installed in accordance wilh sui 11 plans and specifications; and (b) As to all of the other public improvements described in pnragnph 2 above (the “Public Work”), the City shall advertise, take bids and award a gcncral contract for the construction and installation of such Public Work in accordancc with its standard engineering and public works practices and the applicable statutes of the State of Wisconsin. 4. The City agrees that the cost of the Public Work shall be financed by a levy of special assessments against the platted building sites in the Subdivision, and agrees to issue Special Assessment B Bonds based upon such assessments, either to the general contractor in payment for the Public Work, or to a commercial bank pursuant to a written commitment for the purchase thereof furnished by Owner, as the City may elect. Owner agrees to reimburse the City for its out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with such levy of special assessments and issuance of I3 Bonds, including the cost of publication of legal notices, fees and disbursements of its legal counsel and any other out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by it, but not including any allocation for time of its salaried personnel. In addition, the Owner agrees to pay to the City as reimbursement for its administrative costs in handling the issuance of B Bonds, the maintenance of a sinking fund therefor, and handling the payments and prepayments upon such B Bonds the sum of $5.00 for each bond, payable when the bond is issued. e 5. To the extent the same are not included in the costs payable by the general contractor for the Public Work, the City shall bill to Owner, who shall promptly pay, all cost incurred by the City for inspection of the construction of the Improverncnts. 6. The following special provisions shall apply to the wet1,water mains and water laterals to be installed by Omer pursilant to paragapF, 2 abox (the “Watcr Faci!itics”): (a) If and to the extent necessary, the City shall grant a franchise to Owner, or to Durham Meadows Homes Association, Inc., as his successor in title to the Water Facilities, or to a trust which shall hold legal title to said facilities for the benefit of all owners of lots within the Subdivision, to operate a private utility to serve the Subdivision, provided, however, that the rates and service charges of such utility shall be formulated so as not to recoup, or produce any return upon, the initial capital cost of installing the Water Facilities. (b) The City shall have an indefinite option to require transfer of the Water Facilities without consideration from Owner or its successors in title thereto as of the end of any calendar month, upon at least thirty days’ prior written notice to the public owner of any municipal, intermunicipal, or metropolitan water system which may hereafter be established by the City of Muskego, either alone or in cooperation with other municipalities or any statutory water district, provided, however, that such option shall terminate if, prior to its exercise, and with the consent. of the City of Muskego, ownership of said Water Facilities shall have been transferred to a privately owned public utility, the proceeds from such sale having been divided among all of thc then lot owners. (c) The City grants to Owner, and to his successors in title to the Water -2- Facilities, a perpetual right and easement under all dedicated public streets in the Subdivision for thc installation, maintenance and repair of the Watcr Facilities. Owner, or his successors in title to the Water Facilities, in connection with any such maintenance and repair work, shall erect suitable, lighted barricades; shall repair, restore and rebuild as necessary all strects and othcr public improvements located in dcdicatcd streets which may be opened, damaged or removed in performing such work; and shall indemnify the City and hold it harmless against all loss, damage, claims and expense to or by any third party as a result of any such work performcd within the right-of-way of a public street. (d) The City at all times shall have the right to draw water from said system through the fire hydrants provided therefor for fire-fighting purposes in connection with the lots served by the water system without charge to such municipality. ~ " 7. The following special provisions shall apply: (a) All laterals shall be installed before street surfacing is commenced. (b) Any undersound work to be performed in public streets for the Water Facilities or by public utilities shall be completed before street surfacing. (c) Easements shall be provided by Owner Cor the use of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and the Wisconsin Telephone Company at the rear lot lines Cor the provision of services. (d) The Public Work and Water Facilities shall be installed in strict accordance with the requirements and specifications of the City of Muskego, and the City Engineer or his authorized representative, or as directed by said City Engineer; and shall be under and subject to continuous inspection by the City Engineer or his representatives. (0 The Owner shall pay a fee of $.20 per lineal foot of open drainage swales, such fees to be payable with respect to each such drainage swale within 30 days after the general contractor has been paid by the City for the seeding of that drainage swale. -3- (S) Owner shall not be relieved or discharged of his obligations under this Agement for installation of any improvements which are not bcing performed as public work until final inspcction and approval of all Improvements has been given by the City Engineer in writing. 8. The Owner acknowledges that the Conmon Council of the City of Muskego on November 18, 197 I, by Resolution No. 220-7 I, resolved to establish guidelines for considering proposed developments, including a guideline to the effect that: “All developments, except thosc on city-owned property, will be limited to 65% of the permitted density as established by the Zoning Ordinance.” The Owner further acknowledges that the City has applied this guideline to preclude present development of Lot 7 in Block I of Durham Meadows Subdivision. The Owner reserves the right to seek reconsideration of tlus determination at any time after November 18, 1973. The City reaffirms that it will diligently investigate the possibilities of expanding the capacity of its sewerage treatment facilities and take whatever action is necessary, within good planning concepts and economic feasibility, to provide adequate sewerage treatment facilities. 0 9. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives and assigns of Owner and the City and its successors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officials of the City of Muskego and tk Owncr have hereunto set their hands. ............ ............... Og&d& ... .............. Jack L. IaBonte Bette J. Bowyer, dxty Clkrk