CCR1972014RESOLUTION #14-72 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, Section 65.05 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Finance Committee that several necessary departmental budget expenditures exceeded that amount budgeted in 1971, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby direct the City Clerk-Comptroller to make the following transactions within the 1971 Budget: To transfer from Account 8292, Unappropriated Surplus, the amount of $28,324.84 to be distributed to the following accounts: 506.0122 507.048 508.015 510.023 510.027 510.046 510.047 510.048 510.049 510.082 511.072 511.073 511.074 511.076 512.051 512.052 517.083 520.0114 520.013 520.021 520.026 520.027 520.028 520.029 520.041 520.046 528.048 528.0112 551.011 559.048 602.048 622.00 Income Tax Other Supplies & Expense Court Jury Trials Notices & Publications Maintenance of Equipment Stationery & Office Supplies Postage City Maps Capital Outlay Property Appraisal Burglary & Hold-up Workman's Compensation Motor Vehicle Buildings & Contents Social Security Tax Health & Hospitalization Unclassified Salaries & Wages (Water Patrolmen) Automobile Allowance Dues & Memberships Maintenance of Bldgs. & Grounds Maintenance of Vehicles & Equip. Radio System Maintenance Telephone & Teletype Uniforms & Officer's Equipment Stationery & Office Supplies Other Supplies & Expense Professional Services Utilities Other Supplies & Expense Other Expenses Interest fl $4,239.06 472.65 35.18 267.45 804.06 367.18 831.05 105.41 100.00 133.00 138.00 1,716.03 2,286.45 1,892.00 3,433.10 1,877.54 282.15 525.00 75.68 146.74 590.22 938.74 904.90 1,675.84 1,323.01 147.44 3.26 17 . 72 115.21 204.40 1,416.40 1,259.97 DATED THIS ,23- DAY OF 1972. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST: 1/72 da/ Lois Sapp ad.- Robert Burkermeis ter 3*,d 2LLm.u - Frank Narlock