CCR1970241RESOLUTION 11241-70 (As Amended) ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS AND OTHER EMPmYEES OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 1971 BE IT RESOLVED that the following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated: ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Aldermen Clerk-Comptroller Treasurer Assessor Municipal Justice Automobile Allowance to: Mayor and Aldermen Assessor 0 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Buildinn Inspector Ass't Bidg. & Plbg. Inspector Stenographer Automobile Allowance to: Building Inspector Ass't Bldg. & Plbg. Inspector $ 4,800.00 per yr. 1,200.00 per yr. 10,165.00 per yr. 3,600.00 per yr. 8,345.00 per yr. 1,200.00 per yr. ,' 300.00 per yr. 900.00 per yr. 11,500.00 per yr. 10,895.00 per yr. 5,885.00 per yr. 1,000.00 per yr. 1,000.00 per yr. CITY HALL Deputy City Clerk , I 6,740.00 per yr. Clerk - Bookkeeper 5,455.00 per yr. Clerk - Stenographer 2.96 per hr. Clerk - typist 2.48 per hr. Custodian 2,450.00 per yr. Election Officials Inspectors and Clerks Inspectors and Clerks 2.00 pet mtg. e 20.00 per elect. ENGINEERING Engineer I Engineer I1 13,000.00 per yr. 12,000.00 pet: yr. POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief of Police Lieutenants PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park Supt. - Maintenance $3.50 First 6 weeks Park Maintenance Employees 1.60 First 6 weeks Director - Summer Program Dtrector - Winter Program Director - Fall Playground Director I @ Playground Director I1 Playground Assistant I Playground Assistant I1 13,725.00 per yr. 11,936.00 per yr. $4.00 thereafter 1.75 thereafter 1,600.00 per season 600.00 per season 100.00 per season 125.00 per week 115.00 per week 2.50 per hr. 2.00 per hr. Resolution #241-70 - Cont'd. Page 2. $ 7.00 per game 15.00 per :night 15.00 per night 15.00 per session 15.00 per night 15.00 per night 15.00 per night 6.00 per night 10.00 per night 6.00 per night 2.00 per hr. 1.60 per hr. 4.50 per 'hr. Game Officials Men's Evening Recreational Instructor Sat. A.M. Recreation Instructor Women's Evening Recreational Instructor Bandmaster Golf Instructor Bridge Instructor Baton Instructor afle Instructor Self Defense Tennis 4 Park Building Custodian I Park Building Custodian I1 WATER PATROL Salary Mileage CROSSING GUARDS Salary CIVIL DEFENSE Director LIBRARY Librarian Secretary Typist Pages HIGHWAY DEPARmNT Superintendent Foreman Highway Patrolmen Part time employees Mileage Allowance (Supt.) 500.00 per season 175.00 per season 100.00 per rno. 650.00 per yr. 3.21 per hr. 2.68 per hr. 2.03 per hr. 1.25 per hr. 11,550.00 per yr. 300.00 per yr. 4.37 per hr. 4.10 per hr. 3.50 per hr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all full time employees of the City 0 shall receive the following fringe benefits for the year 1971. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Any grievance or misunderstanding which may occur between the employee and the employer shall be handled in the following manner: Step One. The aggrieved employee shall present the grievance to Step Two. If a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached within the Department Head two weeks, the aggrieved employee shall present the grievance to the Finance Committee of the Comon Council. two weeks, the aggrieved employee shall present the grievance to the Common Council. Step Three. If a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached within OVERTIME All employees who work in excess of their normal regularly scheduled ' work day or regularly scheduled work week shall receive time and one- half for all of such hours worked. Resolution #241-70 - Cont'd. Page 3. WORK DAY All full time Highway Department personnel shall work 8% hours per day, except Saturday and Sunday from April 1st to September 30th., inclusive and 8 hours per day except Saturday and Sunday from October 1st to March 31st, inclusive. e All other full time employees in the Building Inspection Dept. and the City Clerk's Office, other than elected or appointed officials, shall work from 8:30 A.M. - 12:OO Noon and from 1:00 P.M. to 5:OO P.M. CALL IN Employees, when requested to work at a time not included in his regular work schedule, shall be paid a minimum of two hours at his applicable rate. HOLIDAYS All employees shall be granted eight (8) paid holidays each year. They are as follows: New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day One-half day on Good Friday Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day One-half day Dec. 24th July Fourth Christmas Day Labor Day e The half day holiday will mean four (4) Hours of time. An employee who works on a Sunday, which is not part of his normal work schedule shall receive double time. An employee who works on a holiday, which is not a part of his regular work schedule shall receive, in additional to his holiday pay, one and one-half times of his regular pay". VACATIONS After 1 year After 5 years 2 weeks 3 weeks Starting the sixth year one additional day vacation will be earned per year worked to a maximum of four (4) weeks. Vacations shall be taken within the following twelve (12) month period following anniversary date. INSURANCE BENEFITS Accident and health insurance to be paid by the City 100 per cent. 'The City will pay for the cost of $10,000.00 group life insurance. Each full-time employee will be provided with a variable annuity retirement plan in accordance with agreement between Lincoln National Life Insurance Company and the City of Muskego. SICK LEAVE (a) When eligible. Sick leave as used herein shall be defined as "absence from duty of an Employee because of illness, bodily injury, or exposure to a contagious disease." (b) Employees shall be given sick leave with pay, at the rate of one day sick leave for each completed calendar month of compensated service. The term "each completed calendar month of compensated serrice" shall be construed to mean any calendar month in which the Employee has completed twenty (20) days of compensated service. This definition applied to all employees engaged in the service of the City except part- time and seasonal employees or employees who are paid on a per diem basis. Resolution 11241-70 - Cont'd. Page 4. Each employee shall be entitled to one sick day per month, cumulative to 120 days, payment to begin with the first day sick. (c) Use of Sick Leave Credits. If an employee is absent from work due to illness and at such time has accumulated insufficient sick leave to cover the time lost, the amount of time lost shall be deducted from current earnings of said employees, provided however, that for each month worked during such calendar year by said employee during which no sick leave is taken, said employee shall be reimbursed for the time he had lost as a consequence of the insufficient accumulation of sick leave. (d) Sick Leave Extension by Overtime and Vacation. Accumulated overtime may be used as a matter of right by an employee who is entitled to sick leave to cover the period of illness or disability. In such cases an employee may also elect to use accumulated vacation credits. (e) Doctor examination. The employer may require any employee absent for four (4) or more days to submit to an examination by a Medical Doctor designated and paid for by the employer. (f) Employees who retire from the service of the employer shall be entitled to pay for any unused sick leave days up to sixty (60) days. TIME OFF FOR FUNERALS (a) In the event of the death of a member of any employee's immediate family, up to three (3) days leave of absence with pay will be granted for the purpose of making funeral arrangements or attendance at funeral. (b) Immediate family is described as wife, children, parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters of the employee or his spouse. JURY DUTY In case an employee is called for jury duty, the City will pay the employee the difference between jury duty pay and that pay normally paid by the City. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF December ,1970. FINANCE COMMIlTEE W&V&- Walter Wollman ATTEST: /&+ City Clerk 12/8/70 je