CCR1970219RESOLUTION #219-70 ACCEPTING THE LOW BID FOR THE GRADING BlPD STREET INSTALLATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL PARK h a. WHEREAS, bids for the grading and street installation of the city's Industrial Park were opened on October 13, 1970, at 4:OO P.M., and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: CONTRACTOR Ala. Alt. Excav. Base Topsdil'g Marsh Trees 11 1 - - # 2 Cu.Yd. C.Y. Sq.Yd. C.Y. In. Jas. Gyuro $185,000.0145,000 42c 2.00 48c 29c 1.90" Stoehr Gr. 161,635 127,831 42c 3.00 2 5c 45c 2.25" Stack Con. 179,000 150,700 48~ 3.20 2% 1.00 3.00'' and e WHEREAS, the Engineering Firm of Birch, Grisa & Phillips and the Finance Committee has recommended that the low bid of Stoehr Grading Co. for Alternate #l be accepted, and WHEREAS, it will be necessary for approval of the contract by t:he City Attorney and assurance that sufficient finances are availa.ble to pay for the project, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby, upon recommendation of Birch - Grisa - Phillips and the Finance Committee,does hereby accept the low bid of Stoehr Grading Co. as shown below: Alt. Alt. 11 1 Excav. Base Topsoil'g Marsh #2 Trees Cu.Yd. Cu.Yd Sq. Yd. Cu.Yd. In. $161,635 $127,831 42c 3.00 2% 45c 2.25" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this acceptance is predicated upon approval of the contract by the City Attorney and that adequate finances are available for the project. DATED THIS L3 DAY OF a&, ,1970. FINANCE COMMITTEE ~ Walter Wollmam * ATTEST: City Clerk ,a &$Ldif Lois Sapp d$ w& Frank Narlocli