CCR1969017RESOLUTION #2-69 AMENDING SECTION F.0F RESOLUTION #4-69 ESTABL ISH I NG SALARI ES I N THE PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED that the following salaries shall be paid e to the various persons occupying the posit ions herein stated. Park & Recreation Maintenance Director $2.50 - 3.50 per hr. Park Custodians 2.00 - 2.50 per hr. Assistant Park Custodians 1.50 - 1.80 per hr. Director - Summer Program Director - Winter Program Secret ar Y Playground Directors Playground Assistants Playground Assistants Playgrsund Assistants $1,400.00 per season 25.00 per week 2.00 Der hr. $75.00 - $lOO.OO Weekly-per experience $I .SO per hr. I st. yr. 1.60 per hr. 2nd. yr. 1.70 per hr. 3rd. yr. Game Officials $ 6.00 per game Men’s Evening Recreational Instructor 15.00 per night Saturday A.M. Recreational Instructor 4.50 per hr. Women’s Evening Recreational Instructor 15.00 per night Band Master 15.00 per session Dated this .J( day of February, 1969. n [k Mayor e ATTEST: & /&A c/ City Clerk