CCR1968177a&SOLUTION 11177-68 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO AUTHORIZE UTILITY INSTALLATIONS IN PUBLIC STREETS WHEREAS, the Common Council acts as the Board of Public Works for the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, Section 62.14 Statutes provides that the duties of a Board of Public Works Shall be carried on by the Common Council or by a committee thereof, and WHEREAS, from time to time requests are made of the City by various utilities for authority to install service pipes and other utility installations in, over and upon public streets in the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Works Committee of the Common Council shall have the authority to grant or deny all ordinary and routine requests by utility companies for the stallation of service pipes and other utility installations in and upon public streets of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event of a request which appears to be other than for a normal or routine installation that the Public Works Cornittee refer the request to the Common Council for action. Dated this $./ day of 1968. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE w&-w& Walter Wollman 7UL& Harold DeBack dmund Budish