CCR1967104RESOLUTION 9104-67 ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR SEWER PROJECTS - LAGOON, LIFT STATION & FORCE MAIN WHEREAS the Municipsl Sewer Committee of the Common Council has been authorized to advertise for bids for the proposed sewer project for the City of Muskego, 2nd LJHEREAS the following bids have been received for the lagoon, lift " ststion an? force mp.in: Contrrctor C & C Construction Co. Grange Construction Co. Fa.ust Co. Stoehr Grading Milwaukee Undergrouni Rym, Inc. of \,,!isconsin Edw. X. Ryan, Inc. Debelak Brothers StRck Construction FJolf Construction James Guyro Contract "A" Contract "B" Lagoon Lift S tg tion Total Force Main & $ 75,645.00 -" 120,000.00 "_ 115,500.00 36&,400.00 104,803.56 110,608.00 144,800.00 139,585.56 "_ $ 62,170.00 $ 137,815.00 70,500.00 77,370.50 91,640.00 78,805.00 67,4.25.00 "_ "- "- -" "_ 207,140.00 172,22G.56 2nd !\THEREAS the Engineer of the City of Muskego 2nd the Municipal Sewer Committee has recommended that the bid for the lagoon, lift st? tion and force m2in be swerded to C & C Construction Co., THEKEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thpt the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby award the bid for the proposed sewer projects of the lggoon, lift stetion and force mPin be ?warded to C & C Construction Company, Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $137,815.00 BE IT FURTHER Futhorized to ATTEST: RESOLVED that the City Clerk and the Msryor sre hereby sign the contrsrct in the neme of the City of Muskego. MUNICIPAL SEL. /&$?TE-J City Clerk