CCR1966114RESOLUTION #114 AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR THE CLEARING AND CLEANING OF MUSKEO CREM FROM WOODS ROAD SOUTH TO BIG MUSKEG0 LARE WHEREAS the Public Works Committee had been authorized by the Common Council to advertise for bids for the purpoae of cleaning and widening Muskego Creek from Woods Road south to Big Muskego Lake and, WHEREAS, the following bids were received Williams Construction Co. Alternate #1 $ ._ -. Alternate #2 8,400.00 Moore Construction Co. Alternate #1 la, 500. oa Alternate #2 10,150.00 Wolf Construction Co. Alternate #1 13,600. aa Alternate #2 b,5oa.oo DeBack Construction Co. Alternate #1 11,8ao.oo Alternate #2 5,250.00 Stack Construotion Co. Alternate #1 1a,goo.oo Alternate #2 10,050.00 WEIEREAS the Public Works Committee has recommended that the DeBack Construction Company be awarded the project on the basis of the low bid of $5,250.00, !CHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby award to the DeBack Construction Comnanv the contract to clean and widen the MuskeRo Creek from Woods Road south to Big Muskego Lake at a cost of $5,250.00. BE IT FUR!EiER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the contract in the name of the City. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE //