CCR2011009-AttachmentOne Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -1- January 18, 2011 January 18, 2011 Mr. David Simpson, P.E. City Engineer City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150-0749 SUBJECT: Request for Proposal-Cornell/Catalina Storm Sewer Design Dear Mr. Simpson: Graef-USA Inc. (GRAEF) is pleased to provide this proposal for engineering services to the City of Muskego (City). This proposal is subject to GRAEF’s Standard Terms and Conditions, a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference. This proposal is for professional services for the Cornell/Catalina Storm Sewer Design (PROJECT). It is our understanding that this PROJECT consists of the design and preparation of construction documents for: • Storm sewers (to be built in the right-of-way of Catalina and Brentwood Drive and City property) to reduce the amount of overland flow within the area of Cornell Drive and Catalina Drive during low recurrence interval storm events. • Additional inlets or inlet modifications at and near the intersection of Cornell Drive and Catalina Drive. • Storm sewers constructed in the ditches with inlets to drain the areas between the driveways. • One storm sewer along a yet to be determined lot line on the north side of from Cornell Drive to reduce overland flow between the homes. One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -2- January 18, 2011 Compensation GRAEF proposes to provide the following scope of basic services for a lump sum fee as listed below, plus reimbursable expenses. Our fees and reimbursable expenses will be billed on a monthly basis as work is completed. Basic Services: Task 1 - Project Planning and Management $1,250 Task 2 – Survey $3,200 Task 3 - Hydraulic Design Analysis $2,200 Task 4 - Storm Sewer Design and Construction Documents $9,300 Task 5 - Permitting $1,200 Task 6 - Bidding Services $800 Total $17,950 We anticipate that reimbursable expenses will be approximately $400. Reimbursable expenses will include mileage, and express mail or delivery charges. Alternate Services: Wetland Delineation $1,450 Individual Water Resources Application for Project Permits $1,050 Water Quality BMP Design (survey, geotech, etc., see below) $7,100 Schedule It is the desire of the City of Muskego to develop construction documents for late spring/early summer construction. Because of this, we propose an 8 week time frame for the design, construction documentation, and permitting process. GRAEF has the staff and experience to easily meet this schedule. Our proposed schedule is: Contract Award January 24, 2011 Kickoff Meeting January 31, 2011 Hydraulic Design Analysis Meeting February 10, 2011 One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -3- January 18, 2011 Public Works Committee Meeting (City staff only) February 21, 2011 City Meeting to Review Preliminary Design Plans March 10, 2011 City Meeting to Review Final Construction Documents March 24, 2011 Basic Services Task 1 – Project Planning and Management GRAEF will: • Attend a Project Kick-off Meeting to discuss scope of the proposed project, verify the project schedule, discuss Muskego construction documents standards, identify key project concerns, and discuss modeling alternatives. • Provide quality management during the project and overall project management. Task 2 - Survey GRAEF will perform a topographic field survey for: • The proposed storm sewer alignment (right-of-way to right-of way) along Catalina Drive and Brentwood Drive. • The proposed open channel in Kurth Park from Brentwood Drive to the Lamb Nursery property. • The proposed open channel in the Lamb Nursery property between Kurth Park and Tess Corners Creek • Along two lot lines on the north side of Cornell Drive from Cornell Drive to the rear lot line. This work will include that will include cross-sections every 50 feet along the mainline and side roads as well as all driveways. The topographic field survey will locate pavement edges, shoulders, ditches, driveways, trees, visible utilities, high points, low points, and the markings of utilities provided by others. Invert elevations and pipe diameters will be field measured on all culvert facilities within the project limits. Data from the field survey will be incorporated into a base map prepared in accordance with standards required by the City of Muskego. The base map will include topographic One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -4- January 18, 2011 features, existing ground contours, tree sizes, and pipe diameters noted in inches, rim and invert elevations. Task 3 – Hydraulic Design Analysis Peak discharges and preliminary storm sewer pipe sizes were prepared as part of the drainage study for Cornell Drive and Catalina Drive. This existing XP-SWMM model will be used to evaluate alternative storm sewers sizes to estimate the benefits of larger storm sewers or more efficient storm sewers on the depth of stormwater ponding during low recurrence rainfall events. GRAEF will provide a preliminary opinion of probable construction cost for each pipe size and material. This will assist the Board of Public Works in making an informed decision as to which pipe size is the most attractive while providing the most benefit possible. A comparison matrix will then be prepared for presentation by City staff to the Board of Public Works. This matrix will include a cost estimate for each pipe size or material combination and the depths of stormwater ponding remaining at the Cornell and Catalina Drives intersection. In addition the existing XP-SWMM model will also be used to evaluate: • Adding inlet modifications and capacity to the proposed stormwater conveyance system. • Analysis of a supplemental or a replacement storm sewer to convey stormwater eastward along Cornell Drive to Catalina Drive. GRAEF will meet with City staff to discuss the resulting comparison matrix. Task 4 – Storm Sewer Design After the Public Works Committee selects the size of storm sewer for design, GRAEF will provide storm sewer design services that will include the preparation of construction documents for the proposed storm sewer project. Engineering design will consist of the following elements: • Storm sewer material selection. • Meeting with City to review preliminary plans of 1,700 feet of storm sewer and inlet modifications. One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -5- January 18, 2011 • Final Construction Documents consisting of the following information: o Title Sheet o 1 inch = 20 feet plan and profile sheets of the storm sewer o Construction details for the open channel between the end of the storm water and Tess Corners Creek o Details for new and modified inlets and the storm sewer outfall o Erosion Control and Restoration Plans • Revise City standard technical specifications to include material used for this project. • Utility Coordination: o GRAEF will contract utilities (the City for water and sewer, ATT, cable, and WE for gas and electric) based on facility maps provided by utility companies and topographic survey collected by our survey crews within the project area. The survey will identify existing private and public utilities in the vicinity of the project. Known utilities will be provided a copy of the survey to verify the location of their facilities. o A utility coordination meeting may be conducted during the design process to define any necessary facility adjustments and to establish a timeline for the adjustments to be made. • An opinion of probable construction cost for the final design. • A project manual will be prepared for the project in accordance with the standard as provided by the City. • Final construction document review meeting. Task 5 – Permitting Although no wetlands are expected, the last 100 feet of the project where the new storm sewer will discharge, via an open channel into Tess Corners Creek, may have wetlands. GRAEF is proposing a wetland review. A GRAEF wetland scientist will review background information and visit the site to determine if a wetland is possibly present. If none are present, then document that wetlands based upon this review are not present. One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -6- January 18, 2011 If there is a possibility of a wetland then GRAEF would proceed with a wetland delineation (see Alternate Services). It is anticipated that a general permit will be required to connect the proposed storm sewer outfall to Tess Corners Creek via the open channel. GRAEF will request an Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) Determination to verify that the outfall is outside of the OHWM and meet with WDNR to confirm that a general permit is all that is required. GRAEF will then prepare both the general permit application and the NOI. Task 6 – Bidding Services GRAEF will assist the City during bidding as follows: • Attend the bid opening. • Analyze the bids received. • Prepare a recommendation to the City for award of the construction contract. Alternate Services Wetland Delineation Based upon the background date collected and reviewed in Task 5, GRAEF may need to perform a wetland determination and delineation within 50 feet of the open channel using the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987) and the Sept. 2008 Corps of Engineers Interim Midwest Regional Supplement. If a waterway exists without a wetland, mark the approximate Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). GRAEF will coordinate with our surveyors to locate the wetland boundary flags or OHWM flags placed in the Field Investigation. If wetlands are identified and delineated, a brief letter report will be prepared that documents the wetland investigation. The purposes of the report will be to define jurisdictional wetland boundaries and describe the rationale and methods that were used. A draft copy of this report will be sent to the City for approval before it is sent to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the Corps of Engineers for their review and concurrence. One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -7- January 18, 2011 Water Resources Application for Project Permits If the project requires an individual permit, GRAEF will prepare the Water Resources Application for Project Permits application. (This is the old Chapter 30 permit.) Water Quality BMP Design The drainage study for the Cornell/Catalina suggested adding a water quality Best Management Practice (a small wet detention pond) in Kurth Park that would treat flows up to the 2-year discharge. Design tasks for the design would include additional survey, geotechnical investigations (one soil boring and soil testing), TSS reduction evaluation, additional WDNR permitting, landscaping plans, native vegetation plans, and coordination meetings with the City’s Park Department. Additional Services GRAEF can provide the following Additional Services for additional compensation. Additional Services will not be performed without your written approval. • Plan reproduction • Prepare a final design report. • Attend additional meetings regarding the project • Prepare additional presentations to Council or Council committees • Prepare for and attend a presentation to the Citizens of the affected areas • Prepare plats for land leases, easements, etc. • Provide additional color renderings, graphics and plans for presentations • Engineering Services During Construction City Provided Material It is our understanding that the City will provide the following: • All Temporary Construction and Permanent Easements required to build this project • Access to all project sites as needed for survey purposes. One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -8- January 18, 2011 • Additional electronic topographic information and maps, aerial photographs, land use and soil, and utility plans or records. • Digital DTM files with point elevations • City standard specifications for storm sewer, inlet, manhole and open channel construction, et. al. • “Front ends” to the construction documents, .e.g. contract documents, general and special conditions Project Team GRAEF proposes the project team of • Randy Videkovich, P.E., P.H., D.WRE as project manager • Ryan Kloth, P.E., CDT, CFM, and Jacquelyn Messer, P.E., as project engineers • John McCarthy, P.E., LEED® AP for quality management Resumes of these individuals are attached to this letter proposal. Acceptance GRAEF look s forward to working with you on this project. Please feel free to contact Ryan at 414-266-9063 or Randy at 414-266-9048 if you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal. Sincerely, Graef-USA Inc. Accepted by: City of Muskego ____________________________ (Signature) Michael N. Paulos, P.E., LEED® AP, C.D.T. Principal-in-Charge ____________________________ One Honey Creek Corporate Center 125 South 84th Street, Suite 401 Milwaukee, WI 53214-1470 414 / 259 1500 414 / 259 0037 fax www.graef-usa.com Mr. David Simpson, P.E. -9- January 18, 2011 (Name Printed) ____________________________ (Title) Date :_______________________ Introduction Professional Registration: Education: Continuing Education: Professional Certifications: Professional Affiliations: Village of Pleasant Prairie, Carol Beach Unit 1 Stormwater Ponding Mitigation, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin - Project Manager: Managed the evaluation of alternatives, design, public involvement, and permitting of unacceptable stormwater ponding mitigation for the Carol Beach Unit 1 subdivision in the Tobin Creek Watershed. Project included design stormwater Best Management Practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution before stormwater enters Tobin Creek and the Chiwaukee State Nature Preserve. A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Chapter 30 permit is required for this project. Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Menomonee River Stream Management Project, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Project Manager: Managed the design of removing the concrete channel liner from 900 linear feet on Menomonee River from just upstream of the Soo Line Spur Railroad Bridge (RM 4.24) to the Wisconsin Avenue Bridge (RM 4.07) in the City of Milwaukee. This project area contains concrete channel liner with Works Project Administration (WPA) walls on both banks. GRAEF is evaluating two potential alternatives with the current HEC-RAS hydraulics model to determine their impact on increasing flood risk along the Valley Park levee wall. Alternative one is the minimum required to provide fish passage and the second reflects the level of effort required to both provide fish passage and create a more vegetated (natural) riparian corridor that is reconnected with hydrologic cycles of the river. The overall project design will be environmentally acceptable and consistent with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) floodplain management and construction activity regulatory requirements. Appleton Southeast Watershed Subsurface Storage Design, City of Appleton, Appleton, WI – Project Manager: Unacceptable levels of stormwater ponding occurred in the City’s Southeast Watershed during past rainfall events, especially the July 20, 2003 event. This project included the 30 percent design and final design underground storage of excess stormwater at Mr. Videkovich specializes in flood risk reduction and stormwater management with experience in large and small storm hydrology; open channel and pipe hydraulics; low impact development; instream water quality; nonpoint source pollution control; stormwater, sewer system, and water course modeling; groundwater flow and quality; environmental assessments; data management; and dam safety and hazard evaluations. He translates the results of complex analyses into recommendations useful for design and regulatory compliance, regularly uses hydrologic and hydraulic models such as HEC-1, HEC-2, HEC-RAS, DAMBRK, XP-SWMM, SLAMM, SAM, TR-20, TR-55, and HSP, and incorporates sustainable and green features into his designs. Mr. Videkovich is a member of the Waukesha County (Wisconsin) Stormwater Advisory Committee and the Industrial Advisory Council, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee. He is a citizen member of both the Transit Commission and the Board of Public Works of the city of Waukesha (Wisconsin). He is also an adjunct professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, where he teaches senior design. Professional Registration: Professional Engineer - IL, WI, OH, MO Professional Hydrologist - WI Education: ME, Civil Engineering and Water Resources, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1975 BS, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1972 Professional Memberships: American Society of Civil Engineers American Academy of Water Resources Engineers, Diplomat, Water Resource Engineer Association of State Floodplain Managers American Public Works Association Randolph M. Videkovich, PH, PE, D.WRE Project Manager two sites (20 and 29 acre feet) at Appleton East High School, one under a parking lot and the other under a soccer field. Thirty percent design induced geotechnical and survey along with hydraulic optimization of the design using XP-SWMM. The final design and cost estimates were presented to the Utilities Committee. City of Wauwatosa, CLOMR Muellner Building Floodproofing and Hart Park Floodplain Lowering, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin - Project Manager Supervised the City of Wauwatosa Conditional Letter of Map Revision submittal for the floodproofing of the Muellner Building Complex, located at the west end of Hart Park, and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District’s Hart Park Floodplain lowering project. This CLOMR analyzed these project impacts on the Effective Regulatory Hydraulic Model for the Menomonee River that was obtained from the WDNR. The proposed Muellner Building Floodproofing design elements were added into the model along with survey information from the Hart Park Floodplain lowering project. Village or Pleasant Prairie, Grant Applications, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin - Project Manager: Oversaw grant applications submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Commerce and the Great Lakes Restoration Imitative, on the behalf of the village. Village of Fox Point, Dean Road Stormwater Management Area, Fox Point, Wisconsin - Project Manager: Supervised the final design, specifications, and construction related services for approximately 850 feet of storm sewer, 1,000 feet of water main, a 0.5-acre dry stormwater pond, and 200 feet of stabilized drainage channel. The project consisted of the purchase two houses in the village of Fox Point and the construction of a 0.5-acre dry detention pond and a 21-inch storm sewer to relieve flooding conditions in the East Dean Road neighborhood tributary to Indian Creek. In addition to alleviating flooding the immediate area, the detention pond reduces peak flows into Indian Creek. Indian Creek itself is flood prone and has a history of flooding nearby Santa Monica Boulevard. City of Appleton, St. E’s Basin (and others) Stormwater Management Studies, Appleton, Wisconsin - Project Manager: Evaluated the quantity and rate of stormwater flow in the St. E’s, Kensington North, Green Bay Road, State Street, Locust and Spencer Streets, East College Avenue, West Wisconsin Avenue, Northland Creek, Coop Road, Southeast Basin, Bellaire Ravine, and Red Oak Ravine drainage basins to eliminate ponded stormwater on the streets during the 10-year (10 percent), 24-hour storm event and limit ponded stormwater on the streets to less than 6-inches at the crown during the 100-year (1 percent), 24-hour storm event. Updated the City’s Stormwater Management Plan’s XP-SWMM model to include storm sewers 12 inches in diameter and greater, evaluated the storm sewer sizing and inlet capacity for the above areas, evaluated overland flow paths and the need for additional storage or conveyance capacity. Projects that were recommended and built include several regional detention ponds, supplemental conveyance capacity, and underground storage. These basin studies also looked for opportunities to place small scale BMPs in areas not tributary to a regional pond. Implementation of these BMPs is coordinated with the City’s street reconstruction projects. City of Appleton, Southeast Watershed Subsurface Storage Analysis, Appleton, Wisconsin - Project Manager: Unacceptable levels of stormwater ponding occurred in the City’s Southeast Watershed during past rainfall events, especially the July 20, 2003 event. This project updated the previous XP-SWMM hydraulic evaluations of the watershed, evaluated floodproofing options, examined underground storage of stormwater outside of the right-of-way, and prepared construction cost estimates. Four possible underground storage sites outside of the right-of-way would have positive impact on reducing unacceptable stormwater ponding. Two of these sites are on the Appleton East High School property, one under a parking lot and the other under a soccer field. These alternatives were presented to the Utilities Committee that recommended further discussions with the School District. Randolph M. Videkovich, PH, PE, D.WRE Project Manager Introduction Professional Registration: Education: Continuing Education: Professional Certifications: Professional Affiliations: Ryan Kloth, PE, CFM, CDT Stormwater Engineer Ryan brings fifteen years of public and private sector experience to GRAEF. His background includes: Water Resource Management, Hydraulic Analysis, Floodplain Management, Civil Site Design, Municipal Engineering, Permitting, Cost Estimation, and Construction Inspection. His diverse background will make him a valuable member of the project team. Professional Registration: Professional Engineer - Wisconsin Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Continuing Education: Advanced HEC-RAS training (May 2007) Illinois Dept. of Transportation-22.5 Professional Development Hours Post-Construction Stormwater Management Workshop, Wet Pond and Proprietary Devices, UW-Extension Dam Safety and Rehabilitation, ASCE Confined Space Training Professional Affiliations: American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Wisconsin Association of Floodplain, Stormwater, and Coastal Management (WAFSCM) - Current Secretary Village of Pleasant Prairie, Carol Beach Unit 1 Stormwater Ponding Mitigation, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin - Project Engineer: Evaluated alternatives, design, public involvement, and permitting of unacceptable stormwater ponding mitigation for the Carol Beach Unit 1 subdivision in the Tobin Creek Watershed. Project included design stormwater Best Management Practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution before stormwater enters Tobin Creek and the Chiwaukee State Nature Preserve. A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Chapter 30 permit is required for this project. Hart Park Muellner Building Floodproofing Final Design, Wauwatosa, WI - Project Engineer: Designed proposed grading, erosion control, and site storm sewer to collect and convey roof runoff outside of the containment area created by proposed floodwall and levee systems that protect the Muellner Building Complex. Designed surface storm sewer to convey runoff to underground detention. Performed a floodplain analysis using HEC-RAS V. 4.0 to determine the effect the project has on the adjacent 100-yr floodplain. Hart Park, Muellner Building Floodproofing Study, Wauwatosa, WI - Project Engineer: Developed and analyzed several floodproofing options for the existing Muellner Building Complex located at Hart Park in Wauwatosa, WI. The Muellner Building Complex has historically received flooding from the Menomonee River. These options were analyzed for cost and constructability. This work also included the preparation of a final design report with a recommended floodproofing option presented to the City. The existing Muellner Building Complex is approximately 4 acres in size. Utilized HEC-RAS V. 4.0 Kerry Centre, Beloit, WI - Stormwater Engineer: Performed a Floodplain Modification Analysis of 2,500 feet of Spring Brook, which is a tributary of the Rock River located in the City of Beloit, WI. The analysis was performed using HEC-RAS hydraulic software and an analysis report was created and accepted Ryan Kloth, PE, CFM, CDT Stormwater Engineer Town of Brookfield - Town Engineer, Brookfield, WI - Town Engineer: Reviewed eight development projects throughout the Town of Brookfield, WI for conformance with Town Standards. Also, managed drainage issues throughout the Town and developed and implemented the NR 216 Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permit. The Town of Brookfield is a thriving community located 15 miles west of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Miller Brewing, Inc. Truck Spotter Yard, Eden, N.C. - Stormwater Engineer: Performed detention pond and water quality design pertaining to a asphalt truck spotter yard at the Miller Brewing facility in Eden, N.C., created the stormwater management report, and was in charge of obtaining North Carolina environmental permitting for the construction of the project. City of Greenfield-Engineering Services, Greenfield, WI - Project Engineer: Assisted City Engineer by reviewing ten development projects throughout the City for conformance with City Standards. The City of Greenfield is a community in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area with a population of 35,000. Brookfield Square Mall, Brookfield, WI - Project Engineer: Performed civil site design and stormwater management for the 1.5 acre Claim Jumper restaurant site at the Brookfield Square Mall in Brookfield, WI. City of Hartford Compliance, Hartford, WI - Project Manager: This project was for the City of Hartford to be in compliance with 20% Total Suspended Solids Removal Requirements as set forth by the WDNR. Managed the development of a city-wide Water Quality (SLAMM) Model. The model was developed to calculate the percentage of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removed within the city as a result of implemented controls. WE Energies, Brookdale Substation, Greenfield, WI - Project Engineer: Performed site civil design and was responsible for obtaining all city and WDNR permitting pertaining to Storm Water Management and Erosion Control for an expansion to an existing WE Energies substation. by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The purpose of the analysis was determine upstream and downstream effects on water surface elevations and stream velocities based on a proposed stream relocation. Responsible for applying for and receiving a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) from FEMA which was required for building occupancy. Milwaukee Regional Medical Center Detention Basin No. 1, Milwaukee County, WI - Stormwater Engineer: Performed HEC-RAS hydraulic analysis of an existing culvert system downstream of the proposed detention basin to determine hydraulic performance of the existing system and a replacement system. Prepared grading and erosion control plans and assisted with the preparation of project specifications. Beloit College - Beloit, WI - Stormwater Engineer: In charge of the Stormwater Management Plan as part of a campus-wide improvement project. The current campus is approximately 50 acres. Also a member of the Beloit College LEED Design Team responsible for satisfying LEED Stormwater Quantity Control Credit 6.1. The Pier at Tempe Town Lake, Tempe, AZ - Stormwater Engineer: Performed stormwater design and prepared the Master Stormwater Management Report for this 30 acre, mixed-use development located along Tempe Town Lake. Stormwater design included underground detention due to space constraints and the lack of pervious surface and proprietary treatment devices to treat stormwater before it entered public systems. Also designed portions of the proposed storm sewer system, prepared the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and NPDES permit work. Quad/Graphics, Inc. CRT Expansion, Hartford, WI and Martinsburg, WV - Stormwater Engineer: Performed stormwater design, created stormwater management plans, erosion control plans, and obtained Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources permitting for building expansions at both of these Quad/Graphic facilities. Jacquelyn Messer, PE Design Engineer Jackie has been actively involved in a variety of transportation and public works projects since starting at GRAEF in 2006. She specializes in various transportation projects for public and private clients. Jackie has designed rural to urban roadway reconstruction projects and roadway rehabilitation projects. She has also designed storm sewers, ditches, and overland flow paths to improve drainage on existing sites. Jackie participates in the public involvement process for her projects, meeting with both clients, agencies, affected businesses, and residents insure that all parties involved understand and approve of the proposed project. Professional Registration: Professional Engineer – Wisconsin Education: B.S., Civil Engineering Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI S. 78th Street – S. 79th Street Reconstruction, City of Greenfield, WI, – Design Engineer for a complete storm sewer system for a 0.5 mile rural-to-urban roadway reconstruction project in the City of Greenfield in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Additional work included full urban roadway reconstruction, driveway improvements, and site grading between S. 78th Street, S. 79th Street, and W. Coldspring Road. Responsibilities included development of roadway geometrics, drainage design, cross sections, cost estimates, agency coordination, and public involvement. CTH C/Airline Road, Racine County, WI – Design Engineer for improvements to the intersections of Airline Road, Stuart Road and Summerset Drive with CTH C (Spring Street). The project includes the design of the full intersection with traffic signalization and safety improvements, as well as a complete storm sewer system. Additional responsibilities included assisting in the development of roadway geometrics, drainage design, cross sections, cost estimates, agency coordination, and public involvement. Lilly Road and Lisbon Road, City of Brookfield, WI - Design Engineer of a storm sewer system for this intersection reconstruction project in the City of Brookfield. Additional services included traffic analysis, survey, horizontal and vertical geometry improvements, and traffic signal design. W. Oakwood Road Reconstruction & Signals, City of Franklin, WI - Design Engineer for a storm sewer system as part of a complete reconstruction that widened the existing two-lane rural roadway to a four-lane urban divided roadway. The new roadway also includes water main, sanitary sewer, storm water detention, storm water management, street lighting, landscaping and signal design. S. 31st Street Extension & Signals, City of Franklin, WI - Design Engineer for implementation of an extension and reconstruction to segments of S. 31st Street, which has signal locations at W. Rawson Ave and W. Minnesota Ave. The project was constructed in two phases and includes storm water management, utilities, landscaping and signal design. Representative Project Experience: Brookdale Area Street Reconstruction Project, City of Greenfield, WI – Design Engineer for a storm sewer system for a 2.0 mile rural-to-urban roadway reconstruction project in the City of Greenfield in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Additional work included full urban roadway reconstruction, driveway improvements, site grading, and landscaping between Root River Parkway, W. Layton Avenue, and S. 92nd Street. Responsibilities included development of roadway geometrics, drainage design, cross sections, cost estimates, agency coordination, and public involvement. John T. McCarthy, PE, LEED® AP Principal, Site Development Team Leader John has 34 years of experience on projects at GRAEF. As a Principal of the firm and the Site Development Team Leader, he provides leadership on many of the firm’s site development projects. In addition to his expertise in site development, John has a great deal of experience in stormwater management, sanitary sewer design, and preparation of permit applications for a variety of projects. Professional Registration: Professional Engineer – WI, IL, VA Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, 1974 Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI Professional Certifications: LEED® Accredited Professional Professional Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Wisconsin Association of Floodplain, Stormwater, and Coastal Managers, WAFSCM Publications: Stormwater Quality Enhancement Associated with Widening of the Tri-State Tollway Proceedings of the Association of State Floodplain Managers Annual Conference, 1998 Awards: 2008 Volunteer of the Year, Wisconsin DNR, State Parks 2008 Engineer of the Year, Wisconsin Builder Magazine 2006 Engineering in Consulting Practice, ASCE, Wisconsin Section MRMC Relief Storm Sewer – Wauwatosa, WI – Project Engineer: Design of 2,600 feet of 42-to 60-inch storm sewer, in open cut and tunnel. The project, which was performed for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, was designed to address deficiencies in the storm sewer system that services the Milwaukee Regional medical Center (MRMC), and provide capacity for future development. City of St. Francis, WI – Project Manager: Design of 8000 feet of 12 to 48 inch diameter storm sewer in dense urban environment, on St. Francis Avenue, Brust Avenue, Leroy Avenue, Bombay Avenue, and Vermont Avenue. West Allis Memorial Hospital, West Allis, WI – Project Manager: Design of 800 feet of 42-inch and 48-inch City storm sewer, to accommodate construction of an addition to the hospital. Janesville Road Culvert, Muskego, WI – Project Manager: Design of a 75-foot long, 31 foot by 54 inch culvert beneath Janesville Road, to mitigate problems with roadway overtopping and provide capacity for runoff from the new Muskego Public Library. Lake Park East, Milwaukee, WI – Project Manager: Design of 700 feet of 24 inch storm sewer for Milwaukee County to replace existing outfall to Lake Michigan in Milwaukee County’s Lake Park. Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI – Project Manager: Design of 1400 feet of 30 to 42 inch storm sewer for Milwaukee County to reroute runoff around the Milwaukee Art Museum addition and serve Milwaukee County’s Lincoln Memorial Drive. Tri-State Tollway, Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, Deerfield, IL – Project Manager: Complete replacement of existing storm sewer system for three miles of 6-lane expressway, including toll booth area. St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI – Project Manager: Design of 1,200 feet of 15 to 21 inch private main storm sewer, in accordance with City of Milwaukee requirements for private main sewers.