CCR2011170-GASB 54 Fund Balance Policy COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #170-2011 FUND BALANCE AND ANNUAL GENERAL FUND BUDGETED CONTINGENCY POLICY WHEREAS, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Statement No. 54 – Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, which changes the terminology used for fund balance reporting on balance sheets of Governmental Funds, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego Finance Committee has reviewed the new terminology, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego Finance Committee recommends that the revenues and other resources of the Special Revenue Funds be committed for the purposes noted within this policy, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego Finance Committee recommends that the Common Council authorize the City of Muskego Finance and Administration Director to periodically assign resources to specific projects/purposed within the General Fund, Capital Projects Fund and Special Revenue Funds, and WHEREAS, the Common Council desires to establish guidelines and procedures for the City General Fund reserve levels through a policy that works toward meeting cash flow needs for the general operation of the City and defines appropriate reserve levels in the best interest of the taxpayers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, hereby establishes the following fund balance and annual general fund budgeted contingency policy. Purpose The objectives of this fund balance policy are as follows:  Preserve the credit rating of the City of Muskego for borrowing monies at favorable interest rates.  Provide working capital for the City of Muskego to meet cash flow needs during the year.  Provide a comfortable margin of safety to address unanticipated expenditures / emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue due to economic downturns, natural disasters, etc.  Provide a resource to stabilize fluctuations from year to year in the property taxes paid by the City of Muskego taxpayers. Resolution #170-2011 Policy Currently, fund balance is divided into three basic classifications for accounting and monitoring purposes: reserved, unreserved-designated and unreserved-undesignated. Reserved fund balance is that portion of fund balance that is not available for the subsequent year’s budget due to legal restrictions or resources which are not available for current spending. Unreserved fund balance includes funds set aside by management for specific uses, which are labeled “designated”. The balance of unreserved fund balance is labeled “undesignated”, which indicates it is available for appropriation. Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions. This Statement is effective for financial statements with periods beginning after June 15, 2010. The objective of this Statement is to improve the usefulness, including the understandability, of governmental fund balance information. The Statement provides more clearly defined categories to make the nature and extent of the constraints placed on a government’s fund balance more transparent. The Statement impacts governmental fund types. The fund balance will be reported in five new categories: Nonspendable Fund Balance, Restricted Fund Balance, Committed Fund Balance, Assigned Fund Balance and Unassigned Fund Balance. Nonspendable Fund Balance – Amounts cannot be spent because they are a) not in spendable form or b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted Fund Balance – Amounts are restricted by external parties (i.e. creditors, grantors, contributors) or laws / regulations of other governments or restricted by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation, such as an ordinance. Committed Fund Balance – Amounts that can only be used for specific purpose pursuant to constraints imposed by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision making authority. The formal action must occur prior to the end of the reporting period. The amount, which will be subject to the constraint, may be determined in the subsequent period. Assigned Fund Balance – Amounts constrained by the government’s intent to be used for specific purposes that are neither restricted nor committed. The intent can be expressed by a) the governing body itself or b) a body or official to which the governing body has delegated the authority (i.e. Director of Finance and Administration, Clerk- Treasurer, committee. . .). Monies set aside for carryover appropriations, compensated absences, retirement obligations and contingencies are some of the examples to be included in the assigned category. Assigned fund balance can be used to eliminate the projected budgetary deficit in the subsequent year’s budget. Unassigned Fund Balance – Is a residual classification for the General Fund. The total fund balance less amounts categorized as nonspendable, restricted, committed and assigned equals unassigned fund balance. General Fund is only fund that should Resolution #170-2011 report a positive unassigned fund balance amount. A negative unassigned fund balance is possible in other governmental funds. Flow of Funds It is the policy of this government that in cases where multiple types of funds are available to pay for expenditures in the various funds, restricted resources will be used first, followed by committed, assigned, and finally unassigned (if applicable). Procedures In order to achieve the objectives of this policy, the following guidelines shall be adhered to by the Common Council: 1. An unassigned general fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to a minimum of two months (or 17%) of the ensuing year’s budgeted general fund expenditures, with a targeted maximum of four months of the ensuing year’s budgeted expenditures. 2. A committed general fund balance shall be maintained as of December 31 of each year equal to the unfunded portion of the City’s accrued compensated absenses liability. 3. The City of Muskego will maintain appropriate commitments or assignments of general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds and capital projects funds for specified purposes, including but not limited to contingencies, compensated absences or similar items. Commitments and / or assignments of fund balance shall be made pursuant per adoption of this resolution. 4. As part of the annual budget process, the Director of Finance and Administration will estimate the surplus or deficit for the current year and prepare a projection of the year-end unassigned general fund balance. Such projection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on an historical and future projection basis. Any anticipated balance in excess of the minimum unassigned general fund balance may be assigned to other purposes, or budgeted to reduce the ensuing year’s property tax levy. 5. Funds in excess of the upper range of the unassigned fund balance target may be considered to supplement “pay as you go” capital outlay expenditures (including reduction of anticipated debt issues) or to prepay existing debt via cash defeasance as allowable. Unassigned fund balance shall not be used to support recurring operating expenditures. 6. Withdrawal of any amount of unassigned general fund balance in excess of the targeted minimum of the amount budgeted under (3) above, for the sole purpose of reducing the ensuing year’s property tax levy, may be made only upon a two- thirds majority vote of the Common Council. Resolution #170-2011 7. The Common Council, by two-thirds vote, can declare a fiscal emergency and withdraw any amount of general fund balance for purposes of addressing the fiscal emergency. Any such action must also provide for necessary appropriations to restore the unassigned general fund balance to the minimum balance within a three-year period. 8. It is the policy of this government that assignments of fund balances and resources within a fund may be determined by Director of Finance and Administration. 9. The City shall include in the General Fund operating budget annually, a contingency account greater than or equal to 0.50% of the General Fund total expenditures. This contingency will expire at the end of each fiscal year and balances will not be brought forward. In order to provide support for the proper determination of the reporting status of each fund, the Common Council makes the following findings with respect to the resources available in the listed funds. Fund Title Resource Determination Park Dedication/Improvement Grants/Fees Committed for park related projects Refuse/Recycling Grants/User Fees Committed for refuse/recycling operating expenses Revolving Loan State Funding Committed for loans to local businesses Landfill Standing Committees Landfill Host Fees Committed for costs to oversee and monitor the landfills Cable TV Franchise Fees Committed for cable operations Landfill Landfill Host Fees Committed for costs associated with landfill activities and as allowed per the agreement Well Testing Landfill Host Fees Committed for costs associated with testing private wells Land Open Space Conserv. Grants & Host Fees Committed for related operating costs and land purchases Stormwater Management Landfill Host Fees Committed for related operating costs and related projects Resolution #170-2011 Fund Title Resource Determination Rescue Service Fees Committed for related equipment costs and contracted service costs Capital Improvement TIF Residual/Grant Committed for loans to local businesses and programs Tax Increment District Tax Levy Committed for related debt obligations and associated fees Recreational Ticket Ticket Sales Committed for costs associated with the sale of theme park tickets Community Development Authority Land Sales Committed for costs associated with redevelopment Compensated Absenses Landfill Host Fees Committed for severance and leave time payouts for terminated and retired employees This policy shall take effect upon Common Council adoption. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the adoption of this policy will replace Resolution #148-2007 adopted on July 24, 2007 and Resolution #149-2007 adopted on July 24, 2007. TH DATED THIS 13 DAY OF DECEMBER, 2011. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Neome Schaumberg Ald. Keith Werner Ald. Noah Fiedler This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #170-2011 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Clerk Treasurer 12/11sem