CCR2011006- LOC Cost Breakdown-Zlensky COST BREAKDOWN ZLENSKY CSM- PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COST BREAKDOWN September 30, 2010 Proposed CostADJ. BAL. #1 ROAD CONSTRUCTION a. Subgrade/Stone/First Lifts of Asphalt$ -$0.00 b. Curb & Gutter$ -$0.00 c. Final Lift of Asphalt (including final inlet adjustments)$ -$0.00 d. Recreational Trail or Sidewalk$ -$0.00 e. Other$ -$0.00 f. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)$ -$0.00 $ -$0.00$0.00 #2 SITE GRADING/LANDSCAPING/RESTORATION a. Erosion control$ -$0.00 b. Site Grading (including clearing and retention ponds)$ -$0.00 c. Landscaping$ -$0.00 d. Site Restoration (topsoil/seed or sod as required)$ 500.00$500.00 e. Other$ -$0.00 f. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)$ -$0.00 $ 500.00$0.00$500.00 #4 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM a. Mains & Manholes$ -$0.00 b. Laterals$ 3,000.00$3,000.00 c. Pumping station & Generator$ -$0.00 d. Force main$ 13,710.00$13,710.00 e. Grinder pumps &chamber-indiv dwelling$ -$0.00 f. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)$ 3,000.00$3,000.00 g. Other (Cleaning By Contractor & TV by City)$ -$0.00 $ 19,710.00$0.00$19,710.00 #5 WATER MAIN SYSTEM a. Mains, valves & manholes$ -$0.00 b. Hydrants, valves & leads$ -$0.00 c. Water services$ -$0.00 d. Well & pumphouse$ -$0.00 e. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)$ -$0.00 f. Other$ -$0.00 $ -$0.00$0.00 #6 STORM SEWER SYSTEM a. Mains & manholes$ -$0.00 b. Inlets$ -$0.00 c. Laterals + Sump Lines$ -$0.00 d. Headwalls/discharge structures$ -$0.00 e. Engineering Inspections (estimate only)$ -$0.00 f. Other$ -$0.00 $ -$0.00$0.00 1 of 2 Proposed CostADJ. BAL. #7 SPECIAL/MISC IMPROVEMENTS a. Street lights$0.00 b. Street signs$0.00 c. Other$0.00 $ -$0.00$0.00 #8 FEES a. City administration$ 250.00$250.00 b. Engineering Contract and Construction Administration$ -$0.00 c. Engineering-As builts for underground (estimate only) $ 1,500.00$1,500.00 d. Engineering- Grading As-builts (including ponds)$ -$0.00 e. Legal$ 500.00$500.00 f. Other$ -$0.00 $ 2,250.00$0.00$2,250.00 TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE$ 22,460.00$0.00$22,460.00 120 % = LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT$ 26,952.00$ 26,952.00 2 of 2