11815 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPPage 1 of 12 4383098 i 1 'n Iry s4r ;� b \• ���0. e\, 'CM \trf 0 i ,Zi M.tr C y « Ct y II y ``\�• 41 7 y r«gym. .(I I� � •' rn J �I� �o o (D Cb Iq a � I i,p m O R �C fb C illl� b ----- lb b y o C (D fb b (D oa 1 lb m a C � � a y I � M a r. (b m !o 41 I Ib � \\ Im � b z -t c) a ►, tl1 a 0 (p O 'Z 'Z (D (bboo••- m 0. (bb \ ti cbp ti- (D b p O ujIb v(b o y Im � IR (y n 0 ~ b 70' 70' (D. R 1 aC w � �dX z e wbm Z b F 0 (D n p 4 �b <. ti 'I ` Q, O (i W O 11 �to a c � � o na a oq'� �' M w ( y li n1 r tS m ! (y y O y n 0 0 Cn0 .,. o C N 0 H 0 u b ', y o wCD r"c c>,�b (bCb c ��b cbp a; (D omN� ray o obi r- c p I O �v gip: lb a '• m '� n y[�� co b O°~' Q° to io 63 O O o (D 3�nz7n � (D oa0� � * y C) X W a N (D b C (b C a b 0C �Qa CSC'.~7•a b. r `b "(!q : a Ul w 0 b Q' b• ems+ R WCb (D" CO Wi n CD�N cn �O M b b N �(m C4 �� �'b o b G ►`1 cD (D N C `' (p (p O � y 0 ►� R y ., O O ro C4 (D b 'pCb ° C� o lb b � N W b• � i� A,) 0 O F r \ 8 0. a' �►. ' o` (b . • i. i �' ,p �L11 �� �o �'.. • � � b (D � + � w ITb N \ �w ' 1 la �-h N 02'18'39" W 310.04' F, N to 0 C C h`d V N C4r4� '1 �: �cncnrn o w w Z DZ :o- w a n n = (v M CD 00co � N Q0�.D h y O W M o e W ro it y ' caw• o' o 4 N OZ'16'37" lI w a cn\ 310.04' off,• � � .1 � N y co lb 686.05' \ I o lv S 01'09'15" E �� I ci,rz y II II n b tr n ro �ti� WO W Q (p Ca '7 GI i p to�`� U• W CA b I I m �. o I o \ �r. b b a C b a W b a 0 0 zv 0 w 0 O Di x I'Q W F1 Au (D rt N (DD n O � � L7J rt O rt I O (D �'tz rt(-tO N ((D rt z fD O m rt rt rt O ~ �(D FPL{ \ n (D �P z o o° !(D psrctM (D H co O N W C) 0- rn F' F O0 rt z �O� Ili H N LJ U En ci el F4 0 to O • Op Ily I I o' ;\ I Page 2 of 12 �z �;) MATCH LINE --— — — — — — — — — Ib 0D N 01008'18 lI � 506.78 ' Iti � Cr ro ZV lti f \�� cS ePOa o � \ s � iy ��• � m i� o I� i� m k f\ t E f k a !� \�O IAA Itob iG. "I �Ea E .�i ♦�� b'� 11 -_-___ f i \ f k f � E�i+ cb lb 4T V1 ep mo t O � Q � a � -n �. S m i `unj CD E I .`' ,ti � op. � � >-� � � a f� �O ���• y • .� d °i E i omul oo'Y 1j� QoN 70' 70' ea ee BIZ �a w vba�' 1 E �\�_+�/� k o to(33 j9 E I yly cn ?mm IF wm 4 E rf !66.26�J,` 04 4 - `CA • ,v Qi � � � � I V '� \ �' E 4 � �I,1 �7 a\� v ;t J� by O Coll ORzq 4 ba I.. A A �Mr o)l�p c, S i i1, t o cD b �h.d O \\ � f f �yf E f E 4 E E k � `'� � 1 � O • � `w '.I'' f E f E E F f E E E Ib III \ f t • f f E�,� E 4 f 4 E % tg f� m 4 f E la E f 'I'r EOX 8 \\ �� - f �f E E ryE� E ( E E Ib E QW ® . � G� E 4 E 4� R t E la _� to A6 4 NO f f w'f E 10. C ObNp ^� m o z O ' CD lim-. i pa m O� o w a o O b d m CO h COO 'p \\ `\��.� O f E E E E n Ito.O n .0 ti� m q ili O 0 CD Its •O+t 4 4 k E 60 '6r \ C, \ \\ E f E 4 f E \ - - - - - - - - \\ 4fE4EfFEk4f4j MATCH LINE \\ Q\ \ \\ t 4 f E E F i E f f E E f \ \ _ \ \ N 0,-18'37" 310.04' W �_J n O m p,Lln ^`a•• .' q cD -� >G�Az to I � coa���ti�coaOD� `"�'r, bb ea �'r'r�wcaw�o a� o,o��ca�rn000�o�ca��t � ic rr^^ v1 cr^^ W cor, TT`` `V , tT`Vo rr-- W `V w 1 :�izw n P)0(D F-:n(D (D �3' o O LQ H P) �d rrr cr rt O Cy O \ � 0 trJ �A (D r r :V4 M 0 In Ui rt I-h ct n 0 1-4 n rr PQ � ro ro r- rt M N �••. _ (D l0 d �. roe. r � w ' V N N o ul O (D �O F- I--' kj ft O O co O • • • %S• W ¢ Al (D Ul ' s F j Al rT' ca LQ N Fi (D in 10 (D n W z rt A q) �Lqa o �l o +l< rt� W d (7 N Ul to Ft `.3 x I-i Ul ft \ w (] m H b (D cn r- H Q N • cCb w (D w N C "C rS, (�l 0 M d w w �.((DD LQ Ul �3- \ hh O(D NF1 O 0 m 4, r- ~ N N f) N o N (D rt o . H /� PQ � ro ro r- rt M N �••. _ (D l0 d �. roe. r � w ' V N N o ul O (D �O F- I--' kj ft O O co O • • • %S• W ¢ Al (D Ul ' s F j Al rT' ca LQ N Fi (D in 10 (D n W z rt A q) �Lqa o �l o +l< rt� W d (7 N Ul to Ft `.3 x I-i Ul ft \ w (] m H b (D cn r- H Q N • cCb w (D w N C "C rS, (�l 0 M d w w �.((DD LQ Ul �3- \ hh O(D NF1 O 0 m 4, r- ~ N N f) N o N (D rt o . H /� Page 3 of 12 CEO TTFIED SURVEY TMAP NO. 116,11 Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Tonwship 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin MEANDER LINE DETAIL See Sheet 2 for Bearings EL Inv. 769.8' H A z I o, UI �I of 1V 8T38 47 1s' 606.32' j 13.17' 1 Top of Bank Ordinary Hi,gt1 of Navigable Water Mark (O.H.W.M.) Waterway EL. = 7 72.15 ' o ca I I �I �I �1 I N 03'19'55 " i►' _ — �- 310.00' 1 Ordinary High __--I - Water Afark (O.H.W.M.) t4I CA EL. =772.15' t131 cool I Centerline of Navigable Waterway --_ ('July, 2018) + I 48" Culy. EL Inv. 769.9' 1 o t I N 05*51 '10" W / to j 112.00' � m`1 m �1 "=a,1 N 16"5738" W 95.00' N 20028'3610 it 68.00' 9 0' 50, 100' 150' 200 psi Graphic Scale Scale: 1 "=100' MEANDER I S 88051 '44 " W 2109.10' 402.00' g25.33' I I I I cQ i� I ' Ordinary High Ibn -Water Mark (O.H.W,M.) EL.=772.15' j Iot 2 Iw I. 1 CA I co I C0 I Top of Bank of Navigable I 21't Waterway � ill 1 I� MEANDER LINE \�. n N\ \\:, a~ 1329.59, " =Is 246.47' t4 \ N 88049'57" E 36" Culy. EL Inv. 771.0' Prepared by: Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 2421 9415 W. Forest Home Ave. Hales Corners, WI 53130 Prepared for: Frederic and Denise Janusz S103W16115 Heinrich Dr. Muskego, WI 53150 'A 1359.65' \ 30.06' Lot 1 50.66' 1248.18' / 1553.21 ' DEN�IOs C. ' _ SAL.ER S-2421Is = /11111100\ December 4, 2018 Rev. January 11, 2019 Rev. January 31, 2019 M\ CSM's \ Muskego \ 109,?9.9(Jan usz). d wg Sheet 3 of 12 9y Page 4 of 12 � ro ro om1 �� H-r,b w m:8m m�'o t; LQ � � N o o a) R, �] 0 nI-- iz / H ', Fi (D fl U] ¢7 o x0 nma� `O W H- � d rt (D (n GK � oN-N- Ho roC `'((DD vl(DL'� � N d w UJ (D am CL N A N N n H (D H n v m C C CJ � � �, •'• '• `tom /i (D •- co n n �t�' o •., � v 4q',4 r` ZLQ o Zm c CD ct tij ct O M � � rn rr ct � rr (D (rt C� (Iz (D n H O n' (-t n �( Sb�(b o rt� rn Lq O O b �� I CrJ1 I-t n z ctr (D N- r i cD (D AW l ilLO C) iA O , O o f b cct 00 I I 0 .. N- N. O uI N �V- -- I CT FA I � I InJla 0',cc �;�;�I�,�,�I o c)I'A lca!� l�. � I "Ia; I c� j aiw �I�i� y 0 io o 'x cz cz, IQ, z �o o to co � �a v, i� � �~ o 0 0 0 1 w �2o"0 \tcJl\tl-qoo l o o o 0 i0 I� I� .•:. 'i.. ,-A I0 o oor�,cr;w 0 o c o o f o f o ItV !O Cn Cn �'P 'A ICn ,t\] i�c ,C., ICJ O �O CJ �C.J o 0 O O Cl ,z \1 \2to 0 0 0 O �O �A Ut ICJ CA o ��. q � 0 'A CO t\D 0 :� lc 0 •A o 0 �. �•, �I y j'�) I t� I� Icy IC1 ci c,i cn a I( tv 1O ` i ( Icn I� �: I. p ��a a i0 ~ co a O i.; p A RJ iZ iCzO I I Ic ~ i0 iCA b I `L. Ct�'�CAI\�CA! N?�G1i�i"ial�'�Cu rt.ii\j�i"IC4'C41b�rV�0�2J i. -;lA co L=j tiCn r oOIL ,Cb . A i;,'oo; JCn!CbjC9= � I 1POLiO c O1'11,1 I�bI�.J�TII lA,CnICJ M H W V /3 Page 5 of 12 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. // 9/S Being a part of the [northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the.Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Tonwship 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha Ccunty, Wisconsin WETLAND AREA # 1 15' wetland NE Cor. iE Protection Offset. Lot 3 S 88'51'44" W Biel 2109.10'_ / 3 15 14) 1Q. 12 10 13) �1 &� •Y v W W W V• i �, W W 0' 100' 200' 300' W •L W 400' (19j W W W W W 1 �� l^ W W W ;` W W W W I� Graphic Scale W W �; W W W W W W .XE'1'LAND AREA #.l •!. W W W W W Ci Scale: 1 "=200' 2 +L) W W W W W W v W W W W W Lot 7 1 V Wetland J 22) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W i •Y W W W W W n W W W ll' Protection Offset W W W v W W v W �U.6 W W W W W W W 'H J W W W J0 Lot ° F.y Lo r_ 1 (2H `Y- N 88'49'57" E 1553.21 ' DENNIS C. 5 SAUER S-2421 — FRANKLIfN, WI December 4, 2018 Rev. January 11, 2019 Rev. January 31, 2019 Prepared by: Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 2421 9415 W. Forest Home Ave. Hales Corners, WI. 53130 Prepared for: Frederic and Denise Janusz S103W16115 Heinrich Dr. Muskego, WI 53150 M\ CSM's \ Muskego \ 109299(Ja n usz). d wg WETLAND ------------ ,- LINE 1 2--- AREA #1 LINE TABLE BEARING�-LENGTH S88051 44'I W_ 366.62 S02011 1 0711E - 40.22 I_-S06012' 3111E87.44 _ —3 —_ 4 S4302_110511E _ 44.98 5 S8304310711E 35.62_ _6_ N80000' 20_"E 66.60 ---7 --- N6304011411E 3.6.12 8 N36035'15"E 43.12 _ 9 ' N24 19 07 E� 33.84 10 N57031'42"E 52.30 11 N84022133"E 54.50 _ 12 13 _� S72052123"E S560511_4_7"E 29.94 25.14 14 S2804612211E 14.19 r II__ t N02016_' 37"W 79.60_ 16 S88051'44"W 420.42 1-7 S4201513911E 89.22 ------ _ —18 _ S24o i " 12 3 3 E 57.81 ----19 --- 20 --S 110 5 3 .. ' 4.711E — S19"39113"E + 5 2.7 0 64.55 21 S08010'59"E 67.51 22 S0101710511W 155.35 23 ! S2601513811W 57.58 24 S37059'46"W 75.65 25 S55045153"W 60.06 ----27----� 26 —r------ S69058' 43 "W_ 57801911011W - 61_05� 61..02 28 557023149"W 33.12 29- N88049'57"E ' 221.64 Sheet 5 of 12 Y� Page 6 of 12 CERTIFIED SURVEY KXP NO. // 8/S Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and No theast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Tonwship 5 North; Range 20 East, in the CiLy of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin WETLAND AREA #3 WETLAND AREA #2 & ##3 15' Wetland �J?4 (sol Protection i+ 35 9) Offset ��• _ " 35 WETLAND AP.EA A2 37 j �• , I� I a i Lot 1 .3.9 • '57 Lot 2 56 M 40 I 1 - 15' Weth!D(] i55` Protection Offset 42 a4, 43 � �• y?1 (- a (52) 4s 4�),� Lot 1.- J (4a 50' S 38'49'57' Y 126 7.00' WETLAND AREA #3 LINE TABLE �I LINE BEARING ;+ LENGTH - 65 N10°07-351-W 122.41 66 N4802114411W 1 -33_86 67 N8_3030'42."W 23.58 68 WS79009I591V3--1 94.31 1, .60 70 I N76057' 5"W 9. 63 fi- - - - 71 N79°C71_0311E k4. 85 ��f�ii,rrll DENNIS C. ^� SAUER 5-2421 FRANKLiN, SUR��\ //'1j1/111I111�. December 201£ Rev. January 11, 2019 Prepared by • Rev. January 311, 20 9 Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 2421. 9415 W. Forest Home Ave. Hales Corners, WI 53130 Prepared for: Frederic and Denise .7anusz S103W16115 Heinrich Dr, Muskego, WI 53150 M\ CSM s\ Muskego \ 109299(Jan usz). d Frig ]Rqpp 7.7D 0100, 200' 300' 400 Lot _ .,3 Graphic Scale .Scale: 1 "=200' WETLAND AREA 42 LINE TABLE LINE ! BEARING LENGTH 30 S0301915511E 110.67 ---- 31 - -� S81049' 26 "W - 5.00 32 S3103213111W 12.51 33--- S06003' 01"E 44.91 -34 j S01029'18"E 47.43 -35 _ S03034'1611E 56.72 36 S00°34'19"W 30.36 37 _ S07051'40"E 20.58 _ 38 S03057'55"W ;_ 28.55 it -- 39 -- --- t -- ----- S0204014011E 116.34 40 S_0504613511W 47.88 41 S2505412811E 46.81 42 S1801615311E 61.89 r 43 _ S0005914811E 30.93 44 -5 S2101913911E 35.69 W--- S3101513211E 14.48 i 46 S330_11'4-811WW 19_08 S26026' 28 "E 17.35 48 S0200013911TW 16.00 49_ S1003315511E 7.36 50 N88°49157"E 60.44 L - 51-°41' 06 "W 33 _ 57 52 N2601911011E 17.00 53 N34047'57"W 45.94 54 N1500413511W 139.09 55 N1202_013911W 44.52 56 N07014'50"W 44.76 57 N0405414811W 1 67.68 63.64 N-02046' 36"W -- - 59 N04038' 59"Wt170.21 ---- 60 r- ! ---- N3003812911E 22.89 61 N-1701915211E 28.84 62 N67056'26"W 8.37 ----63_ _1 -S88 °47' 44 "W - -6 - --S81049' 26 "W-- 19 . 36 Sheet 6 of 12 ?7 Page 7 of 12 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. — // $ 3 Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Tonwship 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of. Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin WETLAND AREA #4 (See Sheet 7 of for Dine `able) x ( 138 100 � 131 I3 0' 65' 130' 195' 260, �- - 999 W 98 9/1� W � �Ol �I021-__--.- Gra is Scale W ���•'W `1 �8� ,r < ` � �133� r-� 134 ! 135 Scale: 1 "=130' �� f (1031 w 97 %06) /(/J ..: %W W W W 1127, / `I1=41 W! 7) �t04 Y W W W I1�.6; {125w cgb}_ °� � W iN'E%'LA1vI1 W W l 10sj W AREA W W 4-11(4 W W W 123 1 J / \ Q W W I I I112} +��11,5i �116� iiii/6666 W W 94 l R �• �J// 4 J i � iit.l Lrj ---,?� --•--- '121� e / W W W W W 15' Wetland WWWWWWWW/Wsl i Protection W W W W W I Offs e t W W W W W W T W W W W W W W W W/W�v W Y (aO� LOt 1 W W W W W W W W 4,� •y / .J AREA W W Wn Y W 6 j / W W i �� �� / W ��� l/ W L W W W W #4 Y W W W v W W W W W W W 8 5 \` -� ----------- - . -- --- �80 �79 78)W SW Cor* W W 84 W W W W W W W W/ W LOt 1 W W W '!' 83 W J• W W W W W W W W W' ^- •_/W W W W W W W W W W W W yy ^i 1721 Prepared by: Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 242'1 9415 W. Forest Home Ave. Hales Corners, WI 53130 Prepared for: Frederic and Denise Janusz S103W16115 Heinrich. Dr. Muskego, WI 53150 �llt�ll�11 DENNIS C. SAUER S-242.1 FRANKUN, �� • V'lf ••4L- V Decembe-r 4, 2018 Rev. January 11, 2019 Rev. January 31, 2Ci?. Sheet 7 Of 12 ?9 M\ CSM's \ Muskege \ 109299(Jan usz,:. dvg Page 8 of 12 CERTIFIER SURVEY MAP NO. Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a -rid Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Tonwship 5 Nc:_th,Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin WETLAND AREA #4 LINE TABLE WETLAND AREA ##4 LTNE '' ,,BLE --BEAR.ING - LEINGTH I N8_8-42'_2, "E 778.89 ~I LINE _T 72 73 N19057' 14"'W 19 59 N6601411211W 36.50-I 74 75 S8904312811W�� 21.00 --52.74 76 N75004' 0311W 77 -- S890_01'1411W 60.78 78 N73035' 02"W 30_61 1 S84051128"W 41.07� -79 80 N86°17111"W 36.45 81 S64029 25"VJ + 26.95 82 S87049103"W 161.25 83 N86024'40"W 52.64 1 84 N68049' 34"W ' I 24.60 85 N27043'30"W -- 25_10 86 N40058'33"E j 87 _ N35017'32"E _83.-99 4.3.22__ 88 N-25046104"E 24.84 18 . 68 89 N2_805_7' 3811 90 _ N16°5815511W 91 N010271061FE 105.27 a 92 N2102010411E 44.05 93 N240C9'50,"E__ 31.81 94 N05054'37"E 58.36 95 N031152'51"E 59.18 96 N10029123"E 44.00 97 N20044'30"E 98 N31002'05"E _39.60 44.57 1 99 _N45001123"E N58057116",E 23.?4 ---- 14.75 100 101 S69059'07'E 30.53_ - 102 --1 521026'3u11E 33.37 1 103 S18004'27"W 42.33� 104 S2003911r';W 35.99 Prepared by: Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 2421 9415 W. Forest Home Ave. Hales Corners, WI 53130 Prepared for: Frederic and Denise Janusz S103W16115 Heinrich Dr. Muskego, WI 53150 lZ M\ CSM's \ Muskego \ 10929.9(Jan usz). d rva I',_ WETLAND AREA #4 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH -105 S47c04' 09"W-- 17.34 106 S80019'49"W 31.60 f - 2.07 S6603313111W 17.76 108 I S1202314111E 112.89 109 t- S76058102"E� 25).87 17.98 110- S20-0010111E 111 S3302311911W 22.92 112 S03015'1711W 27.07 11� � S24°11'216 "E 15.6 114 _ N74056'35"E 45.20 115 N86044'06"E 54.22 116 S87032'2311E 33.57 117---- S58049' 141E 32.69 - 118 119 !_N86°29'05"E -34.36 120 N77°15'41"E 26.23 121 N54059' 24 "E 13.67 -- - 122 -- N49°03'54"E 22.57 123 N24054'10"E 105.70 --124 _125 N39029'3711W _N77040' 08"W_ 17.35 58.46 126 N81057126"W 18.11 127 N50047'29"W 45.02 128 N21018_' S9"W 7.90 _ 129 N82016' 17"E 26.80 130 N05047'22'1W 19.39 131 N75012'41"E 7.65 132 S8401013511E 34.79 133 _ N87°26_'31"E 88.79 134 N86010'1911E 45.86 135 IN89013'17"E 136 - 137 �N20°47'29"W N82 •'47' 42 "E _84_.71 50.22 - --- -- 17.92 L - 1.38; S79°07''03"W 61.18 lfrl(I/j DENNIS C. _ SAUER S-2421 = FRANKLIN, December 4. 2018 Rev. January 11. 2019 Rev. January 31, 2019 Sheet 8 of 12 qy Page 9 of 12 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. // 9/5 Being a part: of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Tonwship 5 _North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Wetland area Restrictions: Those areas of land which are identified as wetland areas on this Certified Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be'prohibited.' 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. trees, shrubs, grasses, etc. shall -IL be prohibited with the exception of the removal of exotic, invasive, dead, diseased, or hazardous vegetation at the discretiol of the landowner ail" upon the approval of the City of Muskego. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horses, cows, etc. shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings Wetland. Protection is prohibited. Offset Restrictions: There is a City required 1.5 foot wetland protection offset around all wetland areas. The areas of land which are identified as wetland protection offset areas shall follow all restrictions listed in Chapter 400 of.the City of Muskego Municipal Code relating to wetland protecti..on offsets. If DNR regulation are applicable, then said regulation shall be in addition to all City regulations. Notes: (continued) Various drainage ways exist on and across these lots which must be planned for on any future building/development. Any land below the ordinary hikh water .lark of a lake or navigable stream is subject to the public trust navigable that is estab 'shed under17 Article IX, Section 1, of the State Constitution. IIII�i111/ i DENNIS C. Prepared by: SAVER Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc . _- 0-2421 = Dennis C . Sauer P.L.S. 2421 FRANKLIN, o 9415 W . Forest Home Ave. %�q' •. VVI Hales Corners, WI 53130 "n I Illl\`\\ Prepared for: Frederic and Denise Janusz S103W16115 Heinrich Dr. December 4, 2018 Rev. January 11, 2019 Muskego, WI 531.50 Rev. January 31, 2019 Sheet 9 of. 12 M\ CSM,s \ Muskego \ 109299(Jan usz). d wg (% O Page 10 of 12 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / / 8 /S Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) SS I, Dennis C. Sauer, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section,34, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 35, Town 5 North, Range 20 East; thence N 88230.34" E along the North line of said Northwest 1/4, 326.41 feet to a point; thence S 1209115" E, 666.05 feet to a point; thence S 63232,56" W, 384.89 feet to a point; thence S 64205,23" W, 405.28 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence N 2216137" W, 310.04 feet to a point; thence S 88251144" W, 2109.10 feet to a point; thence N 10207/350 W, 36.70 feet to a point; thence N 37917130" W, 15.40 feet to a point; thence N 81228156" W, 38.23 feet to a point; thence S 75214154" W, 53.36 feet to a point; thence S 79207103" W, 159.83 feet to a point; thence S 88207,29" W, 252.27 feet to a point; thence N 88215,05" W, 123.16 feet to a point; thence N 55236154" W, 109.97 feet to a point; thence S 17233,30" W, 246.68 feet to a point; thence S 42208130" W, 685.08 feet to a point; thence N 88242127" E, 1108.70 feet to a point; thence N 88249,57" E, 1553.21 feet to a points thence N 64205123" E, 802.60 feet to the point of beginning. Said lands containing 1,899,511 square feet. (43.61 acres) That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Frederic Janusz & Denise Janusz, husband and wife, owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the division of that land. That I have fully complied Faith the provisions of Chapter 236.34-of the Wisconsin State Statutes &nd Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the' sane:: Date �C Dennis C . Sauer Professional Land Surveyor S-2421 / D/ Sheet 10 of 12 Page 11 of 12 CERTIFIED SURVEY 14AP NO. 11915 Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest /4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER'S CERTIFICAT2; We, Frederic Janusz & Denise Ja�xjsz, husband and wife, as owner, do hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. We also certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the following for approval; City of Muskego IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Frederic Janusz & Denise Janusz, orers, have caused these presents to be signed by, on this �o� day of �-Cbr-Lx 2 0-q . a Frederic Janusz, er STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) SS koj/t4 'A AS 4 CIA'. A A4 De ise Janus Owner_ Ir PERSONALLY came before me this day of Frederic Janusz & Denise Janusz, to me Known the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the 'a — Notary P lic State of Wisc ns'n My Commission Expire;,; _ 1_,jr5 n MORTGAGE CERTIFICATE 20 to be the person who executed same. A mortgage does not exist at time of recording. 2p�PaY pve�i WENDY FREDIUND OF W1 ��ii��rrr Ga.�4 SAUE -24Z 1 ' Ff?A.NKLIN i �.. W1 Sheet 11 of 12 Page 12 of 12 CERTIFIED SUIWEY MAP NO. Being a part of the Northeaat 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in Lhe City of vn()skego, Wa 2, esha County, Wisconsin. CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, Sharon Mueller, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do herby certify that in accordance with the records in my office there a -.-a r.o -unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this ' day of _._, 20 _ on any of the land included on this map. �- j � d -, _ ,rrrrtttiut►Irrrrri . 7 .?� �� OF Date �a+� �RW Sharron Mueller, City Treasurer aR'-- () ity of Muskego PLANNING COMMISSION &PPR APPROVED by the Planning C� , A' of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. (_)q/ -- 201y n, this �r�- day of i��l ����a.�- 20 i Kathy averotti, Chairman Cityf Muskego COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL �1 -Nellie -Hemullen,r See�retaEy City of Muskego Adc,,,, Trz-cb;a{owsk; Plaa•.:gyp 111anAf�r APPROVED by the Common: Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. 00f - Zo ( Y) qn this Z " day of /ice 0U S i 20 ( 4 Kath hiaverotti, Mayor City/ f Muskego 4383098 REGISTER OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON February 13, 2019 09:45 AN James R Behrend Register of Deeds 12 PGS TOTAL FEE: $30.00 TRANS FEE:$0.00 Book 119 Page 92-103 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Dennis C Sauer, P.L.S. 5-2421 Sharon Mueller, City Clerk City of Muskego 4 DE JNIS n_ S, l)ER 1� S -2.421 FR LN LIN, ' W S iJ,�1 \ \\ 11hy //(:3 Sheet 12 of 12 /0-?