11846 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPPage 1 of 8 4395114 11111111111111,111 IBIS 111111 Bill IT # CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / ! 8 �(�e All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin z7-------- i - N i Gov't Lot 2 �'y�`'� LI SE _ S 88'00'64lI884.18'1�=1000• 1/4 I ------------. ..� + . + . + `� i 1/4 i .�, . .�. . . .`. i i P NE L------------- -" Drr-.`�-- ��� M . � . . . . + � � � � � . � . Heinrich � f . . `I Ordinary High ` ` `hater Mark " Vicinity "a + + ` y ` ` +Elevation 772.15'. + SE 1/4 & SW 114 + (per DNR Flag) c. 27-5-20 .. . y . .+Y\w` �. .+. o u o" C� ra .+ . . . .+ ° . + . . .� WeWand` ` . a� . . + Area N • • •+ ti!��.1n . . .�t 2r .(See Sheet 3 & 4).• • • •++. SAVE S = elgym . o . . . . . . . . .I 5-2421 - +'M%'ti` +�•i,241,128 sq. ft.+. . . . . . . . .�• + 0� 28.49 acres + ` FRANKLIN, � 9" N+ w`+'(Meander Line)`+ +'.' '. . .... +• I �- � y./yy � . � . . . . . . . . � � ..ZF ...__8202.39' E Ij 180.ry9 Lot 4 h 1 Delineated 6 4 7$' Boundary cf� m 3.11 e� Wedand es November 19, 2018 Ql + ;t.Cr + + `I ` . + + �i � N� 790.0' TP + �>' O Rev. January 15, 2019 / + o + + +k+ !/� Lot m w I 789.76' 140, 704 sq. ft �` Rev. February 20, 20 .9 cn` ` ` ` �/790.65' i, �. Rev. March 1, 2019 3.23 acres cr = 79071 15' Wetland m c� 0 0 Buffer &TP w Preservation r c 1P Easement owes 790.s2' 0 9 ky s B9'01 '48" �►,� 1 \ �_ �`= 791.84 00 � 260 N / \� / Lot IG 790.22'� N� 791.5' 1,251 027 sq. ft. yB Oy 781.5' c 28.72 acres ` + / (Meander Line) t` wv� -+� +791.0 • / 100-Year N ^ + / 15' Wetland �- F�QII / FloLine N �� Buffer & 7' Line o; ��� 8 Q P. \ \ ��� Preservation Mpg• / } EL.=774.1' cam N- \�\ Easement � Lot w� "- = Wetland Los xis t 1 t4 Area /1 F.F.ldg Permanent w 163,788 sq. ft. (See Sheet 3)��� Turn Aroun 790.5' 3.76 acres TP 4,85 Easement (Meander Line) 93.42• (B2 (5B1 iris 1}zis S.F.) (See Sheet p) Ex Fs .11(734 S.F.) S.F.) (307 Bldg Bldg BI / / S.F.) Siren Tower F.F. / m Easement Exist Inv. S.F.) (5 0 B4O28 Cult'. ® (5,048 ( 789.9' (S087(F.F. +1/ / 769.76� (See Sheet 3) 794'27 Exist ® S.F.) S.F.) S.F. 7 4 )I Ezst. 'P791.45' } g2� Silos v. e o - Septic �+/ v 12' WE Energies 785.2 - (440 (325 r (175 2 78- ; 1 C ) F.F. 790.35e Dist. Easement I S.F.) S. S.F.) o m } o Exist v - 790.9' (Doc.3088114) \�i I q \ m Silo /East. o (1.F.) Q 396 MEANDERpw�, 792.eb' � 7,,JJ�� �. � \ (1,83 xis m S.F. �795.65, ,�� 'j' S.F.) Idg ( well } lIXE792.3iik 15 .81 ' 472.43 S 01'16'10" o Drive N1305.14' �+306.82' 30.00' MI See Sheet 3 N 88'Ol ' " E 30 R.O.W. 1 S0 .i0' N 88'Ol'61 " E 436.16 _ - - - -I - South Line of the SW 114 of Sec. 27-5-20 SW Cor., SE 1/4 South Line of a SE 114 of Sec. 27-5-20 Notes: Sec. 27, T5N, R20E I S 89'0148' M 2876.53 Unplatte_d_La_nds (cone. brass cap) N = 318,37378.13 Lot 1 O -Denotes iron pipe found and E = 2,504,250.89 C.S.M. No. 11357 30' Dedication for accepted. EL.= 795.85 (NGVD 1929) Right -of -flay Purposes (39,157 sq. ft.) O-Denotes 1 "x 24" iron pipe, 1.13 Notes: lbs/ft. set. I. Existing Out -Building on Lot I Will Need to be Removed Within One (1) Year of Recording of C.S.M. Map bearings refer to Grid North Unless Dwelling is Built on the Lot Prepared bw of the Wisconsin State Plane Within that One (1) year Period. Coordinate System, South Zone, Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 2421 (NAD-27)(Jan., 2016), with the Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. Ave.outh line of the SE 114 of 09415 W. Forest Home ' 80' 160' 240' 320' Hales Corners, A Section 27, T5N, R20E, having and 30 assumed bearing of N 89"01'48" E. Prepared for: Vertial datum based on NGVD 1929 Heinrich Family Properties, LLC Graphic Scale 1210 Alexandria Lane Tax Key No.: MSKC 2268 996 Scale: 1 "=160' Madison, WI 53718-8252 4d Sheet 1 of 8 ZL?i? M\ CSM's\ Muskego \ 110200(Heinrich). dwg BOUNDARY LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH I S 45-42'40" W 75.81 2 S 06 1946" W 48.22 3 N MrIZ'26" E 100.53 4 S 28'51 36" E 41.50 5 S 03'47'01 " W 71.74 8 1 S 42'51 35' W 48.60 7 N 83'2244" W 132.16 8 S 43'1851 ' E 52.52 9 S 1031'14" E 74.60 10 - 41 33 46" W 179.86 Page 2 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. // oo q& All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Gov t_Lot 2 S 89.00'54" W S 89.00'54" W 964.19' - rl 1 272.95' Centerline of � " + + + + + + + + i / 30' Drainage N i +. .`.`.•.• + + 1 Easement Wetland +.`.•.•. .+. Area #1 .� + + + • See Sheet 3 &,4). + + + + + + + + wC... ............ .. +, 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + �+ Delineated + ` + ` i % Wetland Boundary Y� ' Lot 2 /;. 1,241,128 sq. ft. 28.49 acres Ir + • + + . 1 / �.:- i / // (Meander Line) Wetland Buffer & gp•34'31 E� 6 96 0 ( I Preservation Easement 153.28� w 1--_,100-Year Lot 4 TP / Floodplain Line 135,687 sq. ft. 777.2E / EL.=774.1' 3.11 acresTP 1 T 171' 790.79'I N G N� G O ca "'- Lot 1 I �_ 183, 788 sq. ft. 3.76 acres (Meander Line) N N� w w- 5 C I w =�KDECQ SAUER S-2421 = = FR.ANKLIN, I o SUfk\j �. ii/71i111 November 19, 2018 Rev. January 15, 2019 Rev. February 20, 2019 —I — Rev. March 1, 2019 Notes: II —Denotes iron pipe found and accepted. 20' O -Denotes 1 "x 24" iron pipe, 1.13 lbs/ft. set. a E N ~ NI yl I 56 u, 15' Wetland Buffer & c -al Preservation Easement _ a N 100-Year , — — —--s---- -- ` Floodplain Line �i/ + . . . N / i +�� • w EL.=774.1'- • • o e• . .+'•.•. .+. .. . . . . . . . ch Lot l / i q tJ 140,704sq. ft. / /i� • .•.•.•.`. .. •. . - . .. 3.23 acres .. .`.•.•.`.`.• .•• .....•. •• ... ......... W ` . • . . Wetland . . . . . Area #3+ N� /+�+� . . . (See Sheet 4) ++++ ,... ....... ; • .30' Dedication for. / • Right -of -Way Purposes. • • • ' (39,157 sq. ft.) • h I ' . . . e l_ase n t j + + + . . . .30.00' - B0.00� I r .513.90. + 19' i _89001 '48" W 1305.15' _ IOU South Line of the Si Ili of Sec. 27-5-20 S 89.01 48" W 2676.53 Unplatted Lands Map bearings refer to Grid North of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, (NAD-27)(Jan., 2016), with the South line of the SE 114 of Section 27, T5N, R20E, having and assumed bearing of N 89"0148" E. Vertial datum based on NGVD 1929 Tax Key No.: MSKC 2268 996 M\ CSM's\ Muskego \ 110200(Heinrich). dwg Graphic Scale Scale: 1 "=160' Sheet 2 of 8 0 Poin t of Beginning veil = 1371.23'� — SE Cor., SE 1/4 Sec. 27, T5N, R20E (cone. mon. w/brass cap) N = 318, 423.44 E = 2, 506, 926.88 EL. = 785.72 (NGVD 1929) Prepared bv: Dennis C. Sauer P.L.S. 2421 Metropolitan Survey Service, Inc. 9415 W. Forest Home Ave. Hales Corners, WI 53130 Prepared for. Heinrich Family Properties, LLC 1210 Alexandria Lane Madison, WI 53718-8252 ;ILN Page 3 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin L WETLAND & EASEMENTS EXHIBIT `. ..... Wetland-'•'•'•'•' '- '-'•'• Area ,{1 1 inch = 200 ft.. .`.`. . . ... •... +... `... `...... �� ,,�-� Delineated Wetland - • Boundary •O� •�� 15' wetland Buffer & Lot 4 Preservation Easement i v, Lot 3 Y� .`.`•0 00 o ° o Lot 2 '' . • i dal j o �- `r' �, `r ` g L27 ��-5° N - . •�ay 0 • ���� Wetland �, 6x2yo°° N� �.' Area 12 Ls Permanent 1Uft LI ' N , ''` ,j` Baaem t `' � ea y Lot 1 k W (Dedicated to the City of Muskego) r 40Wide; s: L7 Le Arc=120.59 .yren Tower cA I Rad=42.00' Arc=22.62 �+ Easement I Chd=83.23'1 Rad=25.00' (Dedicated to the I Chd. Brg= City of Muskego) �I S 66"44'19" W Chd=21.B5' Toyer I N 00-58'12" W 88.01'\ 69.B4' 40 wj . �:_ . I�B10"A472.43' S 01'16'10" E I 120, 30.00' 158.81 ' 248.18 N 89-0151 E Accede Ansement 325.47' for the Bon... of Lot 1) See Sheet 5 for Wetland Notes WETLAND LINE TABLE #1 LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 4.44 N04'58'39"E L2 29.22 N06'35'47"E L3 41.59 N13'00'51"E L4 39.04 N17'42'11"E L5 32.61 N26'14'58"E L6 22.07 N41'01'16"E L7 26.07 N32'11'35"E L8 27.31 N17'00'06"E L9 28.95 N23'15'20"E L10 19.12 N16'49'24"E L11 22.67 N26'34'45"E L12 46.98 N19'05'00"E L13 54.35 N25'04'01"E L14 43.22 N25'16'07"E L15 42.05 N32'17'28"E L16 28.75 N50'50'35"E L17 25.18 N57'12'42"E L18 6.50 N47'58128"E L19 13.82 N47'58'28"E L20 37.89 N47'20'10"E L21 30.29 1 N63'40'35"E Chd. Brg= N 57'0259" W 82 58 07' p '139.22 90.001 80.00' '4.25N 89'01'48" E Heinrich Drive L22 17.90 S53'59'15"E L23 28.27 S09'45157"E L24 12.58 S34'40'15"E L25 14.16 S55'58'06"E L26 7.43 N01'02'22"W L27 4.42 N34008'18"E L28 9.77 N60'13'52"W L29 18.66 N15'50'52"W L30 15.15 N17'02'33"W L31 14.81 N47'14'52"W L32 34.83 N28'51'40"E L33 22.53 N28'01'17"E L34 38.64 N41'30'01"E L35 29.50 N43'14'01"E L36 39.04 N58'40'14"E L37 47.64 N52'49'20"E L38 55.29 N51'44'42"E L39 29.28 N63'29119"E L40 32.77 N64'53'49"E L41 29.76 N78'09107"E L42 43.06 N74'53'30"E L43 46.72 N80'19'55"E L44 52.95 1 N83°41'03"E L45 37.02 N73'07'29"E L46 4.25 N73-07'29"E 7\ \?11' •• . [,1'', SAUERC. S-2421 FRANKLIN, = <' '• WI �- sURN '"(IItW�� November 19, 2018 Rev. January 15, 2019 Rev. February 20, 2019 Rev. March 1, 2019 WETLAND LINE TABLE #2 LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 5.77 N32'30'15"E L2 19.68 S89'47'00"E L3 22.54 S56'08120"E L4 26.83 S30'39115"E L5 11.70 S41'28'50"W L6 21.05 N60'35'36"W L7 22.80 N50'39'47"W L8 18.73 N37'41'19"W L9 309.08 N01'23'27"W .1 Sheet 3 of 8 M\ CSM's\ Muskego \ 110200(Heinrich). dxg S Page 4 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / / 8 Ya All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Full WETLAND EXHIBIT S 89'00 54 " W 272.95' . . . . . . . � • ` • . . • • . 1. ♦ ` ♦ • . . . . ` . . . ` �! . •. •. . . . . . . . . . .♦• . . . . . . ♦+v� ...... ' . W►.etj$Pd� . ' .... .'.'.'.'.`.`.•.'.AreAr #1` .'.'.'.•.`. .•.•.`.•.`. . .•.•. .'Lot 2 •. .` "�/ ,e •• ••• . . .. +•'• `Ip8L47•..isH`4r ' , ` 'r--x "`• 15' Wetland Buffer Delineated Wetland Preservation Easem en t Boundary Lot 4 Lot 3 \-- x V: Lot 2 15' Wetland Buffer & �`- Preservation Easement V% N /It �~ y�3 •� o ups �i�• .'.'. cn ... �'�• . . .. Wand j.... ' ` . Area • .� . TE � � /; ,f3 �.+...'.'.'. a ` I. .•.'.'.`.`.`.`.'.'.`.•.•. 80.00 80.00 jai; • • • • •453.6B'. -` Heinrich Drive 1 inch = 200 ft. November 19, 2018 Rev. January 15, 2019 Rev. February 20, 2019 Rev. March 1, 2019 See Sheet 5 for Wetland Notes L47 32.40 N86°56'02"E L48 42.31 N8202694811E L49 49.62 S89°06118"E L50 45.30 S82°56'24"E L51 14.95 S43°14'41"E L52 50.02 N69°27'26"E L53 27.79 N79°35134"E L54 33.65 S86°51146"E L55 15.69 N70°39'45"E L56 25.77 N76°25'52"E L57 43.22 N65°36'55"E L58 29.61 N55°24'40"E L59 20.74 N68°43'10"E L60 12.00 N49°18'26"E L61 8.27 N49°18'26"E L62 27.08 N34°22'57"E L63 18.03 N66°10'06"E L64 19.45 N12°40'25"E L65 25.36 S64°03'33"E L66 19.44 S80°35'13"E L67 17.61 N58°14'05"E L68 16.86 N73°36'44"E L69 16.60 S23°23'05"W L70 22.64 SO4°58'31"W L71 23.46 S37029150"W L72 14.45 S29058134"W L73 12.43 S54°14158"E L74 21.40 N80°56'55"E L75 29.95 N58°07'56"E L76 1 29.65 N45°40'45"E L77 38.27 N38°19'33"E L78 38.88 N38°00'55"E L79 36.50 N32°55'51"E L80 30.56 N31°02'22"E L81 26.79 N24°15'35"E L82 28.91 N25°44'59"E L83 17.87 N14°49'50"E L84 22.64 N60°20'32"W L85 20.64 N73°17'16"W L86 38.48 N51°57'14"W L87 24.66 S21°33'41"W L88 19.08 S39°57'49"W L89 28.86 N45°28'10"W L90 27.25 N33°37'48"W L91 21.49 N19°13'46"E L92 34.68 N13°55'59"W L93 27.85 N16°24'50"E L94 25.10 1 N14°55'38"E L95 258.12 1 N89°00'54"E ht 2 co ENNI C. SAUER 5-2.421 = FRANKLIN, WETLAND LINE TABLE #3 LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 60.22 N89°01'48"E L2 52.39 NO1°41'22"E L3 41.02 N15°26'22"E L4 50.10 N27°23'43"E L5 42.28 N32°51'12"E L6 58.43 N31°06'32"E L7 49.56 N23°16137"E LB 52.19 N30°05'20"E L9 36.28 N45°48'58"E L10 49.90 N54°22'44"E L11 53.02 N57°55'52"E L12 45.99 N64°55'24"E L13 52.52 N77°34'59"E L14 53.00 N81°38'52"E L15 29.78 N80°58126"E L16 1 21.14 S86°36'09"E 4d Sheet 4 of 8 M\CSM'8\Muskego\110200(Heinrieh).dwg Page 5 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. // 8 yk All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS Those areas of land which are identified as wetland areas of this Certified Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetable cover, i.e. trees, shrubs, grasses, etc., shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetation at the discretion of landowner, or silvicultural thinning upon the approval of the City of Muskego. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horses, cows, etc. shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engin eers. 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS There is a city required 15—foot wetland protection offset around all wetland areas. The areas of land which are identified as wetland protection offset areas shall follow all restrictions listed in chapter 400 of the City of Muskego municipal code relating to wetland protection offsets. If DNR regulations are applicable, then said regulation shall be in addition to all city regulations. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS The drainage easements designated by the words "drainage easements" shall be maintained by the owners of each lot that is burdened by such easement. Specifically, the owner of a lot where an easement is located shall maintain said easement located on such lot in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading or filling —in said easement is prohibited. In the event such property owner does not properly preserve or maintain the drainage easement area, the City of Muskego may send written notice to the lot owner indicating that the City has determined that the drainage easement is not being properly preserved of maintained, and further indicating that the City of Muskego will perform such correction of the drainage easement area and/or maintenance if not properly done by lot owner. The above —referenced notice shall give the lot owner a minimum of seven (7) days to correct the problem, unless the City determines that a shorter period of notice, or no notice, is necessary due to exigent circumstances, the City of Muskego shall then have the authority, but not the obligation, to restore the drainage easement area and/or maintain such drainage easement area referred to in said notice and shall have the right to charge the lot owner for any costs incurred by the City as a result of said restoration and/or maintenance. The City's rights of restoration shall include the right to remove any obstructions placed by the lot owner within the drainage easement area. Said costs shall be assessed as special charges pursuant to Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes. If such charges are not paid by any lot owner within the period fixed by the City of Muskego, the charges shall become a lien upon the lot owner's lot as provided in Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall extend upon the tax rolls as a delinquent tax against the lot owners lot as provided in Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes. n 41 M\ CSM's\ Muskego \ 110200(Heinrich). dwg Sheet 5 of 8 S-2421 = FRANKLIN, �' •• W1 A� Sl1R\j Nove4&1qiF i �l� �y> > �0\ 18 Rev. January 15, 2019 Rev. February 20, 2019 Rev. March 1, 2019 ��7 Page 6 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1/'� V6 All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) SS I, Dennis C. Sauer, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East; thence S 89001148" W, 1371.23 feet along said South line to the point of beginning; thence N O1034133" W, 1182.21 feet; thence S 89000154" W, 272.95 feet; thence continuing S 89°00154" W, 964.19 feet; thence S 30°05130" W, 203.29 feet; thence S 15057139" E, 110.50 feet; thence S 22°21146" W, 146.41 feet; thence S 64°05153" W, 68.56 feet; thence S 05028129" E, 152.59 feet; thence S 45°42'40" W, 167.08 feet; thence S 45042'40" W, 75.81 feet; thence S 06019146" W, 48.22 feet; thence N 89°12126" E; 100.53 feet; thence S 28051136" E; 41.50 feet; thence S 03047101" W, 71.74 feet; thence S 42051135" W, 48.60 feet; thence N 83022144" W, 132.16 feet: thence S 43018'51" E, 52.52 feet; thence S 1003111411 E, 74.60 feet; thence S 4103314611 W, 179.86 feet to a point on the South Line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 27; thence N 89001151" E along said South line, 436.16 feet to the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 27; thence N 89°O1'48" E, along the South Line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 27, 1305.30 feet to the point of beginning. Said lands containing 1,730,363 square feet (39.72 acres) more or less. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Heinrich Family Property, LLC, owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the division of that land. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. hmnL& / 01 Date �i ,7. CO DEN' SAUER S-2,, 21 _ ! RANKLIN, .. VV! is ; 10. ;f -0 Dennis Professional Land Surveyor 5-2421 Sheet 6 of 8 00 Page 7 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / / 8 41,l All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: We, Heinrich Family Property, LLC as owner, do hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. We also certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Timothy W. Heinrich, Managing Member, have caused these pres is to be si ed on this Zn ;k day of f 20 o Timothy W. Heinrich, Manacling Member STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) SS PERSONALLY came before me this day of „l 20 Timothy W. Heinrich, to me known to be the 1e°' &i� � xecuted the fo go ng in ument a acknowledged the �'L OVARY No tommission Public State of Wisc ns n pUBL\C' ZMy Expires: oZ L� GO�o. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTAGEE OF 11000 SUMMIT CREDIT UNION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described on this map and does hereby consent to the above certification of owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sW Summit Credit Union, has caused these presents to be signed by (Name) us r, , (Title) ��:�.,._ti �M:��.,,�< 1 , at i,�w�nun z� Wisconsin, this day of 20 f 1 . Summit Credi Union: Signed Print Name and Title: CCAs PERSONALLY came before me this a � dad of 20 ( , (Name) , `tm` bwp to be the person who ex e ted the fore g ing instrument SE a.kno aged the same. �0`TAL�y = ,CC � ary Public State of W'sc nsin" ' My Commission Expires . oZ vZ 3 �,' AUBL�_ r-)Ei' MS C. °9TF of W1SGO JJER 4 2471 Sheet 7 of 8 3 �� Page 8 of 8 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. // 8 1/0 All that part of Lot 2 located in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, Sharon Mueller, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do herby certify that in accordance with the records in my office there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this Z(:eV`` day of )'►11)-1Z t-t , 20 1q on any of the land included on this map. ILI11z tt Zot -70v� Date PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL L Sharon Mueller, City Treasurer City of Muskego APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No.. `? i -7,c IRj on this day of �� "�r✓ m r�'�, 20 l } Kathy�ghlaverotti, Chairman Cit oof Muskego COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL a..._. Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager City of Muskego APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. on this 1t' day of 20 j `ice Kath` hiaverotti, Mayor Ci of Muskego �`\\�1111{IttJJt ._...... Al, � L 1 �.. Sharon Mueller, City Clerk City of Muskego DEP: 4395114 1 SAtjE _ REGISTER OF DEEDS -2421 — WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON F ANKLIN, ' May 07 2019 08:17 AM James 0 Behrend .• Register of Deeds ilk TGS OTAL FEE. $30 .00 II1 t TRANS FEE: 0.00 !� Book 119 Page 233-240 19 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Dennis C Sauer, P.L.S. S-2421 11� "E'GO O�TE W Sheet 8 of 8 WIz