11301 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPPage 1 of 4 4139098 i I I I I I I I I I 'I I ul I II I I CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / t 43 01 BEING A PART OF THE NE 74 OF THE SW Y4 OF SECTION 24, T5N, R20E, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. I PREPARED FOR: ! ORLO 2I ENSKY S91 W13253 BOXHORN PREPARED BY: `l11i�II.'Ittttf, CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 0\\\N`���II EDGEWOOD SURVEYING, c y` 1 DR. MUSKEGO, WI. INC. �� 14195 BEECHWOOD 1 53- ( - -5 4526 - - - - - - TRAIL Q NEW BERLIN, WLSC_ONSIN 531�51 - - - - - - - NE CORNER OF SW 1/4 SEC. 24, T5N, R20E 7 I= C f i R! $? (i ± F O 16"x6" CONC. MONUMENT t r, t_ Kt! � ' E o i SCALE: ,_;� _ _ 2L000 I W/ BRASS CAP S_ N= 326,662.21 E = 2,514,730.60 VICINITY SKETCH 6 i DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF 13 ��0/j/ U w � \\oOgW Y4 SEC. 24-5-20 711171L/111tttut1I1I1�%0 - I MUSKEGO FOR LOT 1 i o GR4PHICsauB to I STREET PURPOSESLO CSM 2829 - - - - 1 I a 2F ar mo" 2W N I CmO771gni'F 012n nni I �l WEST 1/4 CORNER SEC. 24, T5N, R20E 6"x6" CONC. MONUMENT W/ BRASS CAP N= 326,547.89 E = 2,512,067.73 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 250.10 N 8732'30" E L2 15.35 S 19'06'26" W L3 27.45 S 77'28'58" W L4 21.44 S 46'51'13" W L5 15.94 S 20'09'58" E L6 8.54 S 02*47*52" E L7 22.76 S 31"12'33" W L8 21.09 S 52'21'25" W L9 29.82 S 84*47*37" W L10 42.14 S 86'52*10" W L11 40.76 N 84*52'12" W L12 47.55 N 8744'28" W L13 18.24 S 76*17'07" W L14 84.08 N 01'30'43" W L15 97.25 S 02'27'30" E L16 679.79 S 8732'30" W L17 19.59 N 85'58'42" E L18 40.96 N 81'40'47" E L19 39.59 N 7749'51" E L20 30.13 N 7434'38" E L21 50.69 N 61'28'52" E L22 35.13 N 4925'11" E L23 53.20 N 32'49'20" E L24 23.66 N 2344'14" E L25 22.33 N 21"14'48" E L26 18.00 N 69'34'43" E L27 55.09 N 78*13*51" E L28 31.38 N 67-14.22" E L29 16.35 N 32'22'40" E L30 47.29 N 8626'09" E L31 29.25 N 87*17'13" E L32 19.61 S 70'52'56" E L33 43.62 N 87'13'12" E L34 38.56 N 89'30'36" E L35 55.13 N 83'09'39" E L36 30.80 N 83'01'56" E L37 32.25 N 68'18'55" E L38 17.28 S 86'56'27" E L39 36.50 S 18'06'22" W L40 29.85 S 19'29'37" E L41 36.19 S 20'42'20" E NOTES: • - DENOTES IRON PIPE FOUND o - DENOTES 1.05"x18" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. - BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. -THE NORTH LINE OF THE SW y OF SECTION 24, ASSUMED TO BEAR S87'32'30"W. - SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR WETLAND RESTRICTIONS - WETLAND DELINEATED BY WETLAND AND WATERWAY CONSULTING ON 10130/14. r WAU-1044 �\ THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 SHEET 1 OF ,4 '\v Page 2 of 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1 1 3 G M BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T5N, R20E, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Christopher J. Kunkel, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: that I have surveyed, divided, and mapped a part of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 24, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, Bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the west quarter corner of Section 24; THENCE N87'32'30"E along the north line of the SW 1/4 of said Section 24; 1457.56 feet; to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing N87'32'30"E along said north line, 729.03 feet; THENCE S02'27'30"E, 330.00 feet; THENCE S87'32'30"W, 734.48 feet; THENCE NO1°30'43"W, 330.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 219,601 square feet or 5.05 acres, more or less. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of the Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Land Division Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. CHRISTQPHER J. ... KUNKE'L sf Date: / L � INAUKESUKESHA, �+ `! lT Christop er . unkel, P.L.S. 1755 % w1 CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER /����/lllllllttl{II11111�11���� I, Sharon Mueller, being the duly elected, qualified, and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this day of �, l , 20 r"� any of the land included on this map. ' OF �..., S., F, Date: %//_S1�.���,�pt�Q��TF Sharon Mueller, City Clerk/Treasurer Zz Q OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION I, Orlo Zlensky, as owner, o hereby certify that I have caused the land described on this maps be''' d ' surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. I also certify that this Ceriif,�,���AUK,++``� Survey Map is required to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego IN WITNESS WHE OF, Orlo Zlensky, owner, has caused these presents to be signed by, on this day of yj � 206. In the presence of Orlo Zlensky STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) Personally came before me this 30 day of &)� 11 20 �, the above named Orlo Zlensky, owner, and to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. MCA, Notary Public - State of Wisconsin My commission expires: — l Z M SHEET 2 OF 4 y FW1 ti Page 3 of 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 113 0 I BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T5N, R20E, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL P� _ Z(� APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. n his (0 day of 0 C t V' 201(). i Kathy ChiavAotti, Chairman C w �k Sit` Y V" Ul I L. M Jw" Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCII. APPROVAL �� l APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. l �-V on this,10 -01 day of a(L" 20 �. •. Kathyhiave i a ....... y y or r?�rElw Sharon Mueller -Director of Finance & Administration "r.. ,;.ff � / `✓auk `l,,, WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS: THOSE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND AREAS OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: 1. GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 2. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i . e. , TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC, INVASIVE, DEAD, DISEASED, OR HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANDOWNER AND UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. 4. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, i. e., HORSES, COWS, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 5. THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 6. PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: THERE IS A CITY REQUIRED 15-FOOT WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AROUND ALL WETLANDS AREAS. THE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AREAS SHALL FOLLOW ALL RESTRICTIONS LISTED IN CHAPTER 17 OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSETS. IF DNR REGULATIONS ARE APPLLICABLE, THEN SAID REGULATION SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO ALL CITY REGULATIONS. iii CHRISTOPHER J. KU1,4KEL INAUKIS/k SHEET 3 OF 4 Page 4 of 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. It 3 0 BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T5N, R20E, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. The sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewer easements described as "Sanitary Sewer Easement" on Sheet 1 of 4, are granted to the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (Grantee) with the right, permission and authority to enter upon, construct, install, inspect, test, operate, maintain, replace and repair mains, pipes, risers, and other conveyances above and below ground, together with appurtenances thereto (Facilities), in, through, under, across, and upon said easements. The right, permission and authority is also granted said Grantee, to trim and/or cut down trees and/or brush where said trees and/or brush interfere with the installation or maintenance of the Facilities or represent a hazard to such Facilities. The land must only be put to uses consistent with this easement such as lawn areas, parking lots and driveways. No obstruction of access to the Facilities or its appurtenances shall be created in the future in that no building or other structures or items that may interfere with inspection, maintenance or repair shall be located in the easement. Trees or shrubs may be allowed within the easement area upon written permission from the Grantee. The surface elevation of the land within the easements shall not be raised or lowered without the prior written approval of the Grantee. Grantee and its agents shall have the right to enter upon the easement for the purpose of exercising its rights herein described. Grantee agrees to restore or cause to have restored said premises, as nearly as is reasonably possible, to the condition existing prior to such entry by the Grantee or its agents. The restoration, however, does not apply to any brush or trees which may be removed at any time pursuant to the rights herein granted. The drainage easements designated by the words "Drainage Easement" on Sheet 1 of 4 shall be maintained by the owners of each lot that is burdened by such easement. Specifically, the owner of a lot where an easement is located shall maintain said easement located on such lot in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading or filling -in said easement is prohibited. In the event such property owner does not properly preserve or maintain the drainage easement area, the City of Muskego may send written notice to the lot owner indicating that the City has determined that that the drainage easement is not being properly preserved or maintained, and further indicating that the City of Muskego will perform such correction of the drainage easement area and/or maintenance if not properly done by lot owner. The above -referenced notice shall give the lot owner a minimum of seven (7) days to correct the problem, unless the City determines that a shorter period of notice, or no notice, is necessary due to exigent circumstances, the City of Muskego shall then have the authority, but not the obligation, to restore the drainage easement area and/or maintain any such drainage easement area referred to in said notice and shall have the right to charge the lot owner for any costs incurred by the City as a result of said restoration and/or maintenance. The City's rights of restoration shall include the right to remove any obstructions placed by the lot owner within the drainage easement area. Said costs shall be assessed as special charges pursuant to Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes. If such charges are not paid by any lot owner within the period fixed by the City of Muskego, the charges shall become a lien upon the lot owner's lot as provided in Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall extend upon the tax rolls as a delinquent tax against the lot owners lot as provided in Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes. 4139098 REGI`,TER OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON April 30 2015 03 20 PM James R �ehrend Register of Deeds 4 PGS TOTAL FEE' 30.00 TRANS FEE:�O.00 Book 111 Page 271-274 ,U"lirlill,'� i CHR1STnPH.ER J. KUrvKEL S- 1 755 `WAUyrE�H .: SHEET 4 OF 4