10973 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPPage 1 of 5 BADGER J BLUEPRINT 3920713 � 11111 IN 11110111111 J11 11111111 FOAM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 10g7? BEING A REDIVISION OF Parcel 4 Certified Survey Map No. 8153, located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/ of Section 23 and the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/ of Section 24 all in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County N.E. 114 OF SEC. 23-5-20 N.W. 114 OF SEC. 24-5-20 LEGEND — CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP 81c Musxeco LAKE Q — I" DIA. IRON PIPE FOUND • — 1" DIA. IRON PIPE SET, 24" LONG, SCALE: 1 = 120 WT = 1.13 LBS/LIN. FT. BOXHORN DRIVE 0 30 60 120 240 VICINITY SKETCH SCALE I"=2000' SURVEYOR I OWNER: DANIEL R. FLAMINI RLS #2486 13960 BOXHORN DRIVE, LLC THE CITY OF MUSKEGO C/O DUMKE MANAGEMENT W182 S8200 RACINE AVENUE I 222 OHIO STREET MUSKEGO, N 53150 OSHKOSH, WI 54902 OHWM 772.06 J� i I _CSM 8153 JPARCEL 4 .�j1x SHED � 2 j�QO1 �326 SQ.FT. S 07°31'58" W Ch QOavO'Use 773.8 29.34' [I2 P�K GT SoO94� FEMA 100YR 1 FLOODPL/dN=774.1 WETLANDS DELINEATED THOMPSO 1AND ASSOC. WETLAND SERVICES, LLC11/22/2 - .0�/ - - - LOT 1 - 159,404 sq.ft. (TO OHWM) 3.66 acres ' - - IQ - - - - 145,172 sq.ft. (TO MEANDER -LINE) 3.33 acres - S 88°09'35" W 625.911 WETLAND TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING LI 185.95 S88°09'35"W L2 36.91 N32'04 46" E L3 14.30 N15°38'I8"W L4 26.79 N18°1722"E L5 54.56 NO2'14'16"W L6 21.70 N72°55'04"W L7 36.92 N70°5947"W L8 49.10 N73°3549"W L9 100.90 N74°3926"W LIO 42.72 N7lo05'26"W LII 26.65 N73°31'00"W L12 30.87 N77°3945"W L13 23.39 N77°5932"W L14 30.22 NOW5952"W L15 35.29 N10°05'08"W L 16 8.28 Nl 1 °48'27" E L17 3.54 N38°0031W L18 11.01 N54°17'00"E L19 /5.38 N71°27'06"W _CSM 8153 PARCEL 1 I i O= I � a- �i # WO�� I•N. 1 GRID NORTH � 1 LI 4A ITARY SEWER EASA/ENT PER DOC. 3155600 �I N 1 (RECORDED AS 13.69) N87'32 30 E /3.29' NO 1'20 53"W 30.01 ' SOUTH LINE OF THE NE 114 OF SEC. 2J _ SW COR. OF NW 1/ SEC 24. UN, R20E N.• ,726,547.88 E.' 2,512,067.7.7 ,111111111111f//!!! Q NSA —C L T 0053 DANIEL R. FLAMINI = _CSM 10053 S-2486 _ LOT 2 i MUSKEGO, — B t 1 I � nl N I�4 �a 1 J 1 � '-1 1 1 SE COR. OF SEC 24, 3N, 1 N. .726,662. I E. 2,514,730. VW 114 R20E 21 60 �' S 87032'3 "�W ;0 S 8T32'30' W ' 2665.50' OUTHILOVE OF 30' �; 30' i cal i NW 114 OF SEC 24 _CSM 8063 PARCEL 1 —CSM 8063 PARCEL 2 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 1 OF 5 � Page 2 of 5 BADGER BLUEPRINT ' COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. i0177?, FORM BBC-101 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 8153, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/ OF THE NORTHEAST 1/ OF SECTION 23 AND THE SOUTHWEST 1/ OF THE NORTHWEST 1/ OF SECTION 24 ALL IN TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Daniel R. Flamini, Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped, part of Parcel 4 Certified Survey Map No. 8153, located in the Southeast'/4 of the Northeast'/4 of Section 23 and the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest I/4 of Section 24 all in Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest X of said Section 24; thence; N 01'20'53" W along the West line of the Northwest X of said Section 24 a distance of 30.01 feet to the North Boxhorn Drive right-of-way line; thence N 87'32'30" E along said North right-of-way line 13.29 feet, to the point of beginning of lands to be described; thence N 02'28'25" W 151.61 feet; thence S 88'09'35" W 625.91 feet to a meander line; thence N 26'28'05" E along said meander line 392.94 feet; thence S 71'25'32" E 218.40 feet; thence S 07031'58" W 29.34 feet; thence S 650 09'41" E 300.47 feet; thence S 02028'25" E 257.20 feet, to said North Boxhorn Drive right-of-way line; thence S 87032'30" W along said North line 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, also including lands lying between the meander line and the ordinary high water mark of Big Muskego Lake, containing 159,404 sg.ft. or 3.66 acres more or less, as measured to the ordinary high water mark. That I have made such survey, land division and map by direction of the 13960 Boxhorn Drive, LLC, owner of said lands. That such survey is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of lands surveyed and the division thereof made. That I have fully complied with provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the Land Division Ordinance of the City of Muskego, in surveying, dividing, and mapping the same. Dated this ��day of AA Daniel R. Flamini, RLS #2486 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI 2012 �.�_a�,.• •DANIEL R. ' • LAMINI'_ - S-2486 = MUiIiS�'S�' l� oQ PAGE 2 OF 5 Page 3 of 5 BADGER , BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. i 0g73 FORM BBC-101 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 8153, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/ OF THE NORTHEAST 1/ OF SECTION 23 AND THE SOUTHWEST 1/ OF THE NORTHWEST 1/ OF SECTION 24 ALL IN TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS: THOSE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND AREAS OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: 1. GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 2. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i.e. TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC, INVASIVE, DEAD, DISEASED, OR HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANDOWNER AND UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. 4. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, i.e. HORSES, COWS, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 5. THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 6. PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: THERE IS A CITY REQUIRED 15-FOOT WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AROUND ALL WETLANDS AREAS. THE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AREAS SHALL FOLLOW ALL RESTRICTIONS LISTED IN CHAPTER 17 OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WETAND PROTECTION OFFSETS. IF DNR REGULATIONS ARE APPLICABLE, THEN SAID REGULATION SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO ALL CITY REGULATIONS. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE 13960 Boxhorn Drive, LLC, a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company as owner, I hereby certify that I caused the land described on this Certified Survey Map, to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented on this Certified Survey Map. I also certify that this Certified Survey Map is required to be submitted to the following for approval: City of Muskego. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the presents are signed by Andrew J. Dumke, designated agent of 13960 Boxhorn Drive, LLC on this -7 11-h , day of ` 111111n iH111,,1 m " , 2012. Andrew J. Dumke STATE OF ss. Vv n nP.\c, a_q n COUNTY) -11-14 •'�. DANIEL R. FLAM N I S-2486 MUSKEGO, . Personally came before me on this i dayof M Cti , 2012, the above named Andrew J. Dumke, agent of 13960 Boxhorn DrivcJ, LLC to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same. Notary Public State of My commission (expires)(is) a' uu/c - 1 -7 , 2 01 C>O THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 3 OF 5 Page 4 of 5 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /ag73 FORM BBC-101 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 8153, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/ OF THE NORTHEAST 1/ OF SECTION 23 AND THE SOUTHWEST 1/ OF THE NORTHWEST 1/ OF SECTION 24 ALL IN TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE of- P-i-4 A'.k , Mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to surveying, dividing, mapping, and dedicating of the land described on this map. IN WITNESS kEREOF, ,�ave caused the presents are signed by V-4 '�f �� s , its t Ge- lLsi?,�a� id the corporate seal to be hereunto In t resen STATE OF 1 ) ss. W j N FJBA,6Q COUNTY) this -, day 2012. Personally came before me on this day of I Afty , 2012, the above named V%LkRT R1E i tV&jk qS to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instru ent, and acknowledg d the same. �RY P 'f Notary P lic BRENDA K. State of W ZICKERT My commission (expires)(is)o BAR►.. PF WIS t4tul uf1111I11/'/''i X5c O Ns�!�i°'' �• DANIEL LAM NIA •�'" THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 4 OF 5 Page 5 of 5 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1z:)9 73 FORM BBC-101 BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL 4 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 8153, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST % OF THE NORTHEAST % OF SECTION 23 AND THE SOUTHWEST % OF THE NORTHWEST 1/ OF SECTION 24 ALL IN TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, Sharon Mueller, being duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, show that there are no unpaid tax or unpaid special assessments on the lands included in this Certified Survey Map Dated this i day of/� ,c,/ , 2012. Sharon Mueller erk/Treasurer PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego on this day of , 2012 by Resolution No. o?&-o?Dloi . Kellie McMullen, Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Kathy CliA verotti, Chairman Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this day of Alamj , 2012 by Resolution No. -d D j A Sharon Mueller, Clerk/ Treasurer 3920713 REGISTER OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON May 24 2012 09:22 AM James A Behrend Register of Deeds 5 PGS TOTAL FEE: $30.00 TRANS FEE: $0.00 Book 107 Page 87-91 4tV hiaverotti, Mayor `��0XIXu101uIJ1111 - DANIEL R. FLAMINI S-2486 • MU. G • THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY DANIEL R. FLAMINI PAGE 5 OF 5