1070 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPi 3' �I i f�LERUSSELIPA i SCHUSTER • rir Hales Corners, rr t C� SCALE 1 =60� ,' , • DENDIF.. �' / 0 \ Nc\ \ L9 Ld �p L 4•s2 i�i "�� Q \ 3 � o cy ol 10 0 0 Jc Fe;Z h �: p r�i `1 l•+ v. STA'rE OF VISC031N CNN= OF I �J.. LEA 11. S"!IUSIEP, lard suryc-,-or, do herebr certify; U!.-',T 1 N.vo survc.-;cd tn-1 a rJart of tile 1"1114 of Se:'11-',.----',.(.n 3,, T 5 111.1 R 20 E co, To-.�-,. of Xuske o,, bo),Irckd r-ml Cor,mc-neinC at tho Northvc.t cornor of said 1/4 Sty cDion; rvnninfr thence North 8)021il East alone tl,:- North lire of said 1/4 Section a dis',ance of 732-76 fc--4j to a L. uoir. Point; thence South 6�"�'-" 13" "'es CC t a of 637.92 fect to -, t; thence South 80030, 1."est di-tmcc- of 92.L!O feet to a point. themce North } 2 I 1.7C L t a dAst-mce of 66.,co fc0, to. a --�cint in the Yc.st live. of sai-d 1/)4 Sectli.cthencethenceNorth 00 0215011 East alonp the V'eot lino of said I/Ii Section a distance of 232.H1 feet to the point of be-f-innip.g. THAT I have made thj.s -:urvey., land division and r,,Ao by the direction of Joseph Stef aniaK and his wife U3.1jin oi-mcm of said land. `11TAT such map is a correct mprop,entv-Lion of all c)r,-.c:vjor bcv-ndaries of tha land division thereof made. 7HAT I have fully complied with the pro,,ri!;i.crjj of Chapter 236 of the �`iscon-zdln Statutc.s and Crdinance No.63 of the City of rcE.,ulatii.g the division and platting of land. LANL LEO P L I S) S 1. L SCH-USTFR Hales (uDimers. ............ 13" OVVEli{S OF MEDIG'ATICN '--'c hca-cby certify t}lut e.-,3 have ct:uzscd the Oo:;cribcd c.bc),,re to be surve,ed, divjOed., mappcd and es mpreocr.t.--cl on this in accordance v1th J. the require-mcnts of Ordinance No. 63 of tiro CiV of Nimkc--o. 1,11TIESS Vie hand exid seal of said of-mers tl%is day of i 969 in the presence of: 7-1 (SEAL) STATE OF 1-JSCONSINT COUNTY OF .-11L*,:--JU,'Ki,,--E K;RSONALLY came before me th-Is Josc-p"-, Stcfaniak Lnd Lillian Stefani-�-11-1-i-6-Me forpir.[, instrument and ac:,nc,-,,le&-e t,u sa,,ca. day of 1969; the abovo na:-ied 1—lovm,'to be thi -..,cr-ons j,..'jo P--;cc-cutr-,ci the - "7 7-** ,-je , APPROVED by the PLAIN' CC-�"-IISSION of V, City 0 ,j,.jSkC.0 this day of 1969. This wa-s eraftc--I by Lco :Z. 1 '' �"`1. «. ;�.r.,`, �.�; 4, - :,. ."'� i � � � C' 4' �, cJ''` � � ( n1 t. � l ... 1 i.`` _.� - . `,..�