10573 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPIF ' I . I 111111111111111111111111111 11 ' 1p uc35e955e-007 FORM BBC-101 ■ SHEET 1 OF 7 PART OF THE NORTHWEST j AND THE SOUTHWEST j OF THE NORTHWEST OF SECTION 28, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. REGISTERS OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 07-29-2008 8:00 AM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE- 16.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE -STATE: PAGES: 7 PARKER ROAD CSM SCALE: 1=2000' N 48'14'59'IE 40.W Jf• oar LOT 1 R 125. du 6F SaT2 AC03 ■ rt'I ".ailu t•� x�e 80.15' x NW 1 /4, SEC. 28-5-20 LOCATION MAP A 1dERiCAPJ SMERIC IrJG C❑ MPAIJ.!.T1NC. a]W cLK W nwwsr.c tµa0■h 'r' Ja'Am w n. 1J4 aa].J wis JOHN DIEKFUSS W186 S0656 PARKER ROAD MUSKEGO, WI. 53150 37 F 4. LOT 2 200 5F < 75 ACKS EMTS7DG PDLE mNnN 2,!{4 SF PROmMRT I �IDa AS FEFYEL 2Y SEW WC 3 -IIAV�.111L.E Slip MIANIM , —SEE SHEETS 2 AND 3 OF 6 FOR DETAIL OF VARIOUS PARCELS. LEGE L o—DENOTES No. E Re6ar, J'Dia., 24'lang, 1.50Iha/In.R. ■/cap o—DENOTES iron Pipe/Rod found and accepted ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO GRID NORTH OF THE U9SCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SY''TFL, SOUTHERN ZONE 01r,AI P_ II� 1 I 0 200 400 1S FEET OUTLOT 1 03 wo SF 2.141Y ACRIM NOTE: OLMJM 1 t 2 ARE To a collomm WITH TAM W 01 MACC2270901001 C Wa�� SfAIE VETLNKOt AS STA10m 2Y U_ IN 111991am Alm :uRvrfo am ORMI :Op7 HEAKXR Lei NOTE, ALLL LOTS WILL REQUIRE A GRADING AND DRAINAGE PL TO BE APPROVED THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEN CONSTRUCTION OCCURRS ON THE REAL ESTATE APPIIlKINMTE WETLAND LDJE L -HEAVY W® AIEOL OUTLOT 2 142'A7J1 5F 3 W1110 ACM SOUTH LHE Or THE HORTHWEIM 1/4 L - ■ BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-5200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY M*P m----- SHEET 2 OF T PART OF THE NORTHWEST j AND THE SOUTHWEST j OF THE NORTHWEST OF SECTION 28, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. al ` N 48' 10'59 "E 40.68' 1 Cr01 F- Q2 Arc 37.03' 3300' Aj 33.00' DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES. LOT 1 Ipr w 125,833 SF a 2.88872 ACRES cli N 48-10'59'E m {BORING 68.08, rri 0 100 200 FEET �c z 0 Im d z l y BORING 80.15' X BORING EXISTING MOUND 2' ABOVE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ELEV. 776.1 EXISTING DWELLING Cn 0 3,278 SF rn 788.1 YD.GD. f z LTI -0 Q 74.34' Z 0 YEAR m d FLOOD PLAIN Q 74.1 NSLD N IV O Zd 01 cn LOT 2 w cn 200,322 SF 4 � r;na�a nror=c BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 FORM BBC-101 I on ME. D SURVEY MAP ELEV. 776.1 EXISTINGN S 7 R ING a 3,278 LSF a SHEET 3 OF 7 788.1 YD.GD. 0 c 01 74.34' tl c rn Z 0 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN 0 74.1 MELD N IQ 0 v CA CA LOT 2 200,322 SF " :12- 4.59576 ACRES PART OF HE NORTHWEST AND THE SOUTHWEST OF THE NOR HWEST j OF SECTION 25, TOWN 5 NORTH, r RANGE 2 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF CD WAUKES . STATb F, ISC`Q[ IN. EXISTING CA POLE BARN o 0 3,984 SF 93,300 SF N 37.32' FF, 787.9 = 2.14155 ACRES PRIMINARY ENVIR❑NMENT L CORRID❑R AS DEFINED BY SEWP NOTE: OUTLOTS 1 & 2 ARE TO BE COMBINED WITH TAX KEY NO. MSKC2270999001 OWNED BY THE STATE OF WISCONSIN N\s WETLANDS AS STAKED BY SEWPRC ON 11/09/2006 AND SURVEYED ON NDs .Ss 4Q 02/07/2007 cn 4'1tMDS .•\>>�� MEANDER LINE DS• \ WETLAND SETBACK LINE 4 LAN 3 Nos . 1 Sg ro RDs S� LA Ds LANDS WULANDs cn NORTH ��. CENTERLINE• pF UNNAMED J C A L E \ �•� NAVIGABI*E STREAM ' 'N❑ WATER, IN' ,STRFA4M .. AT TIME ❑F LbCATION' \ Z ETLAN�s MEAN HIGH .WATER ELEVATION. \ r 771.9 MSLD �+ N Nos E T �4 ETLANDs ..2' ABDVE IOo N 3 W_ YEAR FLUDD bs s PLAIN H �,'100 YEAR ` FLOOD PLA U Rv�Ci,. 1�ETLANDs '".� ,,,`�... ` OUTL 2 .... J _ . .a6�Q91° � .k�rLAy13s \, 142,575 SF n7/�`f1• �/ 3.29610 ACRES /WETAAND SETBACK LINE `/yIlipt .: SOUTH LINE OF THE 78`�t NORTHWEST 1/4 6A L ITNDS j/ j CENTER i CORNER SEC. 28-5-20 SEC. 28-5-20 E} CORNER WETLAND 320,828.30N Sf i 2,498,818.4EE 2.493. 11.0 '` YYETE1ANb5 / IRON.YONT. 2.493,211..0E Ca4NDS w/SRASS CAPE CONC.AIDNT. � � . w/BRA55 CAPE S 88� 4'•l 4'�W ' N 88'14'13'E 1946.23' $8 14'13'E 39. 222.7� i :�o BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP N4.! 0 5 ? 3 SHEET 4 4F 7 PART OF THE NORTHWEST j AND THE SOUTHWEST I OF THE NORTHWEST OF SECTION 28. TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. w. T deb p?A1 • .�r,o,tu r-Ap - _ i / 1, WETLANDS AND CORRIDOR WERE DELINEATED BY SEWRPC ON NOVEMBER 9, 2006 AND SURVEYED BY AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, INC IN FEBRUARY 2ND, 2007 & JULY 3RD, 2008 CURVE DATA: Curve Radius Tangent Length Delta Chord Chord Bear. C1 588.11' 100.00, 198.11' 19018'00" 197.17' N 38"31'59" E C2 621.11' 105.61' 209.22' 19018'00" 208.23' N 38`31'59" E C3 621.11' 18.52' 37.03' 3"'24'58" 37.03' N 464'28'30" E C4 621.11' 86.65' 172.19' 15"53'03" 171.64' N 36"49'30" E WETLAND DELINATION CALLS: Course Bearing Distance L13 N 01°45'06" W 170.63' L14 S 47°30'37" W 191.62' L15 S 75°04'39" W 36.17' L16 N 13 14'55" W 20.33' L17 N 07"07'46" E 18.77' L16 N 79°23'13" W 16.96' L19 S 85'14'22" W 26.06' L20 N 19°18'05" W 24.67' L21 N 22°02'56" E 52.76' L22 N 14°41'07" E 50.55' L23 N 41°46'42" W 87.43' L24 N 60°16'15" W 37.56' L25 N 23°12'42" W 53.20' L26 N 28°35'32" W 95.76' L27 S 02°06'56" E 71.60' MEANDER LINE CALLS: Course Bearing Distance S1 N 66003'08" W 91.26' S2 N 63017'42" W 107.12' S3 N 62032'40" W 85.42' S4 N 66"46'59" W 111.24' S5 N 02`'06'56" W 44.21' S6 S 66°55'48" E 125.65' S7 S 62`'47'38" E 95.76' S8 S 63017'50" E 105.33' S9 S 65059'20" E 68.47' S10 S 01"45'06" E 44.41' WETLAND DELINATION CALLS: Course Bearing Distance L1 N 01045'06" W 419.99' L2 N 55°24'20" W 15.19' L3 N 55024'20" W 28.18' L4 N 6W'31'18" W 27.14' L5 N 67042'29" W 56.81' L6 N 60"55'59" W 49.26' L7 N 64"04'14" W 77.45' L8 N 64032'12" W 45.50' L9 N 66"16'38" W 16.78' L10 N 70"40'55" W 62.37' L11 N 63005'57" W 18.20' L12 S 02006'56" E 246.05' N a BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) q2-8200 FORM BBG•101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /0573 PAGE 5 OF 7 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST', AND THE SOLITHWEST'."; OF THE NORTHWEST':-0 OF SECTION 28, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTN' OF RACINE )" I, PETE L. BAILEY, Rebislered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and Wrapped a tract of land being a pan of the Northwest ' 4 and the Southwest 1:-4 of the Northwest !-,4 of Section '28, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of N4uskega, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commence at the West 114 corner ofsaid Section, thence North 88 degrees 14' 13" East for a distance of 430.33 feet, along the South line of said ' 4 Section, to the point of beginning; thence North 21 de -roes 51'58" West for a distance of 371.50 feet, to a point, thence North 02 degrees 06'56" West for a distance of 1181.33 feet, to a point in the center line of "Parker Road", thence North -18 degrees 10'59- East for a distance of 40.68 feet, alon- said center line, to a point, thence Northwesterly along a curve to the left, with an are length of 198.11 feet and a radius of 588.11 feet, being subtended by a chord of North 38 degrees 31'51)" East for a distance of 197.17 feet, continuing along said center line, to a point, thence North 28 degrees 52' 29" East for a distance of 391.20 feet, continuing along said center line, to a point, thence South 01 degrees 45'06"" East for a distance of'2043.31 feet, to a point on the South line of said "4 Section; thence South 88 degrees 14' 1 West for a distance of ?1170 feet, alon said Section line, to the point of bey iming. Contains 13.76615 acres of land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division Ihereot'nrade. THAT I have made such survey, land divisionand map at the direction of the owner of said lands. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 23)6 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and the rcyuetrts of the City of N4uskego in surveying in�g and mapping th ie. AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. PETE L. BAILEY, RLS NO. 1398 DATED THIS ,NTH DAY OF JUNE, 2008, REVISED THIS 14TH DAY OF JULY, 2008 BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 10'5 PAGE 6 OF 7 CUEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST'•a AND THE SOUTHWEST';; OF THE NORTHWEST'.= OF SECTION 28, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE'0 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. COUNTY CIF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE: Ti/�r4/NA.I' X4yAt Aro, a corporation duty organized and existing under and by virtue of the la+vs of the State of Wisconsin. mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing•, mapping and dedication of land described on this map, and Miles hereby consent to the above Certificate ot'JUHN DIEKFUSS g MARGARET DIEKFUSS, owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said �i1C.4M4­( 9,4AAY— A11 has caused these presents to he si-ned t��' aAUIV S'l�riy�.� its aj6 I_y&7/vjrA,T and countersigned by fiUnpoker 6!/►[tm1'Ks SEMox U�G>+" 1S�ft• ,at Rmltre. Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to lie hereuntop lxedthls2ir*1 daN' of ,TUL N .2008. 041r-jf7Et4) I[1 Presence of: tdQJu " / • ��� �f/yr--' STATE OF WISCONSIN ) CCI[_INTY OF WAUKESHA Personally came before me this a3 d.�}}� of T✓ I 2008, Doty i J 5 7C,pticj V to Qrc g;c��� and eo.)areGurz�a,5 Se„Io V. -P._ of the above named corpin. [r, nle known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to nle known to he suchU;ce Pe 'Je•r<` and S n ; or V P. of said corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such otticers as the deed of said corporation, by its authority. �'�' •� �pNN• E. Tq�s o NOTARY PUBLIC :•' ap T/a��•;�.t; s_'01_iNTY OF STATE OF WISCONSIN. M 1 �E.!� My commissionm es r elnq�EHl �1. WETLAND PROTECTION AREA RESTRICTIONS: LAG THOSE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS L ETLAND SETBACK AREAS OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHALL BE SUB THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: I. GRADING OR FILLING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. '. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i.e. TREES, SHRUBS. {_BRASSES, ETC. SHALLBE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF DEAD, DISEASE OR DYING VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE LANDOWNER OR SILVICULT[_tRAL THINNING UPON THE APPROVAL CIF THE CITY CIF h LIKESGO. -I. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, i.e. HORSES, COWS, ETC. SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 5. THE INTORDUCTION OF PLANT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUR TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. o. PUNS MAYBE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO..AND IF APPICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ARMY C(=)RP CIF ENGINEERS.c9_ 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. Xl,,%l,f oiled, r N 0 BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. zo-5-73 PAGE 7 OF 7 BEING APART OFTHE NORTHWEST ':i AND THE SOUTHWEST1-4OFTHE NORTHWEST '.� OF SEC-TiON —18. TOW'N 5 NORTH, RANGE'_'0 EAST. IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION: 1VE, AS OWNERS, herebv certify that we caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, dedicated and mapped as represented on this map. We also eertify that this map is required by s.W36.34 to be :uhtnitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF N1LISKEGO WITNESS• the hand and seal of said owner this a'� day of `L 2008. IN PRESENCE OF: J N DIEKFLISS STATE OF WISCONSIN) C'OLINT1' OF WAUKESHA)- 41 MARGAkET DIEKFLISS Personally came before me lhiOS day of JON . 2008. the alcove names! JOHN DIEKF[_ISS and MARGARET DIEKFLISS to me known to the persons who executed the fore-oing instrument and ackno«-ledc-e thr same. NOTARI' PLIBLIC COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN.- > Iv9v cornnlissinn expires - � 11)0I =O PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL: y APPROVED by the Planning Conunission of the City WOOS. Jt tN R. JOHNSON, C AIR1AAN KELLIE McMullen, PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION: f j ! this day of Jl � PRO ED td ad�this day of l iaAq;pby Resolution No. M(IS''�%, R) N R. JOH SO AYOR � � Rpp�G) s J,A ICE MOYER, C[T C ERI<ITREASURER C RTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER: �R•E�'""^�•"'"�P x�`�� ' I I, JANICE MOYER, being the duly appointed, qualified and ;IIctln cite treasurer orthc City oi' Muske-o, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this -R-L day of '008 on any of the lands included in this rnap.r-fax (� �� ` S DATE-� u.�uZ�, �60� ��;f)N+�': D7�/�1D� NIQF MOYER, CITY (�LEkKi TREASURER T13Trfltstrument was drafted by Pete L. Bailey <. ` YFII Fh,,pccn)UlEKFITSS