10483 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• 0 0 0 co iO Trry 1 • • OWNERS ADDRESS: KEVIN MALCHINE 27402 MALCHINE ROAD WATERFORD. WI. 53185 16 DRIVE Ilk CSN SCALE:` 1=2D00 v LOCATION MAP SOUTHWEST 1/4, SEC. 34-5-20 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP O NO.---g-� w SHEET 1 OF 5 a BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST OF THE SOUTHWEST OF SECTION 34, o TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 m EAST, IN THE CITY OF a MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF "zmI WAUKESHA, STATE OF 1T WISCONSIN. PEE PRWAUKESHA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LETTER DATED 12-19-2005. ONE ACCESS POINT IS ALLOWED TO C.T.H.'G" FOR THIS PARCEL AND ONE ACCESS POINT FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE PROPERTY TO THE NORTH OWNED BY THE DEVELOPER. -THPROPERTY IS ZONED AGRICULTURAL AND WILL REQUIRED A GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, TO BE APPROVED THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEN CONSTRUCTION ❑CCURRS ON THE REAL ESTATE 2 FOOT ABOVE FLOOD PLAIN ELEV, 776.00 L28 L27 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN UNPLATTED LANDS ELEVATIONi 774.00 OWNED_ BY DEVELOPER. n i WATER LEVEL, 771.68 o 02/24/06 POND . WETLANDS NO. 1 AND 2 ARE ISOLATED ,C NATURAL RESOURCES AREAS PER THIS DOCUMENT. SCALE N 88'22'01 "E 925.68' WETLANDS2� L17 L 0 �......... �N V� jj o—DENOTES No. fi Robar, Ibla., 24'lonq, 1.501bk4m.ft 6/cap IZ!E? OTES iron P1p�/Rod found and aeeapW ALL BE/RINGS ARE REFERENCED TO GRID NORTH OF THE VASCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SY" TE11, SOUTHERN r- 50.0�9NE. / L1 33 — r o s�00 c ro rrQdp. L22 l L`Z 1 0 "TO T / A.T.C. EASEMENT • IIh r r r I) tl�� xnN�sa� eoR�Ho x gal. BM4G TOT 1 90,536 SF 1.26116 ACRES ❑ 12❑ 24❑I FEET 50' SETBACK FRI]N WETLANDS CTYP] � y / CO �/ ^'0' J; T ha NORTH NO 'STANDING VATER' ^� / DATE OF THIS SURVEY ry� / y / )r7 �6 ............... O ........ . . -� WETLANDS N0. 1 . '. . .. y zv..3 . .:.;..'..:..:. 88'21'26"W 537.10 UNPLATTED LANDS / jS 88'2126-W 789.61'�- / N 23� 669.499.49' lH - / SU ERICArJ + / R4'EYING E' C:0 4 Ch1Pi�•.fJY.iNC. / uJUT tTx Y mw,a'.JJc 11�9+ di„ '• . • • BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 1 �� CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO._,D SHEET" 2 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST j OF THE SOUTHWEST j OF SECTION 34, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. CALLS, WETLANDS NO. 1 Course Bearing Distance L1 S 88`21'26" W 13B.28' L2 N 23'14'48" W 42.88' L3 N 75°45'36" W 22.56' L4 N 56'23'36" W 22.14' L5 N 01'17'54" E 68.64' L6 N 44"55'32" E 57.81' L7 N 79'43'37" E 47.62' L8 S 57'59'23" E 36.78' L9 S 44'03'15" E 35.28' L10 S 53°17'54" E 42.38' L11 S 30'51'45" E 72.96' L12 I S 28"30'50" W 43.78' CALLS, WETLANDS NO. 2 Course Bearing Distance L13 S 88'22'01" W 215.53' L14 S 00'01'13" E 9.20' L15 S 00'01'13" E 17.47' L16 S 81'24'23" W 51.23' L17 S 88'10'53" W 134.42' L18 S 64'35'56" W 51.83' L19 S 56'41'05" W 34.71' L20 S 58'15'32" W 36.31' L21 S 69 42'20" W 30.35' L22 S 86'17'18" W 41.88' L23 N 82'52'24" W 50.33' L24 N 51`54'04" W 35.88' L25 N 51"04'32" W 34.19' L26 N 60 04'13" W 39.89' L27 N 86'17'11" W 49.90' L28 S 87'27'42" W 72.71' L29 S 74'33'59" W 34.69' L30 S 74'33'59" W 53.62' L31 N 01'33'15" W I36.53' WETLANDS WERE DELINEATED BY THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES WETLANDS SERVICES, LLC ON JUNE 3, 2006 AND SURVEYED BY AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, INC IN JUNE 2006. THE THOMPSON DELINEATED WAS CONCURRED WITH BY THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS BY LETTER DATED JULY 20, 2006 AND ALSO CONCURRED WITH BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BY LETTER DATED JUNE 7, 2007 AND DEPARTMENT LETTER DATED AUGUST 8, 2006. J 00 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. AP PAGE 3 OF 5 0 40 FORM BBC-toi BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTH WEST 1/4 OF SECTION 34, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. RESTRICTIONS: l . Farm drainage field tiles are known to exist on the Lot, if said tiles are damaged or encountered during any constriction activity, said tiles must be repaired and/or rerouted per State Statutes. Also Farm field drain tiles that exist within the limits of this map and serve abutting parcels, the owners of abutting parcels have the right of entry and access to repair and maintain the existing farm field drain tiles if the property owner does not, per State Statutes. ?. Preservation Easement: Isolated Natural Resource Area (INRA) is showed on the CSM. The INRA is further protected by a 50.00 foot setback line, that runs 50' away from and parallel the located INRA. The preservation easement is intended to include the 50 foot area in addition to the actual staked limitations. a. The 50 foot setback line from the INRA is a non -mowing area. The intent of the no -mow zone is to provide a measure of protection for adjacent wetlands. b. All area within the designated preservation easement shall be preserved and protected by prohibiting the following: grading, filling or excavating, erecting any structures or buildings, removing of destroving anv vegetative covers (except diseased vegetation and noxious weeds) introducing plants not indigenous to the existing environment, gardening, cultivated and depositin- of anv yard waste of anv type and the grazing of domestic animals, where applicable. 3. If access point to Lot I is a public street, it subject to the Waukesha County 150 foot byl00 foot vision corner easement requirement. "Within the area of the vision comer easement, the height of all plantings, berms, fencing, signs or any other structure shall be limited to 24 inches above the intersection elevation. No roadway access is pennitted over the vision comers from the adjacent lots." 4. Per the Department of Natural Resources concurrence letter dated 08/08/2006, a 50 foot setback from the delineated wetlands is shown and recorded. These restrictions are for the benefit of the public and run with the land and are binding on all who purchase, mortgagee or assign as real estate. Iolr,wlto 7 1111719 7 00 BADGER 00 BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. A9:% PAGE 4 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 34, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MLTSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF RACINE )" 1, PETE L. BAILEY, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a tract of land being a part of the Southeast 1'4 of the Southwest 1 /4 of Section 34, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, State of Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commence at the South 114 earner of said Section; thence Noith 01 degrees 1 T23" West for a distance of 669.49 feet, along the East line of said '• Section, to a point, thence South 88 degrees 21'26" West for a distance of 789.61 feet, to a point in the West line of C.T.H. " G'" and the point of beginning, thence South 88 degrees 21'26" West for a distance of 537. 10 feet, to a point in the East line of C'Slvl No. 8-104: thence North 01 degrees 33' 15" West for a distance of 670.75 feet, along the East line of CSM No. 8204, to a point being the Southeast corner of CSM No. 1276, thence North 88 degrees 22'01 " East for a distance of 925.68 feet, to a paint in the West line of C.T.H. "G", thence South 28 degrees 30'50" West for a distance of 775.56 feet, along said West line, to the paint of beginning. Contains 1 1.261 16 acres of land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have made such survey, land division and map at the direction of the owner of said lands. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and the regmi nts of the City of Mus - go in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. .AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, rNC. PETE L. BAILEY, RLS NO. 1398 DATED THIS 19"' DAY OF OCTOBER, 2007 REVISED THIS 17"" DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2007 REVISED THIS 20T" DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2007 VOL 100 pow,- &&-70 Z3�__3i___3 L�_a REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTYs WI RECORDED ON 12-07-2007 10:30 AM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 12.00 REC. FEE —CO: 5.00 REC. FEE—ST: 2.00 T RAN. FEE : TRAN. FEE —STATE: PAGES-. 5 101107 11112107 IlI Z4102 FORM BBC-101 i • BADGER 0 BLUEPRINT i COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.� PAGE 5 OF 5 BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST I/4 OF SECTION 34, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF IVIUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION: 1, AS OWNER, herebv certify that I caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, dedicated and mapped as represented on this map. I also certify that this malt is required by s.23ci.321 to be suhmined to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKEGO WITNESS, the }rand and seal of said owner this 4th day of December 2007. IN PRESENCE OF: (Z , rvk-01�L—1 KEVIN MALCHINE STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA)- Personally came before me this 4thday of Dec to me kno� to the person who e • cuted the foregoing instr i;z Me vin W. Wendt: NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. My conunission expires 4-11-11 PLANNING COMMISSJON APPROVAL: W. Erb, 20( the abo nt a aclROvrl -e the am p�8hIf, s �fl'rrl�gl S\�+ llltit OF WkSCfl��� KEVIN MALCHINE APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego this day of qe 2007. \ OHN R. JOH`NS09, CHAIRMAN K E LL1 E RENK, PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION: APPROVED and adapted this J-7 day of PQ�,byirtaspj ltion No. Z 2.3 "Z-007 J( R. JOHNSON; AYOR G: Gokpoi?,q� � � F L��'� ANI E MOYER, CIT CL RK/TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER: ���;UKE4S�t`������``` 1, JAN ICE MOYER, being the duly appointed, qualified and acting city treasurer of the Citv of Muske-u, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this 5 day of'Dj C . , 2007 on any of the lands included in this map. /1P ,11rh7 DATE:! V-X �V-5 -2667 1�1�7�07 In J UNICMOYER, CITY CLTREASURERTrument was drafted by Pete L. Bailey. t .,,peens Y_E V I N AIkD-H FNE c