9709 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • I'�NIVMI,IC312I12VIM-0GI4I�VIB J CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1709 Being a part of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin F 9.84' 110.421 i 7.281 MEANDE CORNF141 N 333,3 5.39 E 2.503. 89.87 LIFT STATION — EASEMENT (DOC NO. 1249554) 1 1�4 5. �.22'. - sI o� wQ' as o I a .j a INDIAIl�� M0UNl� .' PARCEL 2 89,652 S.F. (TO MEANDER LINE) INDIAN MOUND i, V 1 o� o 0 FRAME COTTAGE 450 S-F. FL-782.0 I� SHED 2I¢ S.F. 9 WELL OOi 1 b�l / b,j� 51Q /� I 2 A80VE qEY YR. FLOOD y'9 PLAIN LAIC (776.1)' 100•YR. FLOOD Oi PLAIN LINE (77 con FORM BBC-101 ;c Q ;z NOTE, c ENOTES 1'x24" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. w : t, PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT a? CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. R1 a BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. tzj PREPARED FOR: FRANK SWITALA V1J183 S7921 BAY LANE PL. MUSK.EGO, WI. 53150 +.V// 114 PREPARED B'r: t CHRISTOPHER J. KUNK.EL S-1755 a EDGEWOOD ENGINEERING GROUP, INC S71 W`1325 NATIONAL AVE. z SUITE 5 ty BIG BEND. WI. 53103 (262) P,62-5002 rn 12.85, 4 G�4-�ry 4��ryl Gti5 aop l BASS BAY NE 114 C 15-5.20 VICINITY SKETCH SCALE:1 "=2000' 10 SCALE-1 "-64' A. s . f J a� �se� � 0 100, 200O WETLAND COURSES WETLAND LINE AS DELINEATED BY WETLAND k WATERWAY CONSULTING (11/4/03) 3 f % 1 20/ COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 1 S 12'53' 39" E 3.53' 2 S 41'31' 14" E 5.57' 3 N 54*49' 12" E 15.52' 4 N 34*34'07" E 28.64' 5 N 10'25' 12" E 24.42' 6 N 05'16'24" 1 27.47' 7 1 N 04' 18' 15" E 32.35' 8 I N 17' 12 24 E 32.91' EDGEwOOD ENGINEERING GROUP INC. eiv@ *nglr�rinq. laid �wylnq . Nt� planlnq S71 M2= MATIOMAL AVE. VL 0 • M WO •1M9G0M',�1 83lW (262)662-5002 0 fox (262)662-9012 T 115 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1765 SHEET i OF 4 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 00 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 6?709 Being a part of the NW 114 of the NE 114 of Section 15, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin i I:0 I ml 1'X Iz I 1CD I �c Ic ov I� FORM BBC-101 SCALE.•1 ' =60' 0 100, $00, O e� 10 b a WO UNPLATTED LANDS so �N/L NE 1/4 SEC 15-5-20 b - ^ T S 87•48' 08" W 2668.89' NE CORNER N� 1/4 SEC 15-5-20 / N 87°48'08" E 210.91' CONC. MONUMENT 17A 96' T1 N 334,349.32 E 2.506.535.28 N 31.16' 23" E QN57'5017" .91' ,fig 16 E 737' N 88°39'22" E COSIGN CORNER EASEMENT SHED M 85 S.F" -4 PARCEL EXIST. CD p 32,917 S.F. �ovElitIEAO GARAGE HFLm785.2 UTILITY LINES. NO EASEENT 735 S-F. o I m LISTER FL-784.1 OQ aN y yC Q v+ 81 co OI a_ I INDIAN ' MOUND S 87°48'08" W 1 94.91' W PARCEL 2 89,652 S.F. (TO MEANDER LINE) W ao c O m 86.00, S 874'48'08" W z co:>L- r— m 9 VISION CORNER EASEMENT NOTE: THE HEIGHT OF PLANTINGS BERMS, FENCES. SIGNS & ANY OTHER STRUCTURE WITHIN THE EASEMENT IS RESTRICTED TO 24" ABOVE EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION. SHEET 2 OF 4 I 00 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (262)542-8200 00 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. g702 Being a part of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Christopher J. Kunkel, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said NE 1/4 Section 15; thence S 01 °20'38" E along the West line of said NE 1/4 Section 15, 25.00 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence N 87°48'08" E, 210.91 feet to a point on the West line of Bay Lane Place; thence S 01 °20'38" E along said West line, 182.00 feet, thence S 87°48'08" W, 86.00 feet; thence S 01 °20'38" E, 638.00 feet to a point on a meander line, said point being N 01 °20'38" W, 27.6 feet from the shoreline of Bass Bay on Big Muskego Lake; thence S 30°39'34" W along said meander line, 235.68 feet to a point being N 01 020'38" W, 30.7 feet from said shoreline; thence N 01020,38" W along the West line of said NE 1/4 Section 15, 1018.00 feet to the place of beginning. Said lands containing 130,434 square feet (2.99 acres) of land, more or less. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of th- Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Land Division Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. J Date: AD / 3 . /` a ¢�• � �'<, I, Jean Marenda, being the duly elected, qualified, and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this :_�O; N day of J A N v.,\ P_ , 200_y_, on any of the land included on this map. r Date: I J an f cry�z� T Jean Mare a, City Trea urer City of Muskego N Sheet 3 of 4 • BADGER • BLUEPRINT • COMPANY, INC. (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 47O' ' Being a part of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION I, Frank D. Switala, as owner, do hereby certify that I have caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Frank D. Switala, owner, has caused these presents to be signed by, on this o'lD day of at A111ARV 200 �/. In the presence of: D. Switala STATE OF WISC;ONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) FORM BBC•101 Personally came before me this ,2o day of Jdjuz��, 200 4, the above named Frank D. Switala, owner, and to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. .3 a , �, •. 4 o. Notary Public - State of Wisconsin My commission expires: // - 2 Z- - c 6- 3 T PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. A- " 0on this G day of knoa: 2004. REGISTER'S ❑FFICE O WAUKESHA COUNTY WI RECORDED ON ' rn Mark Slocomb, Chairman 01-E1-E004 1:57 Frt Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS r REC. FEE: 10.0 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRAM. FEE: TRAM. FEE -STATE: PAGES: 4 APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resol on this 1_�5 day of Jail gar T 2004 0 RATF .1O Mark Slocomb, Mayor . f!%rl:i.ltlti ,. J K. Marenda, City Clerk k "h[um, t: Sheet 4 of 4