9615 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPI I I !111 111111111111 111�11iV!'I''11II MSATRANSPORTATION • AfRJIVCPAL DEVELOPMENT . EMMOMWICAL 111 Warren Street Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-887-4242 1-800-552-6330 Fax: 920-887-4250 Q MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WNAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED PROJECT # 2350208 DRAWN BY JJ CHECKED BY WFO FILE # csm.dwg SHEET # Sheet 1 of 6 FIELD BOOK # n/❑ PAGES # n/a SURVEY MAP # �l PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. *SEE SHEET 2 OF 6 FOR \ ,'� SETBACK, BUILDING LOCATIONS, \ \ I i / NORTHEAST CORNER OF EASEMENTS & LEGEND. SEE SHEET \ ; THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF 5 OF 6 FOR LINE & AREA �, \ I SECTION 17-5-20 TABLES.* L2 i N=334,052.54 E=2,495.890.21 tiLI L18 k " SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST I 1 L25 SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8-5-20 4 /1/4 OF SECTION 9-5-20 _ —r . . NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 0= SECTION 17--5-20 1/4 OF SECTION 16-5-20 � P.O.B. The bearings are oriented to the East line. of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17-5-20 which bears N.00'50'07"W. i N SIT IN W E A,. S moo• GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100 200 .. FEET SURVEYOR Angus W. Stocking 111 Warren Street Beaver Dorn, WI 53916 *SURVEYOR'S SEAL* "NO FURTHER ACCESS TO ! r\ EITHER C.T.H. "Y" OR \ C.T.H. "L" WILL BE %iJ�j �o GRANTED SHOULD ANY OF ass"fr��']. THE LOTS BE RE —DIVIDED." WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16-5•-20 SSW-1 4' ;SE— 1/4. Go''/ 8 —5-20 9-5-20 a ,GEAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF ��, SECTION 17-5-•20 ANG>US W. ti " GERVER DAty lul fpIIrIP;:� ' bra rd a-�: , se�h . itcoh�� ; f• I ���t-i•,� .Gtn I NE-- �/4 NlN-1 /4 I .o o z '17-5-20 �.. 6=5.-ZOJ D_ p Li.S CV VICINITY MAP oL I SCALE: 1 "=2000' U I SUBDIVIDER & \Z OWNER: 0 V N O c0 N U3 °' o MRED (Janesville/Racine) Assoc.. �( 11 11 A Wisconsin Limited Partnership W228 N745 Westmound Drive iii Z ``' Wcukfsha, Wisconsin 53186 PROJECT # 2350208 TRANSPORTATION • k*AVCPAIL DRAWN BY JJ NSA DEVELOPMENT e ENVROINMENTAI_ CHECKED BY WFO 111 Warren Street Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-687-4242 1-800-552-6330 Fax; 920-887-4250 FILE# csm.dwg • SERVICES Q MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SHEET # Sheet 2 of 6 FIELD BOOK, # n/a PAGES # n/o WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP # &/5 PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. i' L 18 5� ALL BUILDINGS ARE TO Ca h L2 \`,, HEREBY DEDICATED TO BE REMOVED WITHIN PUBLIC FOR HIGHWAY LOT 1 & LOT 2. J� �' js �L19\ \ PURPOSES "WITHIN THE AREA OF THE VISION CORNER EASEMENT, 6 THE HEIGHT OF ALL 0' rt \ i PLANTINGS, BERMS, FENCING SIGNS OR ANY � 4C? OTHER STRUCTURE SHALL ; � & r1 ' i' `` BE LIMITED TO 24 INCHES O C) �� '� I ABOVE THE INTERSECTION fie. O i �O• try ELEVATION" �\� ` IX ZVI �.• � CR � "'rda' �'� OT 2 � C s ": o-`0 4a 1 \ e4, ` `•. '' ` . EXISTING °s s� BUILDINGS 00 F J5?o:1s LOT 1� . LOT 3 1 a N EXISTING W E 'C�� STOP.MWATER DETENTION jBUILDING , POND FOR THE BENEFIT 3��, TO REMAIN OF LOTS 1 & 2 �g-. l 4551 FT. S s 4D,45o sO.FT. �, I5ry A�,30 FF; 80 88 GRAPHIC SCALE �b�L ; p 0 50 100 op4 1" = 100 FEET 25.00' ? *SURVEYOR'S SEAL* S52'01'02"E % By graphic Plotting only, this property is in lone "C" of the Iu►r; /p RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT Flood Insurance Rate Map, ,`t�1RV1H1F111::? G�''°`',,f RECORDED AS O Community Panel Na. 550486 ---------- N 0004 B, which bears an ----------• effective date of 12/01/1982 ancr is not in a special Flood Hazard Area. LEGEND SUBDIVIDER & BEAVER DAM FD. BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE OWNER: � -- ti'Ji FD. 1/2" IRON PIPE FD. 1 " \ IRON PIPE MIRED (Jonesville/Racine) Assoc.. /�����4 U $" RON 0 SET 1 PIPE4 1,68 D B5 AW228Wisconsin N745 Limited Westmound nershi DriveR !!!! /FT it) llf;. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 PROFE5510NA4 ar' � TRANSPORTATION . HJUWAL DEVELOPMENT . ENMC N ENTAL I11 Warren Street Beaver Dom, WI 53916 920-887-4242 1-800-552-6330 Fax: 920-887-4250 @ MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROJECT # 23g0208 DRAWN BY JJ CHECKED BY WFO FILE # csm.dwp SHEET # Sheet 3 of 6 FIELD BOOK # n/o WNAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP PAGES # n/a I, Angus W. Stocking, Registered Land Surveyor of the State of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that I have made a survey of part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17 and the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Section 17; thence along the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 17, S.00'50'07"E., 53.94 feet (1-25) to the POINT OF REAL BEGINNING of lands to be described; thence continuing alone the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 17, S.00'50'07"E., 104.35 feet (1-3) to the Westerly right—of—way line of Racine Avenue, said Westerly right—of—way line is 109.00 feet Westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Racine Avenue; thence along said Westerly right—of—way line of Racine Avenue, S. 38' 39'59"E., 456.72 feet (1-28), to the Northwesterly line of lands owned by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, said lands are described in Volume 160, Page 77 as recorded in the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office; thence along said Northwesterly line of lands owned by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, S.54'06'42"W., 389.28 feet (1-27) to the Northeasterly line of lands described in Reel 527, Image 858 as recorded in the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office; thence along said Northeasterly line, N.52' 01'02"W., 484.15 feet (1-9) to the Southeasterly right—of—way line of Janesville Road; thence along said Southeasterly right—of—way line of Janesville Road, N.37'58'58"E., 516.05 feet (1-10); thence N.86'43' 18"E., 76.69 feet (1-1) to the Westerly right—of—way line of Racine Avenue, said Westerly right—of—way line of Racine Avenue being 45.00 feet Westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Racine Avenue; thence along said Westerly right—of—way line of Racine Avenue; S.38'39'59"E., 25.55 feet (1-2) to the POINT OF REAL BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 248,628 square feet or 5,708 acres, more or less. The bearings are oriented to the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East which bears N.00'50'07"W. and is referenced to Grid North of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone. I have made the survey, land division and map by the direction of Mark D. Redmond, agent for owner, I further certify that this map is a correct representation of all of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the division of that land; that I have complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18.33 of the City of Muskego Municipal Code in surveying and mapping the some. I *SURVEYOR'S SEAL* I L US W. 4 CT�I�'XIPI( BEA'iE SUBDIVIDER & OWNER: MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Assoc. A Wisconsin Umited Portnership W228 N745 Westrnound Drive Wau!.esha, Wi;cansin 53186 PROJECT # 2350208 NSATRANSPORTATION • AOUNWAL DRAWN BY JJ DEVELOPMENT • ENMOMENTAL CHECKED BY WFO F11 Warren Street Beaver Dam, WI 53916 FILE 92D-387-4242 1-SDO-552-6330 Fax: 920-887-4250 csm.dwg PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SHEET # Sheet 4 of 6 FIELD BOOK # n/a PAGES # n/a WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP # �' 1 PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. COMMON COUNCIL CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this ��day of 2003. \\ US&�.'''. - - - - - - - - - - - - -J:•''�P Je ,,. Marenda, City Clerk/Treasurer = �J j Marl: Slocomb, Mayor '''4• ���;`.�� h4�� PLAN COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL Approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this _? 5`day of ---Ai31'1\L- 2003. andra S. Asti, Secretary Mark Slocomb, Mayor *SURVEYOR'S SEAL* i� .�.� �''��I•', 1141a V'•+�-1 6EAl'ER DAfA, W! -z 4r.. LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 N86'43'18"E 76.69' L15 N38'39'59"W 45.53' L2 S38'39'59"E 25.55' L16 N86'43' 18"E 26.60' L3 S00'50'07"E 104.35' L17 N86'43'18"E 37.82' L4 S38'39'59"E 153.00' L18 N86'43'18"E 12.27' L5 S51'20'01 "W 118.81' L19 S00'50'07"E 16.31' L6 S00'50'07"E 164.68' L20 j S00'50'07"E 88.04' 1-7 S51'59'41"E 169.45' L21 N52'01'02"W 140.15' L8 S54'06'42"W 208.32' L22 N52'01'02"W 324.00' L9 N52'01'02"W 484.15' L23 N52'01'02"W 20.00' L10 N37'58'58"E 516.05' L24 N37'58'58"E 533.59' L11 1 N37'58'58"E 175.93' L25 S00'50'07"E 53.94' L12 N52'01'02"W 324.00' L26 S54'06'42"W 180.96' L13 N37'58'58"E 175.93' L27 S54'06'42"W 389.28' L14 S37'58'587W 357.66' L28 S38'39'59"E 456.72' L29 S38'39'59"E 303.72' AREA TABLE NAME SQUARE FEET ACRES BOUNDARY 248.628 5.708 JANESVILLE ROAD 10,496 0.241 LOT 1 57,001 1.309 LOT 2 124,938 2.868 LOT 3 55,838 1.282 RACINE ROAD 355 10.008 SUBDIVIDER & OWNER: AIRED (Jonesville/Racine) Assoc A Wisconsin Limited Portnership W228 N745 Westmound Drive Woulkesho. W+S{GnSin 53186 NSATRANSPORTATION • MLWpAL DEVELOPMENT * ENVFtO1Va4lFNTAL 111 Warren Streel Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-887-4242 1-800-552-6330 Fm: 92D-887-4250 3 — MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED PROJECT # 2350208 DRAWN BY JJ CHECKED BY wFO F1E # csm.dwg SHEET # Sheet 6 •�f 6 FIELD BOOK # n/a PAGES # n/a 'UKVLT MAH PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Associates, a Wisconsin Limited Partnership, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the lows of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, certifies that said partnership caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18 of the Muskego Municipal Code. In Consideration of the approval of the map by the Common Council and in Accordonce with Chapter 18 of the Muskego Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees: (a.) That all utility lines to provide electric power and telephone services and Coble television or communications systems lines or cables to all lots in the certified survey map shall be installed underground in easements provided therefor. (b.) That the removal of buildings and structures and restoration of site within the dedicated public right—of—way in Janesville Rood & Racine Road will be performed by the owner(s) at no expense to the City of Muskego. (c.) That direct vehicular access from Lot 1, Lot 2 & Lot 3 to Janesville Road & Racine Road is prohibited except in desinated areas marked on the mop by "Access Opening". This agreement shall be binding on the undersigned and assigns. In Witness Whereof, the MRED (Janesville/Racine) Associates, o Wisconsin Limited Partnership has caused these presents to be signed by Mark D. Redmond, President of MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Inc., the sole general partner of this Limited Partnership, at Waukesha, Wisconsin, this l'�& _day of 2003. MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Associates, a Wisconsin Limited Mork: D. Redmond, President of MIRED (Jonestle/Racine) Inc , . the sole general partner of this limited partnership. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )ss WAUKESHA COUNTY ) n Personally came before me this day of _____, 2003, Mark D. Redmond, President of MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Inc., the sole general partner of this Limited Partnership, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such President of said partnership, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said partnership, by its authority. _ _ — Notary Public, nr State o Wisconsin MA My commission expiresMy commission is permanent -- _ ____ ', *SURVEYOR'S SEAL*�F /[I+IE[ III flfllflf fj��,r � 0 i \\ �\ i i �L4 BEAVER DAM, SUBDIVIDER & '{ V OWNER: t. MRED (Janesville/Racine) Assac.. J A Wiscons7n Limited Partnership %lIII![11'•1111Y'1 W228 N745 westmound Drive Waukesha, Wisconsin 53185 Lai PROJECT # 2350208 DRAWN BY JJ CHECKED BY WFO FILE # csm.dwg SHEET # Sheet 5 of 6 FIELD BOOR # n/a PACES # n/ o WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP c' t 7RANSP0RTA 77ON . MUM1PAL DEVELOPMENT . ENVRONMENTAL 111 Warren Street Beaver Dam, WI 53916 920-887-4242 1-800-552-6330 Fax: 920-887-4250 @ MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE Johnson Bank, N.A., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, consents to the surveying, dividing, mapping, restricting and dedication of the land described in the foregoing affidavit of Angus W. Stocking, surveyor, and consents to the abave certificate of MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Associates, a Wisconsin Limited Partnership, owner. In Witness Whereof, the Johnson Bank, N.A. has cause ,I these presents to be signed by Kelly Foster, its President, at L1ULLAC kcrrc —, Wisconsin, this!'S�_day of __---, 2003. — Johnson Bank, N.A. Kelly�I'oster, Presi �at STATE OF WISCONSIN ) MILWAUKEE COUNTY )ss Psrsonolly come before me this __ISL --- day of r 2003. Kelly Foster, President, of the above named c,�orpuration, to me known to be the persons whoexecuted ed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such President of said corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said corporation, by its authority. J�' 1- _fz,__Notary Public, f Wisconsin _ My commission expires My commission is permanent ------ COUNTY TREASURER CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) ss I, Pamela F. Reeves, being duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby Certify that in o.-cordance with the records in my office, there are no un aid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of _=3 on any of the land included in this rtified Supiey Map --�-3---------- ............... ---- Pamela F. Reeves, Waukesha County Treasurer CITY TREASURER CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) ss C i i j' Of f 1v 51tCf,t sea,. being duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of the , do hereby certify that in accordance I tie records in my office, there ore no unpaid tares or unpaid special assessments as of an any of the land included in this Certified Survey Map. --- -- _ ,i--qp- 0 ----- Date *SURVEYOR'S SEAL* ANIGuS a Y:zrJCt:'.i'G BEr,I'Et� t711A9, i� ij��,fff�lll 1 11111111m SUBDIVIDER & OWNER: _ MIRED (Janesville/Rocine) Assoc.. A Wisconsin Limited Partnership W228 N745 Westmound Drive Waukesha, Wiscorsin 5310,6 TRANSPORTATION • MUMCJPAL MSA DEVELOPMENT • ENVIRONMENTAL 111 Warren Street Beaver Dom, WI 53916 920-3E7-4242 1- Boo -552-63, fa.: 920-887-4250 ' ' • SERVICES ID MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FPOJ£CT # -,354 0� DRAWN By JJ CHECKED Br WFn FILE # _:7rl SHEET # Sheat 6 of 6 FIELD D00l•. # n j o PAl" E WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP # '61A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE MIRED (Jonesville/Racine) Associates, a Wisconsin Limited Partnership, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner of Lot 1 and Lot 2, certifies that said partnership caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented on this mop in accordance with the requirements c-f Chapter 18 of the Muskego Municipal Code. In Consideration of the approval of the map by the Common Council and in Accordance with Chapter 19 of the Muskego Municipal Cade, the undersigned agrees: (a.) That oil utility lines to provide electric power and telephone services and cable television or communications systems lines or cables to all lots in the certified survey map shall be installed underground in easements provided therefor. (b.) That the removal of buildings and structures and restoration of site within the dedicated public right-of-way in Janesville Rood & Racine Road will be performed by the owners) at no expense to the City of Muskego. (c.) That icular direct vehaccess from Lot 1, Lot 2 do Lot 3 to Janesville Rood do Racine Road is prohibited except in desinated areas marked on the map by "Access Opening". This agreement shall be binding on the undersigned and assigns. In Witness Whereof, the MIRED (Janesville/Racine) Associates, a Wisconsin Limited Partnership has caused these presents to be signed by Mark D. Redmond, President of MIRED (Jonesville/P.ccine) Inc., the sole general partner of this Limited Partnership, at Waukesha. Wisconsin, this ---day of 2003. MIRED (Jonesville/P,a6l As s, a W' in Limi Partn• �A _____________4._____ Mark D. Redmond. President of MRED (Jonesville/Rocine} the sole general partner of this limited partnership. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )ss WAUKESHA COUNTY ) ll Personally came before me this _ ai__ day of _ ��l _ _'003, Mark Cl. Redmond. President of MRED (Janesvill</P.ocine) Inc., the sole general partner of this LIt etIr181NIHIl►j►9 to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Presides rr f{ �y�r; �2�f+ip�Jlip, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the dead of said partnerya•itsr PA Notary Public, z fn� • 2�� State of Wis. �r My commission expires _�_C'C__ My camr•issian is permanent __ _________-__ P` �g�► V -111110f111111W. COW Properties, LLC, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner of Lot 3. certifies that said LLC caused the land described on this plot to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented ,>n this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18 of the Muskego Municipal Code. In Consideration of the approval of the mop by the Common Council and in Accordance with Chapter 18 of the Muskego Municipal Code• the undersigned agrees: (c.) That all utility fines to provide electric power and telephone services and cable television or eernmunicat;ons systems lines or cables to all lots in the certified survey map shall be installed underground in easements provided therefor. (b.) That the removal of buildings and structures and restoration of site within the dedicated public right-of-wav in Janesville P.aed & P.ocine Road will be performed by the owner(s) at no expense to the City of Muskego. (c.) That direct vehicular access from Lot 1, Lot 2 d: Lot 3 to Janesville Road ec Racine Road is prohibited except in desinated areas marked on the mop by "Access Opening". This agreement shall be binding on the undersigned p" and ass' ns. In Witness Whereof, the COW Properties, LLr' hos caused these presents to be signed �y 1 10El1iN�ltt/�Vt�at ___[,t�/tv1�ESi+a Wisconsin, th;s__day of --T - ------------- -- ei - G--------- STATL OF WISCONSIN ) )ss WAUKESHA COUN7)' 1 Personally cam before me t s — day of S� 2003 ----- lti - } --- *SURVErr_}R'S SEAL" to me bnown to be the persons wty r_recuted the foregoing instrument, an e e such President of said partnership. and ackno .age of they execut d th? foregoing instrument as such r�F�1N�t11nu:UlHJ!!!ry/�i officer s t d (;f's'ard .partn ship, by its authority. � V otory Public, State of rs------=--------' y mmiss+on is permanent ANf�US W. M--- STOCKING SUBDIVIDER & S-2424 = owrdER: / BEAVER DA%I, % \ 4 MIRED (Jorl Racine) Asso.= W22ansin Limited s Partnership 8F 74.5WemnundDrive ��r�4j Waut esha, Wisconsin 5318E pa tco- REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, Wl RECORDED ON 08-05-2003 10:58 APB MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 18.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAM. FEE: TRAM. FEE -STATE: PAGES: 8