956 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPI ,r UC000331g C D E C. (�8T1 D 3mrw MAP 9AE3"! w Or TWO if c JOHNSON JR. - of a part of the +•*+ SEJ of Sec. 290 T5N, R203.0 NEW BERLIN, WJS. . t / atd of Kaskego IQ%Waukesha County, Wisoaain SU PROPO s.E D P,4RK,�'R ,E- stir %a /-/iv,E 4 �`%-- N. 8 *32.23 " W . 89 -�� -ea S.EC.29•-5-20 '00.00' P7; 7a 1II 5 . l�'90 e 4.36� AGR,�S N 0 2� 9D 40000, S. 89 "32' 23 ':e UNp.0 A TT.E1J Lr4A1,DS WWh-CR 4S (�t� STAIE CF WISGGI+LSIN ) COMM CP WAMSHA SS. b N 1• h 0 Z 4Q' 0 k 0 rV O - D,E/f!D T.ES /"�x 24"rRonr PlP,E /. /3 S.EC. 2 9-s- 2 0 WA s ore%ENT�o AS N OQdB'19111E" I, Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Land Surv"w# do bereIV certify: THAT I have surveyed and aappsd all that part of the Southeast one -garter of Section 29. Tom 3 Norrthl, Range 20 East. Mr of I�go, Waukesha County, WIscomie, bounded and described as follwo, to -wits Comaenasng at a point an the North lien of the said quarter section distant North 890 32' 23" West 972.42 feet from the Northeast corner thereof; thence aantlssning North 890 320 23" West along said North line and the centerline of Barker Road and said center34 extended 400.00 feet; thence South 475.62 feat; thence South 89+ 32' 23" East 400.00 feet; thence North 473.62 feet to the point of begieni•rg and containing 4.3b7 acres of land, more or less, ezoepting and dedicating therefrom the North 40 feet for road purposes. THAT such leap is a am et representation of all the exterior boundaries of the L d surveyed and the land division thereof mace. THAT I have fully complied with the provisimis of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ordinances of the City of Muskego in surveying.,dividp* and sap*ng the saw. Dates Deamber 1, 1968. viO%UAW V. YVIH.so.i.�, f/i.. UP WOUBRA LAND S , INC. 0 SIMT TWO OFTWO sags AS. UdMMS we hereby eartify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, sapped and dedicated as represented an this map In accordance with the requirements or ordinances of the C:LV of MWkggo. WMg= the hand and seal of "Id. owners this day of 196.Z /J, ZZ, ;�Z4 Harold R. DeBack,- Carol J. (,I ck STLTE OF WISCMM COUTr Of SS. WAUMST 42 A MSOKL= cam before me this day of 2,96e79 the abmm named Harold R. DoBack and Cara J. DeBackq ' his wife to me known to be the peream who wocated the foregoing instrumont and am— the sane. Notary Public, Wmeva COUU`17. WUQM*in UM 2MMIRI ■AjnWAL Approm d 1the aiming Emission eAssiEmissionof the CHY of M/ I/ USIM60 an this bf day of 96 � F.Z�4' ch&4.rmjmn Secretary This instrument was drafted ty Claude C. Johnson, Jr., Surveyor. • • �zw W2 ♦j x _W C 4 x s -�J