9517 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPV'IVNIIfC2I9II2IGI0-004 NIIINIIVINI 00 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / Being a redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 9423, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Lake Meadows }.7 ................ . 176 177 1 i5 ..---- No.r.th.... Share .... L� ne N 8701 `3 11 E (Private} m Zi o9D NOTES 1 "x24" IRON PIPE 1.1.3 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT SET A T ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE:Parcel ,� BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO- ORDINATE SYSTEM 25,947 S.F. SOUTH ZONE. a � Kelsey Drive O O �+ Scale: l � lit 100 _ 2000' ►� - lCD S 87°48'01•• W a C?1 y � 99.92' :b 0 " Lake Denvvn C ;z icinit Ma r+ y� :o NE 1/4 Sec. 31-5-20 13.49'C�}iBF I� N GRAPHIC SCALE iC 0 100, 200' 300' w m m o � NE Corner NE 1/4 31-5-20 J� 6"x6" Cone. / ro 7S°39Ot w Monument ��01-85 N 317,927.48 ; f r 30' San. Sewer E 2,490,937.81 W W tr Easement. 0 o _,I (Per Doc. #1037591) 03 Meander Corner —12 w NE 1/4 31-5-20 4 sj 6"x6" Cone. Monument N 315,418.15 Cj sued Parcel d E 2,491,034.20 O 65 S.F. t�D 50,020 S.F. W ' S 79,28,01 300. S 81e38'42" �' 2' Above 100 Year 2 Sty. 23'17" �'1 Flood Line (El. 783.2) N Dx1 S 63° �+ 1s! H�lr- 112.31 o El 793.9 1,223 S.F. 100 Year Flood S 02011,59 r1 E Line (El. 781.2) e.eo 'House -O' 406 S.F. N 68038`42" W N 719`34'32" W 50.40 a 55.05' Af ]f ea 17 (1er 1,jl1e Prepared For: •ice � Q Q�-y Thomas R. Christenson Prepared By (water El- 78 2 (1i/2La kQ Mary H. Christenson 20566 Scott F. Zimmerman S-2639 �02} 5106 WShore 20675 Crossroads Circle North Shore Lane Waukesha, Wi 53186 Muskego Wi. 53150 41��•I�lt�lml��l��I//,i.,,, o rn \` Y '!t/ - . i t+5 SCCTT F. * = ZiMM Abi WES 6 LIS a I• ; �!'�'ll! �Ilflfftlll411111111 ���� � � - � M m N Sheet 1 of 4 U;/9iteCo,ap/cSWm/Waukaaha Coun Ly/92024L4 ChrWene°a.390 • • FORM HG 91—A • • 1 W— ier Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 4YI 7 Being a redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 9423, being a part of the SE 114 of the NE 114 of Section 31. T 5 N, R 20 E, iin the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1. Scott F. Zimmerman, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the SE 114 of the NE 114 of Section 3I, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha Cowity. Wisconsin. as bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a NE Corner of the NE 1 /4 of Section 31; thence S 02° 1 F 59" E along the East line of said Section 31, 2,561.32 feet; thence S 79° 28' 01" W, 300.00 feet; thence S 81° 38' 42" W, 86.72 feet; thence S 83° 23' 17" W, 112.31 feet to the point of beginning; thence S 02° 1 P 59" E. 67.01 feet to a point on the meander line; thence N 79° 34' 32" W. 55.05 feet along the meander line; thence N 68° 38' 42" W along the meander line 50.40 feet; thence N 02° 1 F 59" W, 741.06 feet; thence N 87° 16' 39" E, 99.93 feet; thence S 02° 1 F 59" E, 707.14 feet to the point of beginning. Said lands containing 75.967 square feet or I.7440 acres. more or less. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of THOMAS R. CHRISTENSON and MARY H. CHRISTENSON, Owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. J �� 7 2oa Z Date �rern Sco F. Zinunn nn, RLS 2639 c Sheet 2 of AN SCOTT F. = ZIMMERMAN - S-2639 �, WEST �j LLIS A.N • � FQkM NO 985-A � • 1Ic fler Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. / % Being a redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 9423, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE As Owners, we herby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Musk -ego Subdivision Ordinance. We further certify that this map is required to be subm-itted to the following for objection or approval: City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owners this day of J2 rL d L. , 200 IN THE PRESENCE OF: 1, 1 Witness Thomas R. Christenson Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN SS WAUKESHA COUNTY Mary H. istenson / 3 PERSONALLY came before me this �� day of /�� U;t �, 2004 the above named Thomas R. Christenson and Mary H. Christenson, to me. known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. ' /; —_ Notary Public -State of Wisconsin My commission expires / / - -� & e) 6 Sheet 3 of 4 �Mi�ler Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. Ll Being a redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 9423, being a part of the SE 1 /4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, T S N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL FxfMP7 PER MVMCCIPAL C60f 1$, Za Cla(4) o. 0*4 is dw Mark Slocomb. Chairman L,22 frq "V . l/C_ iJ 11 Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL L-Y.Efh T PM HUM IC1PpL CvoE is. to o. �x kis deaf 2�W— /Mi4ez �ec.o.o..�°L7 Mark Slocomb, Mayor aA",C, /0 3J K. Marenda. Clerk/Treasurer REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON' 02-14-2003 2:40 PM MICHAEL J. HASSCINGER REGISTER OF BEERS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC, FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAM. FEE: Sheet 4 of 4 TRAN. FEE -STATE: PAGES: \\\��\SI%111UII �l% 4 0191 Pgs //�- � — * SCOTT F. ZIMMERMAN a - _— 99- S- 639 T AYES AL