9249 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • ,!!���iNl'�JC�'IV4!'GI�iN�NiNiul'V@Il• *I* I CER TIFIED SUR VE Y MA P NO g a y BEING A PART OF THE NW. 114 OF THE S.E I/4OFSECTION 25, AND A PART OF THE N. E, 114 OF THE S. W 114 OF SEC TION 25/ TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EA r, IN THE CITY OF MUSXEG01 WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN AGAR 0R IYe .,5 C �i i� cry .a -LV �C-S.xr �i 1 LOCATION MAP SCALE: I •' - 2 000' OWNEQ/ DE VELOPER GRAPHIC SCALE O 2550 75 150 300 450 SCALE.I )50' ()-DENOTES 1 •'x 24'•IRO,N PIPE, 1.13 LBS lL1N. Fr KJ'DEDICATEb iOR ~ l8RA55 PLUG! PUBLIC STREET UNDER NEW PAVE. RE -EST. N E. Car. S-WI14Sec 255 20 Br r1ES ' ,* � N '321'340.53 1 1 � E 2,5I <, 842.99 wisc srpLxooRoz p0., N-7/. 'b- f 5. ZONE) [ M l 6 �7 5 o aE o o t\ �� 2 r s y v �` . 0 E 10 y °`A '' b W.4609 FORM BBC- 101 5 a e M 60.Oo v a DON COUNTER S �i ' �Q� lla��j Q W $98 wl3259 LOOMIS DR. dl J "USxEGO, wfs. 53I50 _ V. b Li o b O JI p ` ti9 a .,. Q• � W W QQ?10794 t�AY SQ.FT DM' fD9 G �• V� ?I O �0 � �� INTERLINE SURVEY s so.FT r AR 4IB a/ SERVICES, INC.01"0- 3 0 .Sb.4g �' 174.90 t �0 � —Z 11221 W- FORE HOME AVE co <12ff_ `e FRANKLIN. WISCO IN 53132 PHONE425.2 N N.,4003'16••E. N9 g103'16 E �� fD 7778 1 ExfS/T,AS RFT 219995aI QI 3 + r 1.4 p 9 g A PPROx. WETL AND LINE l co S00 YR. FL DPN,- PER l II �(USKEG ' ZAPPING 1 ry +- L% p/ M ` 7198 F OOD INSUR. STUDr) I y Y w [ Ex)sr �'y VABOVE roo qj \RIND p I YEAR FLOOD Q. iI _ W.5\ 773.E 14 / 0 Z • Lu Lk CC u w / h h / O p (� D w f y i1 tn 06'E !; W S.E.CoiofSlS!I/4 / ,�O �{�ry�/A 100YR. F 000 LINE m Sec.25-5-V �"� -h- I�YI APPRO�./W TLAND LINE J N. 310 656. 32 a E. 2,514, 887. 29 7 Wis. srPc.toowDs �1• f0. 2,107 � l :326,50 fo. (S. 70RE) o /8 55 S. B7° 28 �24 xW -V5. 50 .� a L 241.07 - c.a NDS- UNPL\1342.37 SHEET /OF 4 N 00*56'44yW. J08 NO. Z8332 !BRASS PLUG) • ER B�7LU• LUEPRINT • . COMPANY, INC. (414)542-8200 FORM BBC-101 being a part of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. H/4 of Section 25, and a part of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 25, Townw5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORSiCERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY)SS I, GARY J. EMIT H, registered land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 25, and a part of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 25, Town 5 north, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said S.W. 1�/4; thence N.00056144"W., along the east line of said S.W. 1/4 section, 1342.37 feet to a point on the south line of the north 1/2 of said S.W. 1/4 section 25, said point being the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence S.87018'55"W., along said line, 241.07 feet to a point; thence N.2202115211E., 203.79 feet to a point; thence S.46039'06"E., 12.02 feet to a point; thence N.22036108"E., 49.70 feet to a point; thence N.1301012711W., 457.25 feet to a point; thence N.43020'54"E., 97.36 feet to a point; thence N.1200211811W., 217.99 feet to a point; thence N.36015119"W., 69.65 feet to a point; thence N.59045108"E., 235.09 feet to a point; thence S.0005614411E., parallel with the east line of the S.W. 1/4 of said Section 25, 261.70 feet to a point; thence N.89003'16"E., 37.91 feet to a point on the east line of said 1/4 section; thence continuing N.89003116"E., 90.48 feet to a point; thence N.0005614411W., and parallel with the west li a of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 25, 337.33 feet to a point; thence N.70057'12�r , 247.13 feet to a point; thence S.00056144"E., parallel with the west line of said S.E. 1/4 of Section 25, 1262.81 feet to a point on the south line of the north I/2 of said S.E. 1/4 of Section 25; thence S.8702812411W., along said line, 325.50 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 12.846 acres. DEDICATING the Northerly 10 feet for public street purposes. THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of DONALD R. COUNTER and P£GGY S. COUNTER, his wife, owners of said land. THAT such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land suirveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskego, in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. August 27, 2001. jorlo, 1)4 J-,1 GARY J. Am#rH RLS-2195 OWNERS CERTIFICATE AS OWNER'S we hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on the plat. We also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKEGO. Sheet 2 of 4 Job No. 28332 C� O BADGER • • BLUEPRINT S COMPANY, INC. (414) 542.8200 FORM BBC-iDi CEVYIFIQ: SURVEY 4NP MO - being a part, of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.F. 1/4 of Section 25, an:' a part of the N.E. 1 of the S.W. 4 of Section ?5, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. WITNESS the hand spat of saic owners this / �---- 'ay of 2001. Inl the _pr,{esencJe' of: /lam✓�,i(/<!;( �(G• �.LJ��� DON D 4. COUNTER 1100a, co KL'0; E^ CCUNTFR OATS OF WISCONSIN) _ COUNTY)SS ncRANAL.T Y came tefore mn this � � fay of ?001 the a'_,ove name, DONALC R. CONNTFR and .FEGoY� S. COUNT.pR, his wife, owners, t& T? known to to the porscns `Jh0 FOragni ng instrument an" ac%noulceege& the Sams. 07ARY FURLIC, my commission zxpir2s CONSENT OF MORTGAGE-. COUNTY, WISCONSIN. AS50CTAT£C XCRTGAGE, a corporation ^uly organiz2W an. existing unler an! by vir'.!_e OF the laws of t'_y State of Wisconsin, mort,ag2" of the atOve !Pscritwd lands, Qos horsby consont to too surveying, iivi^ing anO mapping of the lands jescri hM on t` w plat, ane "oes hersty consent to t r 3havo cert i f icat2 of DONALD R. COUNTFR, 3n& ' 7cGy S. COUTTY, owners. IN ',,FITNESS WHEREOF, the safe N4S0CTN733 `O7T`'A.GF', has caused these presents to 40 si.�ne' V eFr r_Pri Hant, an? countersi nee 'y Ellen King -- � spent its AssnniaMnr-r_nagP, Inc. 7 tti�ytTf�T.�TJff� ate _ a t o 4 ,� f' c , ire its COr;r,ru..,. S^_1 to reunto affixed thi.� 1 h jay of Qntnher f lecl Tn t�e presence W: l l Kim Golla, Witness Tracey L Br wn, Witness =TAT7 OF WISCONSIN) APSOCM77 YOR"" A Ellen L King /Pfce PRES13FTT, Retail I /7Loan Servicing Thomas Ehlers ce President, Investor Reporting COUNTY)SS F%RSoNAiLv came heforo me this lhth --- 41Y Of MCI, the stnv^ namoc than T King c�resiu^nt, an' - �2{ of the atove nama! corporation, to me 4'nown to 5, th, , =r nns nho cxecut^_d t42 `Or?;Ang instrument a` such offic2rs as vc dozo a" sail corporation by its ant' ority. Portage COUNTY, TvTSCO`iST\!. vy *Notary Public g }� .\\\\_`,`;1`14`i`•i'!�. X '1 y,l:i,r,r`/ if �#�l� by � ��.� 4:1��1 i�l� Kathy Glodowsk) Sheet ? of Job No. 29??? • BADGER ,]• • LiIEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8Z00 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIBIx SURVEY ASAP No. 9 >�49 teing a part of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 114 of Section ?5, anc4 a part of tha N.F. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Section ?4, Town 1� North, Range 20 Fast, in t''iR C]ty of '4us(ego, '•.aUkeSha County, Wisconsin. PLANNING CCMMT SSICN APPROVAL AP?RCVFD `y the Plan Commission of th? City of dusk:=o Cn this �� -?ay of ?Q01. r DAVID L. DEANOi:LISr CHAIRMAN SANDRa S. ASTT, rRE ORT)TN7, 5 CRF?ARY COMMCN C01INCIL APPROV.AT, A? RCVFr ''y the Commcn Council of the City o` Mus%ego on this a-S- -lay of �(("Q i cm_ber , 2001, by Resolution No. /dD -,2do si e ^n this 3Re ay OE _dcToaErZ 2003• e.� DAVID L. DFANG?LIS, MAYOR JE K-MkREVCA, CITY CLERK This instrument was 7raFter3 by ^ary J. Snit`+. U 7 1 :H:4o REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 10-24-2001 9:4�:, AM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE -CO: 5.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE -STATE: PAGES: 4 Sheet 'i of 4 Ja'^ Nio. 29332