92 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPOYK 2 N. W. COR. SEC. 15 T M. E. R. & T. Co. R/W NORTH LINE -" - Ou wIut - 15 - 5 2�- 3g N � - m �m 0 SCALE 140' i o - INDICATES IRON PIPE, 1.13 /UN. FT. 1 I w w N a N of S. 89° 28' 45" W. 199.75' !ui w� o � N N I I 3 Oo_ N Z° O 1 z N N I Q ui z L J ` d �r z �--�-T-- N.89°28'45 E. 199.75' F- w 3 I 101 - HOFFMANN, \ *1 POLZIN & ASSOC. I NC. lit \\'Q. WAUKESHA, WIS. -O// SUR CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP' FOR r WALTER VESBACH, OWNER J PART - N.W. 1/4 SECTION 15, T. 5 N, R. 20 E. TOWN OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA CO, WIS. 13Y- HOFFMANN, POLZIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE AP R I L 1963 WC0002454 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED 8Y HOFFMANN, POLZIN a ASSOC, INC. SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS. STATE OF WISCONSIN)SS CO= OF WAUKESHA) We, Hoffmann, Polzin and Associates, Inc, do hereby certify that we have made a survey of: - All that part of the 7lorthwest (quarter of Section 15, Town 5 ,forth, I;ange 20 East, Town of I,iuskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows. — Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Section 15; thence South 00 degrees 37 minutes Viest, along the ;lest Line of said section 36.14 feet; thence South 2 degrees 10 minutes East, along the center line of Lannon drive, 108.91 feet to the place of beginning of the parcel hereinafter described; thence continuing South 2 degrees 10 minutes East, along said center line, 12G.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 45 seconds Fast, parallel to the '.dorth Line of Sec- tion 159 199.75 feet; thence Morth 2 degrees 10 minutes West, parallel to afore- mentioned center line, 120.00 feet; thence Solzth 89 degrees 28 minutes 45 sec- onds Wiest, 199.75 feet to the place of beginning; containing 0.550 acres. And that vie have Billy complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the :+isconsin Statutes in surveying and mapping the same,--aia that- the plat herewith drawn is a correct representation of,spaid survey. 1 off'mana.-P'lzin ss Tales, Inc. Donald R. Polzin, res. S-624 0,7 1SR' S CERTIFICATE As owners, we hereby certify that we caused the land described herewith to be surveyed, divided and mapped as shown on this plat. Date: - -'el` z'Z , 196.E PLAN!.jj,JG Co! '7ISSIGi� APPROVAL Division approved 4- 2 ' SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS. r.E L a r r