8922 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPI Ilfllll'l�IIII�IIIIVI�IIIIIII�III CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. Fq ' A REDIVISION OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1494 AND LANDS IN PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. NOTE: • INDICATES 2" ]RON PIPE, FOUND o INDICATES 1" IRON PIPE, WT 1 68 LBS PER LINEAL FOOT, 24" IN LENGTH, SET. 0 INDICATES 3/4" IRON ROD, WT. 1.502 LBS PER LINEAL FOOT, 24" IN LENGTH, SET. o INDICATES 1 -1 /2" IRON PIPE, FOUND ALL DIMENSIONS MEASURED TO THE NEAREST HUNDREDTH OF A FOOT BEARINGS REFERENCED TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM GRID, SOUTH ZONE, THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 9, T5N, R20E, WHICH SEARS N88'34'35"E. OWNER: STATE FINANCIAL BANK S76 W17655 JANESVILLE ROAD, MUSKEGO, WI 53150 GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 200 { IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. 1 l 1 NLSVlLLE RDA f f HWA R.0 i BLDG 5 NOT 10 SCALE N86.05'23"E 465.09' 20 0p S81'26'2.5"F �! SW CORNER OF �! SE 1/4 OF a SEC 9--5-20 z 1 ]0 4 Q '0 0 Lul CO ~ ` 't N 1 ❑1 �y 1 = 'Zi cV Z y iy >U C l4 1 �1 d A70.00' N80'0E 35' 0 r National Survey & Engineering S.\5158403\ SPCSOLIH-CLH Tebplwl» 494-78t-i000 REV15i0N NO. 1-SJS FacaLnie 4W781-8488 W REIASiON N0, 2-S 16745 W. BlremauW Rood Sufte 200 BrookW W 53005-5838 wwwnee oom orn Nry _ wA� n 580.g6'35- vw LOj A, 91 38' SOUTH LINE SE 1/4SEC�9-5=20 e� N SB'34'35" E 2653.58' FOUND CONC. MON W/ BRASS CAP N 334, 10O 1 I E 2,498,552 29 I LOCATION MAP LITTLE LAKE MUSKS G1N ' R6 �fSY�i SECTION 9-5-20 SCALE I = 4000't oE1A1L A �T- ga ON �* D S'131a i3fiQUK�1E+ 0, 9 '•tt vavE:•�• kn/ KRISTIN OYVN_ L41_�3 1 SE CORNER OF SE I/4 OF SEC, 9-5-20 FOUNO CONC. MON. W/ BRASS CAP N 334,166.03 E 2,501,104.86 PAGE 1 OF 3 `" 1 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. M'- A redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 1494 and lands in part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 114 of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN :SS WAUKESHA COUNTY } I, DONALD C. CHAPUT, a Registered Land Surveyor, certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 1494 and lands in part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Southeast 1/4 Section; thence North 88°34'35" East along the South line of said 1/4 Section 91.38 feet to a point; thence North 08°33'35" East 1547.67 feet to a point; thence South 81°26'25" East 20.00 feet to a point; thence North 86005'23" East 465.09 feet to a point; thence North 80°06'35" East 170.00 feet to a point on the West line of Kristin Drive; thence North 09053'25" West 267.00 feet to a point on the South line of Janesville Road; thence North 80006'35" East along said South line 60.00 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing North 80006'35" East along said South line 180.00 feet to a point; thence South 09°53'25" East 396.70 feet to a point; thence Northwesterly 129.88 feet along the arc of a curve whose center lies to the South, whose radius is 190.05 feet and whose chord bears North 80°18'07 West 127.37 feet to a point; thence South 80°06'35" West 63.48 feet to a point on the East line of Kristin Drive; thence Northwesterly 72.11 feet along said East line and the arc of a curve whose center lies to the West, whose radius is 746.82 feet and whose chord bears North 07°07'28" West 72.08 feet to a point; thence North 09°53'25" West along said East line 282.00 feet to the point of beginning. THAT I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of HALES CORNERS DEVELOPMENT CORP., owner. THAT such reap is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. DATE h1oV - 1C> 11CtC.�a4 r D NAl_D C. , yk - APUT . BROOKFIEI[J. DONALD C. CHAPUT wi ' REGISTERED LAND SURVEIIOPL A;�� (`��� ''llr!lIIII00 Page 2 of 3 Pages CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. A redivision of Certified Survey Map No. 1494 and lands in part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1 /4 of Section 9, Township S North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE HALES CORNERS DEVELOPMENT CORP., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, do hereby certify that said corporation caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. HALES CORNERS DEVELOPMENT CORP. also certify that this map is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: City of Muskego IN Witness Whereof, the said HALES CORNERS DEVELOPMENT CORP. has caused these presents to be signed by JOHN B. BECKWITH, its Vice President, at . zJk6v-�-1, Wisconsin, this Z day of y , I.999-. gczno CORNERS DEVELOPMENT CORP. JOHN B. BECKWITH, VICE PRESIDENT STATE OF WISCONSIN } :SS -COUNTY } PERSONALLY came before me this -.,.7- day of , }93t--;Kae e JOHN B. BECKWITH, Vice President of the above named ALES CORNERS DEVELOPMENT CORP., to me known as the person who executed the forgoing instrument, and to me known to be such Vice President of said corporation and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument as such officer as the deed of said corporation, by its authority. P-- P..-P- - - �Z �'' SEAL) N ry blic to of coi sin commission expires My commission is permanent. PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the on day of Fe br0ar�i 4"�" avvo . DAVID L. DEANGELIS, CHAIRMAN SANDI ASTI, SECRETARY , COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL <� APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muske o on this �' d o C DAVID L. DEANGELIS, MAYOR <<;) co '* JE MARENDA, CITY CLERK N i ee 1p i�1 � THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY DONALD C. CHAPUT, �.i316 I158403t�g" fi��• Z REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR S1316 Page 3 of 3 Pages VOL- 7Y P.�S . 3. - 3`F ;a! tf;14IZIia;E5 REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 02-15-2000 1:49 PM MICHAEL J. HASSEINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE -CO, 4.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2. 00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE -STATE: PARES: 4 C-3