8909 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP6i�RIRINIIVIIiIWIIiINI�INYItlII� " " 0!53 a-7 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 9767 Being a part of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 1353 and lands, being a part of the NE 114 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 0 100, 200, 300' NOTE. SCALE.•1 "=200' O—DENOTES 1 "x24" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT CORNERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. i BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM NE CORNER NW SOUTH ZONE. 114 SEC 14-5-20 611X611CONC. UNPL A T TED L A N D S MONUMENT ...... N 334.436.89 WETLANDS LOCATED BY E 2,509,218.89 SEA'RPC ON 1017199 7S 01 °05'55" E • 690.03 E/L NW 114 SEC 14-5-20 i' 575.01 S 01-05-56" E 01 1 s 4 14 }5°1 ���77, a Q) �r Q, 4 PA RCEL 2 M9 W 663,606 SFLO .� ~ Am o WETLANDS LOCATED BY U•� SEWRPC ON IG17199 R.ar v .7D01 {l RESERVED FOR FUTURE �•� ROAD DEDICATION 1394,75 Y SE CORNER NW N 01°0555" W 114 SEC 14-5-20 6 x6" CONC. MONUMENT N 331, 77776 E 2,509,269.89 I Z 0 � 448.48 S 01 °08'3,2" E N 01 008'33" W 74 70.00 182 19 7 .,p (REC AS S 07 0636" E) 252. 19 d., PA RCEL 1 PA RCEL 2 N 01.08 32" W 3 w PA RCEL 1 `` 4 er 77847 SF C. S. M.: N0. 6107 •ti � h m �'o� Z Cj SHEDS z Q °d E=3 0 DWLG. RESERVED Fd)? FUTURE ; ---- 0..0 AD DEDICATION E.D—IC.—AT.�ION --- ..65.r --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------- 30—.0R0.—O.—.—.—.—.—.—.— M YSTI-C-- -307,87-- --- DRIVE -------------------------- -- o UNPLAT T E D L A N D S Q i � - .... ----- -J -4 VICINITY SKETCH NW 114 SEC 14-5-20 SCALEI "=2000' co 7�13 %9h CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL 5-175 WAUKE /u"rs/laad/CSY/IIAUXESHA/MUSXECO/HBLM-MYSTlC-DR1VES70 / `1/ PACE, I OF S FORM NO. 985-A F4C FI'ltll� Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. �?YO Being a part of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 1353 and lands, being a part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 1 S 88'07' 52" w 126.74 2 S 02.17' 57" W 14.53 3 S 10'4 P 09" E 49. 77 4 S 20'07' 23" E 44.73 5 S 37.00' 02" E 28.21 6 1 S 31'03' 08"' E 24.35 7 S 01'57' 34" E 12.51 8 S 30.30' 15,' w 28.34 9 S 60'21' 00"W 15.11 10 S 64.46' 50" W 26.83 11 S 80'26' 57" w 48.39 12 N 89°05' 25" W 36.63 13 N 80'56' 56" W 26.43 14 N 58'59'41" W 14.38 15 N 35'17'07" W 23.88 16 N 66'59' 52" W 14.53 17 N 89'40'41" W 29.65 18 5 42'55' 05" w 32 70 19 S 05'33' 04" W 22.34 20 5 41*32' 30" C 25.60 21 S 79°14' 21" E 22 76 22 N 81'39' 40" E 39.63 23 S 78*43'46" E 29,46 24 N 87'44'40" E 49,77 25 5 77' 15" 18" E 20, 68 26 N 82'27' 55" E 17,41 27 N 56'33' 08" E 50.17 28 N 26'38' 23" E 17.86 29 N 32'49' 06" E 14 22 30 N 24'47'20" E 18,76 31 N 51'42' 38" E 10.22 32 S 77.21' 08" E 35.88 33 N 86'21' 54" E 28.85 34 S 01.05' 55" E 205 - 85 35 S 45'36' 05" w 26.02 36 N 77'50' 33" w 47.73 37 N B1' 17. 00" W 47,53 38 N 72. 12' 23" W 51.64 39 N 75121' 39" w 45.69 40 N 89-33.47" W 12.24 41 S 70.28' 37" w 20.03 42 N 88'43' 18" w 56.63 43 5 76'58' 161, W 17 _ 45 44 N 19'56'04" W 26.58 45 N 83'25' 51" w 15.96 46 S 85' 19' 37" W 51.21 47 N 58'56'49" w 15.09 48 N 89'53' 36" w 11 .4.5 49 S 16.27' 59" w 14.51 50 S 67'44'05" w 14.92 51 S 88' 18' 22" w 14.55 52 S 89'30' 41" w 41 . 18 53 N 60.01, 56" w 4 t . 35 54 N 89'26'11" w 25.65 55 N 80'27' 35" W 25.33 56 N 35'52' 19" W 17.43 57 N 74' 12' 28- w 22.76 58 N 68'42' 101, w 19.52 59 N 56°14' 25" w 34.94 60 N 50*29'40" W 22.84 61 N 70*43' 58" w 22.29 62 N 58'56'49" W 31.58 53 N 80*54' 40" w 35.60 64 N 79'41' 28" W 29.56 65 S 72'54' 21" W 28, 15 66 N 58'58' 39" W 44 06 67 N 62'18'28" w 29 06 68 N 42'48'C7" W 29,93 69 N 82°23' 46" W 35.57 70 N SW25' 40" w 30.76 71 5 05'47' 22,' w 12.34 72 S 46'32'00" E 29-88 73 S 32103' 28" w 25.81 74 N 75'34'00" W 16,93 75 S 36'45,13" w 1 27 86 76 S 50°35' 56" w 14 55 77 S 50'05' 33" w 18,50 78 S 58153' 25" w 41,01 �' PACE 2 OF 5 ' FORM HD. 985-A �FIC.rS101m Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. jTjQV Being a part of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 1353 and lands, being a part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Christopher J. Kunkel, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 1353 and lands, being a part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said NW 1/4 Section 14; thence S 01 ° 05' 55" E along the East line of said NW 1/4 Section 14, 575.01 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing S 01 ° 05' 5 5 " E along said East line, 690.03 feet; thence S 880 00' 19" W, 896.68 feet to the Southeast corner of Certified Survey Map No. 6107; thence N 01 ° 08' 33" W along the East line of said Certified Survey Map, 448.48 feet to the Northeast corner of said Certified Survey Map; thence S 88° 51' 27" W along the North line of said Certified Survey Map, 444.95 feet to a point in the centerline of Mystic Drive; thence N 01 ° 08' 32" W along said centerline, 307.87 feet; thence N 88' 07' 52" E, 341.14 feet; thence S 01 ° 08' 32" E, 70.00 feet to a point on the South line of Certified Survey Map No. 1353; thence N 88" 07' 52" E along said South line, 1001.02 feet to the place of beginning. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Donna J. Wysocki, Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That i have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Date 7I 3 199 co CHRI ER J. KUNKEL 3-1755 WAL KESHA, 11 [hjj~� Y ` Page 3 of S FORM NO. 983-A f1,C FT1BIm Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. S 6 [ Being a part of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 1353 and lands, being a part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, OWNER'S CERTIFICATE I, Donna J. Wysocki, Owner, do hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. I further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objecting or approval: City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner this c�2" day of ,0e-ceAS 1999. IN THE PRESENCE OF: �...�� I • fitness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) /N t cwsxu tA" SS W I St - COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this ;.),,o day of _Vg1-,rxt13t►t, 1999, the above named Donna J. Wysocki known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Publi - of Wisconsin G,cortbE l'P r My commission a pi;eq- �ZiSC O N CHRISMPHER J. KUNKEL 82755 /A 2TARr cFo Page 4 of 5 Ul FORM N0. 9B5-A Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 0 gd Beinga art of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey M N . 1353 and lands being a art of the P Y Map o g P NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. __ 1.50 - 9 9 on this i day of 6 P ee rn h e-j- , 1999. Davilt DeAn li , airman , i - &,b-. andra S. Asti, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution . . No. oZ a 1 - 9 9 on this day of beoeen %e r- 11999. O • David L. eAngelis, Mayor Jeag4arenda, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE, SUITE 151 WAUKESHA, WI 53186 This instrument was drafted by Christopher J. Kunkel. `Zi3�R_8-7�R REGISTER'S OFFICE WALRESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 01-14-2000 9:21 AM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 12.00 REC. FEE --CO: 4.00 REC. FEE-ST : 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE -STATE: AG Voj 7 9 -Pages a 8d r 'U IP Page S of 5 I