8888 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP• • . Y010 �IWfINI�INVNI�IN10��ll�lllll aZ37lzi IMBOC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. F` E g` BEING A REDIVISION OF PARCEL I OF C. S, M, NO, 2113, RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO 888l92, AND UNPLATTE0 L ANDS IN THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE. I/4 OF SIN THEECTION 11, MUSKS O,N WAUK£SHA COUrRANGE 20 Q$T WISCONSIN CiTY OF Q K/NC.Rl SU8Of V1 DKR M tC 44E4 MAL.1^/O W4,K W/,yS i3 s 73 W000s 'eonD Af"SXEbP, WIS. 10 GRAPHIC SCALE 05 15 .3o 60 120 180 v 14 5CAL£. 60' FAa — II.1-80 I. • INTE�LINE SURVEY MOR RQ. SEPVICES, INC. 115 221 FOREST HOME AV QD ER a 1N FRANK IN, WISCONSIN 53132 F}1Ql�E 425-2060 A FII P 9 LOCATION MAP SCALE / "- 2Q70' 1 R_% 04 U 1 W °•� 5�8EET PU8 OC O FO v I + YEp A ".I „e a�f I10QQ 0 r EO(CA o �Q¢7 NJN yp �tfti -- VZSQQO �.. , A\ 4 tr 0 v 4 I r i O y k 4 v H33 � 09T. 33 £. 2,.309,167.38 S. W COR OF N E, 114 SEC, 11-5-20 1v 87.48'21 "£, o 595.22 �i BRASS CAP NON, _4Q.vv 0 FV' so. o 1 ao k N 88°48'21'-£. 18s_8a'— x O Z 480 ASH 2195 MILWAk1KE tv, wi ja� y� 0g 4i%+:IHllliikklll'�11111�1��` o- sE� 1� 0 caosf� Q11 H r rJo �F� � S [aM aMfifpuco^,jVp?, ��>+f C A corl TC N ,ip`oRca�r��y4 oL��a . Pr'y`a�Fv" 4aT .� a T 006 caCG� �• \ o sa „► r5 0 P O \ �b ?.s /Lit. ,r r 1 Z�r �F1.1 ` ft.l !80 1�COM1' z a 1 G \o /'��� 2. 4EMEN7 {�FYI EA PpR? 09- ; , SQ f�oHr Jn�If�Es s� .� 6 P0,10C �+ �� �• 1 %_7 1 0 Z� Bpi 8 J� 00 0 N..-1-1/ Z00.09 DAMS / E. 2. 11, $36 29 w/S S L PL CGt7RG 5F t s. lON£ 1 0 d/ / SE CDR. Of N.E 1/4 SEC. 11-5-20 1"1RFD S 87•46'21"W. OF lit SEC. 2075,84 _ z 3H EE T /OF 4 JOB NO. 27214 • BADGER A7 • tUEPR1NT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 FORM BBC- 101 C1F.RTIFITE°D S1(TRVF.Y NAP NO. being a redivisicn of PARCET. 1 of C.S.M. NO. 2113, recorded as Document No. 888192, and unplotted lands in the S.1z. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section ll, Town 5 North, Fange 20 Fast, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE. STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY)SS 1, GARY J. SMITH, registered land surveyor do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided, mapped and lee icated a redivision of FARCFT. I of C.S.Y. NO. 2113, recorded as Document No. 888192, and unplatted lands in the S.W. 1/1, of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Mus'cego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a 1" iron pine found at the Southeast corner of sail l/A Section; thence S.R7068'2;"W., along the south line of said 1/4 section, 2075.84 feet to a point on the centerline of said DURHAM DRIVF; thence A.1Oc36'27"1,., along .ssi' conterline, 459.82 fpet t(' a point; thence N.88068' 21"E., along the south ;.ine of DURFIAMST;OOD ATP1TI0N N0. 1g3.88 feet to a 2" iron pioc found and Cie southwest corner of the lands to ho describrd; thence N.70014'47"E., 25;).00 feet to a point, Said point tieing the southt-:F%st ccr.ner of LOT 2 1DURPA1-1FWOOD; thence N.19045'I3'IN., alone the v,—nt line of sai� LOT 2, 260.00 Feet to a point on the cent-rline of WOODS ROAD; thence S.70014'47"W., along tho said centerline, 250.Gf? feet. to a point; thence S.19o4` 13"E., 260.00 feet tc a 2" iron Dip,- foun-1 and the point of beginning. DEDICATING THEREFROM the Northerly 50 feQt for public street purposes. CONTATNINr 65,000 squerC feet. THAT I nave mado such land survey, division, and map by the direction of ^'ICFIAEJ, J. �'AT.1NOI�SKT an,f A?'NE M. MAT,INOI SKI, his w fe, owners of said land. THAT such map is a correr.t representation of the exterior boundaries of t`ie ian:± surveyed an i t!le lan:f .-tivi.sion thereof made. ".fiAT 1 have foll,r complip-! -itr. the provisions of Chapter 236 of the ?•'isconsiq Statutes ani the lanl division ordnance of the City of Muskego, in suiveyin?, dividinC, maDJ+in� an.-i deIiCating the same. Doted: Oc roger 2.2, , 999 . 210 MILWAU J WI SUS. GARY SMIT14 RLS-21.95 Sheet 2 of 4 Tob No. 27214 • BADGER • • BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 FORM BBC- 16T (:ERTIFIF'D SUVET MAP 90. p 0 g? being a redivision of PARCFT, 1 of C.S.M. NO. 2113, recorded as Document NO. 888192, and unplatted lands in the S.W. 1/4 of the T.F. 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWYFRS CFRTIFICATE AS OWNFRS, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this plat to he surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on the plat. We also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or. 236.12 to !)e submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKFGO. FITNESS the hand seal of said owners this 3n day of �OVem ie r. 1991. In the presence of: MICHAFL J. MATINOWSKI ANNF M. Y-AT.INOWSKI STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY)SS FERSONAT,LY came before me this day of s . /Li�y�m he fr , 199q, the above named MICHAF,T. J. MAT,INoT%"�T1'-1and.; ANNE V. MALINOWSKI, his wife, to me known to be the persons who exgci�fie,�c,if ; the foregoing instr:iment and acknowledge.1 the same. NO TARY PUBLIC, 1,'AUKFSHA COUNTY, WISCONSTN. =;�•. ;'. e _T, My commission expires % G 14, CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE (;F CAFITAT. MORTGAGE SFRVTCES, a corporation duly orPanized an-i existing under ?nd by virtue of the laz's of the State of Missouri, mortgagee of the above described lands, loes hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping ani Medicating of the lands described on the plat, and does herebv consent to the above certificate of NICUAFL J. MALINOWSKI and ANNF M. MALINOWSKI, his wife, owners. IN WITNESS WHERFOF, the said GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES has caused these presents to be signed by J. Carolyn McCartpe , its Vice President, and cotlntersi.gned by Teresa Carbaial its Secretary at St. T.cuis Missouri, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 22nd day of November , 1999. n the r.esencp of: ,J'i,C. o7t- Teri Goblet Etta D. Cook Vol i � S RJ. ITH � 2195 MiLWAUKEE. Wf I� y GE/CA"L MORTGAGE SER J. Caro yn McCartee�� ss nt Vice-Pr"ialent Teresa Carb Al Assistant Secretary VI4CES., INC. Sheet 3 of ' Job Ne. 2721�+ • BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414) 542.8200 00 CiERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. SI gy being a redivision of PARCEL 1 of C.S.M. NO. 2113, recorded as Document No. 888192, and unplatted lands in the S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 11, Town S North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Naukesha County, Wisconsin. STATF OF CAT.IFORNIA ) COUNT`,' OF SAN BERNARDINO)SS On This 22nd day of November, 1999, before me the undersigned Notnry Public for said State, personally appeared J. Carolyn McCartee, and Teresa Carbajal personFlly known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac'cnowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authcTized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signaturP(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of uhich the person(s) actP1 executed the instrument. wrrNVN my hand and offic.ia,1L, seal. Notary Public in and F# Said County an.J State. ',s,. Con,issi^,n ex-)ir-Fs MAY 21, 2003 FORM BBC-101 PAMEL4 J. DUNN COMM, #t220332 NOWY KAUC (_'W0RNIA SAN URNAMNO COUNN — Mr C�,f,. ExPuft Mcy 21, 2003 ''T.ANNii,G COMMISSION APPROVAT, APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this �L day of i��0_��r>r hPnJ 1999. E AIRMAN SF,CRF.TARY COMMON COUNCIT, APPOyAT. AND ACCFPTANCF OF DFDICATION APPROVED by the Common Council and DEDICATION ACCrFPTFD by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this �� lay of Alb t�Pm hr'.5� _, 1999, by Resolution No. 2 UO -9 . Signed on this Lat day of .rJ (em ber ,I999. - .. n,AYOR Thi,, _,Isi.-LumP -L teas '' jr ±?' T. ZH�7IZIto REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 12--06-1999 1 E : 09 PM MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER J REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 10.00 REC. FEE —CO: 4.00 REC. FEE—ST : 2.00 TRAN. FEE: TRAN. FEE —STATE: PAGES: 4 f - A Sheet 4 of 4 Joh No. 27214