884 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP0 UC0003247 t 2, 3 � CEBTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7,Town 5 North,Range 20 N East in the City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin. owners; R.C.Hardie Dav det.D Rogue � G /9/V/JS' o ` Sm-reyor s. 70 St S 74 w 2os5o Field Dr. 330•00 i West Allis wis Muskego Wis. f phone 543 loo4 phone 679 0229 • Denotes la ir6n pipe 241, lone 1.13 lbs. per foot. Ceivre•re M^ N87'os /ol,9.0 �G gje 0 33a.o MM° c� 1 �'peD/ TBD �4A` :F;r ..- c) Qe/ v� 9 _MORihrP.6/IV ti_"_- ,eePeR7s Td War z.AI,F dy4 s ffC. E- O 0W fop I -SO �Ob 0 .sdc ►�� ROKKT C. HOME WEST ALLIS, wis. AUlt 4 aA CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP No. Being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7,Town 5 North,Range 20 Nast in the City of Musksgo,Waukesha County.Wisconsin. SURVEEMRIS CERTIFICATE State of Wisconsin {SS County of Waukesha I,Robert C. Hardie,land surveyor,do hereby certify: That I have surveyed and mapped a part of the N.E.1/4 of Section 7, Town 5 North,Range 20 East ,in the City of Muskego,Waukesha County,Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East and West 1/4 Section line distant North 870051East 1019.4 feet from the center of said section;thence North and parallel to the North and South 1/4 line 1354.Q0 feet North 96029'East, 330.00 feet to a point;thgnce South 1355.50 feet to East and West l/ line aforesaid; thence South 67 051West 330.00 feet to the place of beginning. excepting the South 40.00 feet which is reserved for street purposes, That I have made this survey,land division and map by the direction of David d.Ragus and Margaret D.Ragus owners of said land. That such map is a correcttrepresentation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and t e land divisions thereof made. That I have fully plied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and ,of the City of Muskego. Date: 9 4' Robert C. Hardie Surveyor 5-78 OT�+IER ' S CERTIFi CATS OF DIDI CATI01� As owners we hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed,divided,mapped dedicated eLs presented on this map in accord- ance with the requirements of{af the City of Mu go. Witness the band and seal of said owners this day of 1969. In presence of: DAFID J'-.kTAM <-- D. RAGVS STAT3b O7 WtSCONSIN ASS 'COIINTY OF WAmsRA Personally came before me this _(day of 968,the above named e6ute Jthe foregoing and Margaret D,1Ragus.his wife, o me known to be the persons who eaebuted the foregoing instrument and acknowledged same. .s-�- My commission expires 19Aary Public, a esha County Planning Commission Approval: Wis. Approved by the Planning Commission of th C ty of Muskego o this day of - Ei ,1g68. / Chairman CERTIFIED SURVEY MLP No. Being a part of The Northeast 1/4 of Section 7,Town 5 North,Bauge 20 Fast in the City of Muskego,waukesha County ,Wisconsin. COMMON COUNCIL APPAAVAL Approved by the COMMo Council of the City of Muskego on this �� day of ,1969 Mawyor erk This instrument drafted by Robert C. Hardi• :� �, LO ��.� c 'I 66 ice ■ LLJ