8632 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPBnr)crar Bwi:i�HINT . 1 is C. (414) 542-NZOO �y I N I, r • C, ' ' i .1 J J v CERTIFIED SURVEX MAI) NO. Being a redivision of -Parcel 2 oI•CertiEe:d Survey Map No. 8166 in the; SE 114 ot'thc NW I/4 of Section 8, T 5 N. R 20 E, in the City of kluskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. NOTE.' - o DENOTES 1 'X24" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT SET A7' ALL L07' CORNERS UNLESS NOTED O7'11ER 1Y1SE -- BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN STA TE PLANE CO-ORDINA TE SYSTI.• Af SOUTH ZONE —A GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN MUST RE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTE PRIOR 7'0 T11E 1SSUANCIL NA' CORN;R OF A BUILDINC PERMIT. MY I/f Sh'C. 11-5-00 AREAS ZONED WITH SEWER DESIGNATION SHALL BE N 33.9.30-9. 31 SERVED BY SANITARY SEWER. I: Z,49.3, 07G.03 -SHED & 13A RN A RE EXISTING, NON CONFORAIINc STRUCTURES ON PA RCL L 2 —FUTURE REDIVISION OP PARCEL 2 SIIALI. REQUIRE REMO VA L OF SHED. - SCALE• 1" = 200, U N PL A 7'_7_F._D 1,_A N D S _ S 88°4544" W r 1042.48 S 6XY1.5'44" moo, =� f r 0 30' URA INAGE p 1 E'ASL� AfE1V7' � � ,1 `D PARCEL2 [ w 463,663 S.F. o�13 {� 10.644 ACRES�� I w w w u, iv w 0 W w Ch ' �' SI' coiem'12 11ARN Y� moo,,' ,� NU' 1/4 SEC. Ii-5-00 N 3.36. G42l1.9 V1 ro E 0 49.i 129.98 del dO 100 SEPTI 3T AREA Af CHRISTOPHERR J. KUNKEL 1 .� ~ Y •r 0 1� V' �'' h S-1755 wl I.ol 420,116"/E'` r� Q� REVISED 9/3/98 ` �'� s cp. REVISED 9118198 ///Illllll l MIMIli 111 �54 3 � , ' `'.��� ' • o CIM YLDA rj_ •� ,� �a 12=3102(i2 � A=04 °33 L-10 L=24G. G9. 1 '' • • ` T=123. 41 1 SCA Lr: , 5 Ch=24ar,2 1" - 2vaa' J C.13- S 40�70'15" lY i �4 �y1ti` o�,w FIFIX DRIVE VICINITY SKETCH N►v 1/4 SEC 8-5-20 GRAPHIC SCA LE ,0 00 ii + r M.E. 980589 Slice[ I ol'3 /+,erra/1nnd/r.SM1JrAllh'A:S11A/NU,SNRCD/SAOO.ig9_NHUOSh'N IlF'p1VlS10N-CSM_!!!GG_11AR_2-MV.SXRY:0.S70 y 00 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANYP INC. (414)542.8200 010 FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 5.a Being a redivision of Parcel 2 0 CERTIFIED SURVEY ZYO MEP NO. the City 6 in the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sect Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Christopher J. Kunkel, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided, and mapped all of Parcel 2 of IFIE0 SURVEY MAP NO. 8166 in the SE 1/4 of. the NW 1/4 ofceti non , 8T 5 NRecorded in E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Volume 71, Pages 107 thru 109 as Document No. 21 7721 3 on December 6, 1996. That I have made this survey, land diviision and map by the direction of Richard M. Knudsen, Owner of said land. That such map is correct representation of all the thereof exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land 236 That I have fully complied with 1g11ofp�heiCitys of MuskegoChapter Subdivision f the Wisconsin Statutes and �aaP i�r and dividing the same. ordinance in surveying, mapping That 1 have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Richard M. Knudsen, Owner of said land. What such map is a correct representation of: of the land surveyed and the land division all the exterior boundaries thereof made. 'rhat I: have fully complied with the provisions Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 Of the City Of ordinance in surveying, mapping and dividing the r, `% C Date C. - %c: 0 L Christ Phe of Chapter 236 of the Muskego Subdivision same. Kunkel, RLS, S-1 CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL &1T55 WAUKESHA, va Q o; �On.. U Sheet 2 of 3 _ M.l?. No. 980589 0-1 BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 FOAM B13C-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.� in Being a redivision of Parcel 2 of CERT T IEDNSURRVEY M 20 E, Nin O �166 Clay the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNER ' CERTIFICATE I, Richard M. Knudsen, Owner, do hereby certify that I have caused that land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, represented on this map in accordance �3a �� t18 ofg the City of f Muskego ter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and P Subdivision Ordinance. I further certifyhathis approval: i required city of to be submitted to the following forobjecting Muskego. IN THE PR SENCE OF: r jot,1 Wit -s STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) Richard M. Knudsen PERSONALLY came before me this imey above named Richard M• Knudsen, executed the foregoing instrument and a`* No xy Public- ate of Wisconsin of ,1998r the know be the person who .19AMNI tad. the same . EAU BL,G My Commission expires , PLAN COMMISSION AP PROVAL Dlli11i1111�0```` APPROVED b the Plan Comm' Sion of £themeAce ty of Muskego by Resolution No. % � on ttja 5 —.�aay o ve c/ , 1998. David eA A is, Cha'rman Sandra S. i, RecordI g Secretary GOMMON CpUNCIL APPRDVAL Muskego by Resolution APPROVED by the Common Coundao o£ �'�ew��P� , 1998. No. i-7ti-Q on this Y "e i s , Mayor CHRISTOPHER J. � o C KUNKEL J+ra ax+~nda, City Clerk S1T55 WAUKESHA P1PARE�3 FOR: Richard M. Knudsen �+ w1 W1 99 S7440 FIi i lendale Dr • Muskego, V11 53150 PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPER J . KUt YEb i �iC ` METROPOLITAN ENGINEEIRINGr 20815 CROSSROADS C:CRC1-,E--SUITE 150 WAUKESHA, WZ 53186 This Instrument was drafted by Christopher J• Kunkel. Sheet 1 of 3 4D 0 2355904 REGISTER'S OFFICE) )SS wat*o" Co. %" 00 w a aF S s 1 I-133 i"r �f UP uo