8556 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP11A110ri1 111.UMIRINT COMPANY, INC. NMI 542-RZOO FORM SBC• In 1 CLRTirir,D SUitV1.Y MAi' NO. acing a part of the NW 1/4 and the NE I/il of the SW 1/4 of Scetioll 19, T 5 N. It 2Q E, ill the City of Muskego, Wankeshn County, Wisconsin. REVISED 516190 �`nn►In�t�rtrrrrrrriuui►�,� PARCEL 115 CURRENTLY ZONED EA - EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL 0 Al c% AND WILL BECOME NON -CONFORMING UPON SALE IF BUYER 15 r �� %:, NOT A FAMILY MEMBER TO THOSE IN OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION Zj ry OF THE FARM FOUND ON THE PARENT PARCEL. CHRISTOPI•IER J. KUNKEL S-1755 WAUKf IIA. r Nth .�1N1'GA_7_'7' r,IZ Js!i1Lrl.�rs' NIV GIJRA/L•'R SIV 1/1 10--�-4V ; //lllllll�II11111111111�� Ar 72.5, 714.110 ,�j ', , 61: 2.4115.4 i7.D7 ,4r1.5 '', IV 87°415,oa" E '' - 9,15.02 58 ' U' 7'111s121s' S11A 1.1, Ill: NO VR111CUh1I R A CCIsWS TO CRO 11'I2A le ROA 1) OR II r. NNG'RERR Y DRI I'f;' ACROSS 77IN VISION CORNER EA.SI:'AIPIA"' o �C L9 m o V 1 w. ti ti Lu b , Cn 1 6 13,560 S.1i'. b M m 1. 000 A Ci sS b 'j rn b r 1i=15.Of) d 121.29 'b ; :v 4 n ,cn1�'of, 7'� , C.11.= N 51'.?5'0, ` II O YV c� ` , °' ' C7► � v ' +U - - - - -' 4 t�3 HENNEBER DEDICATED POR PUB1,IC STRC o, N 87"45'011" R I 1006.711 0 059. ,17 w w o w ti ----------, , y c v x CORNAW 1/1 111- 5-20 IN 31103 SCA LE.- ./ " = 60' 0 4� �, 1JNP1,A Tvwo 1�A NI)S N0�'f'• o I w 11 I llls'NN1:11 sl,'!tY 1)!tlYl:' SCA 1,1,': ro 1.. ?000'1 0 o - 1)KNO'I'A.5 1 ",r24" IRON PIPE: 1. 13 1.17,5. PAT 1 1NI':A 1, POO7' SNN' A 7' A I,J, 1,07' C'OI?NIs'h.S IJNI,ASS NOTED 07'1110I11I'15Al IT Is'i11�l NCS REPNI? 7'0 7111L' II'ISC.'ON.SI N SVATAs' PLANA' CO-ORDINA7'l'. S1'SPEA1 SOUTH 7ONA. A GIMPING AND PRAINACA7 P1.A N MUST Ill:' SURAII77AW AND API'R0V1:'O U)" TIIA' 1311110C 111ORK."T COAI,1117'7'A*A' PRION '10 7'111;, 1.:Sr1A Nrl:' 01'' A II UI1, DI NC PERMIT VICINITY_,SK TIM.. 570/1, 'I'1s�S'1' 1s1;,S'I11,7:5 .S11011' T11A7' Y11'i/l .51.:'f.'. 1!�-'-2U S'f1 l)N1,tS•U/Till hh, FOR ROUND -../+nn.r/rsu/ wn uA rxaln/ut+ah'er. n/•ti'onni r:+_ n•rnr._r.•xmrr+n u_ nr:xxr.•r+f•rrx r s: n , 2Up' M. E 980213 sheet: 1 of 4 ilADGUH iii-u1a-111NI- Cc»cPANY, INC, W 14) 542•8200 CI:R'r'll'II:D SURVEY MAP NO. FfS�'�� I3eing 11 Marl ol'lhc NW 114 and the Ni: 1/4 01'the ,SW 1M 01'Section 19,T5 N. R 20 F. in the City of Muskego. Waukesha Counly. Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CHRTIt:ICATE: 1, Christopher .I. Kunkel, a reg;istcred land surveyor d0 hereby certify: That I ha�•c survcyecl, divided, and irlappccl a part of the NW 1/4 and the Nii 1/4 ol'tlle SW i/4 (if' Section 19. 'I' 5 N. R 20 F. in the City 01' Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. hounded nncl described Its fiillows: Commencing; It tite SW corner (11, said S\%, 1/4 Section; thence N 02' 10' 27" W. ,dolign the West line 01, said SW 1/-1 Section, 1325.98 feel to a point on the centerline 01, i-Ienneherry Drive, thence N 97' 45' 09" I: along; solid centerline 1006.73 feet to the puce 0l'l)c9inni119 ol'the lands to he described; Ihcnce N 10' 55' 1 R" W along; the centerline ol'Crowhar Road. 232.25 feet; Ihcnce N 97' 45' t1R" F, 295.60 feet: thence S M ° 53' 54" 1'. 229.60 feet to a point on the centel•linc of 1 lenneherry Drive, thence S 87' 45' 08" W ,110119 the centerline of I Icmiebel'Iry Drive. 259.17 fccl to the intersection of 1-Ienncherry drive and Crowbar Road trod also heinp the place of beginning. That I have made this suI'vey, land division and map by the cfirecli0n ol'.lack A. King. Owner of'saici Iancf, Tltat such map is a correct represerltalion 01' ,Ill exterior boundaries of the land sttrveved and the land division thci•cof rltadc. That i have fully complied with the provisic�rls of Chapter 230 of the Wisconsin Slatutcs and Chapter 18 01*tltc City of Muskeg;o Stfhdivisiol .QrdiI,,,11ce in stlrvcyin�. mopping and dividing;, �' 1 Date 4 Z 3 ROVIS 0 516198 Christ( ihy • .I. unkel R.1..5 1755 CI [PISTOPHER J. KUNKEL 5-1155 WAUKESHA, < V11 r`Sr 1 i iU rrtR,u�t����� Sheet 2 of,.; BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414) 542•8200 FonM BBC-Ml CERTIFIED SURVEY MAI' NO, Being a part of the NW 1 /4 and the NE 1 /4 of the SW 1/4 of Sectionn119. T 5 N. R 20 E, in the City of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin, OWNERS' CERTIFICATE 1. Jack A. King do hereby certify that I have caused the Iand described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. I further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objecting or approval: City of Muskego. WITNESS the Rand and seal of said Owner this day of h') 0-(-1 1998. IN TI-II: PRESENCE OF: J4.,14"t J e- fitness ,Tack A. King; L STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY, collie bel«re me this 17 —clay of' 1i'1 1a y ,1998, the above named ,Dick A. King known to he the persons who executed the loiegoing instrument and " "racknowledged the some. " °'' Noufh�. Public -State ol' Wisconsin tvly conutlission expires Shect 3 of 4 REVISED 516198 .o11111[lll1U111iON/ 3 7 CHRISTOPHER J. 1A X KUNi(1=L S-1755 ' t I',,�1111 lN�i1111�1t111111',Cr, . RAPPER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (4 r 4 ) 542,8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. ''XS. , Being a part of the NW 1 /4 and the NE 1/4 of the SW I/it of Section 19.T5 N. R 20 F,. in the City of Muskcgo, Watrkeslta County, Wisconsin. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL. APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. - on this Y clay of 7)c ,I998, David-TE- De nt;clis, Chairman + 1 zc; JQJLd.L0_Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Carrnnion Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. X 9 -19 on this / <-2 clay or , i 998. David L. DeAngelis, Mayor Q _-)� -.-- .Ie arenda, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE -SUITE 150 WAUKESHA. WI 53186 PREPARED FOR: .lack King W216 S9311 Crowbar Rd. Muskego. Wi 53150 This Instrument was drafted by C'hristopher.T. Kunkcl REGISTER'S OFFICE) )sS _ wst*Aam Co,. IM Na F&CEM FOR WORD TW � L - DAY AT RECORDED 7s pq T 1-3 2 OF REVISED 516198 Shea 4 ol'4 FORM BOC•101 1 w (l� 1 64 e _x- (i%,I n SISTER' - � ,• �-•, `,�. �/����.%