8555 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP11AI)C1311 ❑LUCI'ItINT COMPANY. INC. (414) 542-8200 a � '' ' " FORM BBC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. s S Tieing a redivision of Parcel 1 of CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 4921 being a part: of the SE 1 /4 of the NE 1 /4 of Section 13, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha Country, Wisconsin. U�!Pl,�_7"j'�'n IAA NUS ' I I SCA L. ' N 87°18'06" E 375.00 PIP _ I I ' I al; I o PA RCE'.L 1 �' ' (`� I•. d~o °0 56, 234 S.F. 1.29 A CRE'S w o o ;C ; b N 1170111100" trj I. I --�`10'x!O' ;37 .00 SF ll'f'R IsAS!'AIf:NT (GIIAN71;1J 7-0 PAh'CF;1, 1) ; b ul 55,508 S. F. m � O clams n I O 1.27 A CRL'S o "2C3 ; 1 NO A r. cEss `� 0 .:10X3O' VISION th CORNER 1sASRUEN7 JJJ p ter+ c ! NO ACCESS oti CURVE DATA 12=15.00 A=a1 °.JO'OG" h=27.91 Cll=N 47'01'57" II' C'h=•21.4G N 117°111'OrY' F. 1 191;.911 359.65 11' S 87018'00" W 375.00 15.35 GO' _PUIJI.IC STR-EET RrSER VA 7'10N o PA RCK1, ,z C. S. AL NO. 4.921 ; ----------------------------------- ------ ----- ------ -Z ---------- _K ' I - - AMA; 0 - DENOTES I "v24" IRON PIPE 1, 13 1,BS. PER bINFAh li'007' .5"ET A7' A1.1, 1a07' o h CORNF,RS UNhAS.S NOTAD O'1'lII:'RJPISs. r BEARINGS Rl:'1',Is le TO 7'11E IVISCONSIN i 1 sr..IL 4, p S7'A 7'1' P1.A NA' CO-ORDINA 7'F S }'S7'EAI anon oQ l SO U771 ZONE CRA PHI C SCA L s �Q 0 !oo' Roo 300, VICINITY SI{L TCH /ua.rr/1.nd/!YY/YAl/YLYIfA/yVSYAxQ/SGAnlIulNCN10HT_NA'OfVISIQN l'AI�I_C3p_fYPI S70 NA' 1/4 SA'(- 1.1- S--dO c; A GRADING ANO DRA/NA GA' PLAN Al U,57' 11A' SURA117'Tk, A NIJ A l'1'RO VA'D I3 Y 77/A' 1'I111I,1C 1110h'K,9 COAIHI T 7 A"K 1'1110h' TO 7'IIIs' 1S,SUANC1,,' OP A 11WIXING 1'l:HA117'. Is I17"18100" II' !ti'r, 5.or) S/L OP NN 1/•1 1.7-5-20 SII' COHNAW W'x6" CONC, MONUA11'NT N 33 1,99. 10 !' 2,514.(),19"11 •. CONC. AIOAFUAIl:'NT N f1,1P,1L'1.•d9 A' a 5 17, 2 711. 011 C M.E 98018B Sheet 1 of: 4 IiADC&H III 11-THINT CO MPANY. INC. (41.1) 542-8200 CI WFlFlJ'-D SMZVFY MAP NO. Being a redivision of Parcel I o1'C'I R'FIl 1FD SIJRVI Y MAP No. 4921 bring a hart oi' the SI1 114 ol'the NI: 1/4 o['Seclion 13. "I, 5 N. 1Z 20 F. in the City n['N,hiskego, Waukesim County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS CI:RTIFICA'1'1:- I, Christopher .1. Kunkel, a registered land surveyor do hereby certify,: thal I have surveyed, divided, and I»appecl a rcclivision of Parcel I of C ERT11-11:D StJIZVFY MAP NO. 4921 being a part ol'the SH 1/4 ol'the NE 1/4 of Section 13, 1. 5 N. R 20 V. in the City Of' Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin, hounded and clescrihccl Is follows; Commencing at the Soutlheast earner of said NI: 1/4 Section: thence ,S 971 19' 0011 W. 1110119 the South line of said NV 114 Section 1265.00 feel: thence N 01 ° 21' 14" W, 35e),3t1 feet to the Place ol'beginning OI'lancls Io he described as 10110ws, Ihcnce continuing N ()l ° 21' 54" W. along Acker Drive, 298.20 lect, thence N 87' 19' 00" 1:, 375.00 IM: thence S 01 ° 21' 54" H, 298.20 feet. Ihence N 97' 1 K' 00" I;, 375.00 feet to (lie place ol'begitin ing. That 1 have made this suI•vey. find division and map by the direction of Ca1'1 IZ. Scrii�rt and Cynthia D. Ser[«rt. Owners of'saici land. That sueh map is a cor•reel representation Of all exterior 110Llndal'IC5 01'111e land surveWd and the land division thereof made. That I have fully canlpliecl With the Previsions of Chapter 236 ol'the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter IK of, tile City ol'Muskego Subdivision Or•dinanev in surveying, mapping and dividing. / Dale ` 2.3 Ch1•istop cI/ . I' c lkel R.I..S 1755 CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL � &175s WAUKESHA, W1 Sheet 2 lll'-1 BAnctsn BLU1!P10NT COMPANY, INC. (414)542•8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAI) NO.—iS-S:S—_ Being a redivision of Parcel l of CER'f1FIED SURVEY MAP NO. 4921 being a part or the Sr 1 /4 of the NE 1 /4 of Section 13, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNERS' CERTIFICAJ I, We, Carl R. Scrfort and Cynthia D. Serrort do hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, as represented on this trap in accordance with the requirements or Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. We further certify that this map is required to he submitted to the following for objecting or approval: City or Muskego. WITNESS the (land and seal orsaid Owner this -� "/ day of )7L- , l 998. 1N TI iE PRESENCE OF: Witness Carl R. Scrfort Witness Cynll)ia 1). Scrfort STATE OF' WISCONSIN ) SS WA11Kl:SI lA C()1.1NTY ) I'I IZfiUNALI.Y, clone hclbre me this_, o day of �-M ,1999, the above named Carl R. Serlort and Cynthia 1). Serl{art knolvn to be the p rsons who executed the loregoing instrument and acknowledged the snore. oa�b'- a- -- ! W- ja _- Notary ublic-Stale of %'Wisconsin My Commission CNpires_ i / DI Sleet 3 ol',t G111111rIVugi�i z3 C. CHRIMPHER J. KUNKEL S 1755 = e- 1VI FORM 013C001 BADGER I31-mPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542•H200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO, $/S Being a redivision of Parcel 1 of CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO, 4921 being a part of (lie SE 1 /4 of the NE 114 of Section 13, T 5 N, R 20 E. in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. r - IJ' on this - clay of ix_ej _ ,1998. David L. DeAngelis, Chairman 7 , Stlnclra S. Asti, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego No. X9 • t X on this I.2 clay of ��t rr �� , 199g. r..:,DiGvjcl''{.►7�eAnl;ciis. Mayor .,, .1 71cirenda, City Clerk ,.Q• PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPI FER ,1, KUNKEL METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 20975 CROSSROADS CIRCLE -SUITE. 150 WAUKESUTA, WI 53196 PREPARED FOR: Carl and Cynthia Serfort 20723 1lar( Drive Wine! Lake, Wi 53195 This Instrument was drafted by Christo0hcr.l. Kunkel REGISTER'S OFFICE) 158 W"Gsha -, n r •7 Cn„WI } G.Jc�UJ tea I % RECENEd FOR RECORDyW _. ���'z 61- DAY op to Ar IN -SOF Sheet 4 of'4 by Resolution FORM poC• 101