8512 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPFORM NO. 985-A Ksr'.mular Stock No, 26273 23a� CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO,?'-S12 PAGE I OF3 A REDIVISION OF LOTS III AND 112, BLOCK 96, OF THE JEWEL CREST SUBDIVISION, BEING PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 4, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 CAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. PREPARED BY: AMERICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, INC, 12207 C.T.H. "K", NORTH CAPE FRANKSVILLE, WI.53126-9691 (414) 835-4774 OWNEIt's ADDRESS: MARK 3a CAMILLE DARKOW $67 W18607 PEARL DRIVE MUSKEGO, W1.53150 LEGEND; o-Denotes No. G Rebar, 3/4" Din., 24" Long, 1.50 lbs/ In.<t., w/cnp •-Denotes Iron Pipe/Rod Found ALL BEARINGS ARE RCFERCNCCD TO GRID NORTH OF TFiC WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, SOUTHERN ZONE, TECHNICAL REPORT 117. THIRD EDITION I. GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN MUST BE SUBMITTED TO TFIC CITY OF MUSKEGO PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. 2. BOTH PROPERTIES ARE 7.ONCD RS-3/OED, 3. BOTH PROPERTIES ARE LOCATCD IN TFIC 81-IORELAND FLOODLAND JURISDICTIONAL LIMITS AND ARE NOT WITHIN IN THE 100 YEAR FLOODPI,AIN AS MAPPED BY FEMA. I F• STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF RACING )- 1, PETS L. BAILEY, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certiry: Tltnt 1 have surveyed, rodivision of Lots 111 and 112, Block 116 or tile Jewel Crest Subdivision, located in the Southwest 114 of Section 4, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, County of Wnukeslin, Stnte or Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commence at the Wost I corner of said Section; T14ENCE South 01 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds Cast far a distance or549.69 feet, along tine West line orsnid 1/4 section, to a point; THENCE South GG degrees 4I minutes 30 seconds Gast (Recorded as South 65 degrees 00 nninutes 00 seconds Cast) ror n distance of 405.62 feet, to a point; THENCE North 21 degrees 18 minutes 30 scconds East for a distance of 25.02 reel, to the Point of Beginning; THENCE North GG degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds West (Recorded as North 65 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West) for a distance of 200.00 feel, along the North right or way line of PEARL DRIVE, also being the south lino or Lot 111. BIock 116 ortine Jewei Crest Subdivision, to a point; THENCE North 21 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds Cast, (Recorded as North 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Enst) for a distance of 130.00 feet, along the Cast right of way line orCREST AVENUE, to a point; THENCE South 65 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds Cast for a distance or200.18 feet, Along the North line of Lot 112, Block #6 of said Subdivision, to a point; THENCE South 21 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds West (Recorded as South 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West) for a distance or 126.00 reel, along the West right of way Imne or JEWEL CRCS'r, to the Point or Beginning, 'ITIAT such map is a correct representntion of nil tine exterior bpnlndnriCS of tho land surveyed and the land division thereof rondo. THAT I have rondo such survey, land division and rnap at the direction or the owner of said lands. THAT I have Tully complied with the provisions orChapter 236 of the Wisconsin Slate Statutes and the require is of Towr of o in sure ing, dividing and mapping tine same. AMC-RICAN SURVEYING COMPANY, IN ,����t{l1Nllrlrinlryry�/1� 1'CTL' L. BAILEY, RLS NO. 1398 S(rONs/ �4�0 DATED'I'I-iiS 61" day orJanuary, 1998 REVISED THIS 26"' day orJanuary, 1999 ' RAMAV UJ —4 y FORM HO, 985•A Hj; !nmu, Stock No, 26273 CERTIFIED SUIZVEV NIAP NO. 0� 5! vZ PAGE Z OF 3 A REIMISION OF LOTS 001 ANI) 02, BLOCK 006, OF THE JEWEL CREST SUBI)IVISION. IJINNG PAR T' OF'T'IIE sourIIWEST 114 OF SECTION a. 'T'OWN 5 NORTH. RANGE 21) EAST, IN 'THE CITY OF NIUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. SCALES SW 1 4. SEC. 4-5-20 LOC TION MAP WEST I/4 CORNER SECTION 4 - a - 20 N. 34,I,010.G7 E. 2,4054700.88 / CONO. MOM, WWRW 9RASS CAPS i IPF NORTH SCALE 0 50 100 hET BUT DIAG-4ETBACR LI .a NN MEANDER CORNER FOR THE ! SOUTHWEfft 1/4 CORNER / SECTION 24 - a - 10 / N. 330,OJ3.04 E. x,40a4749.24 /4 - ` CONC. MOM. GRASS CAP coil . M ti W L WAT R SEMENT COURSE BEARING DISTANCE N 21'1 8'300E 22.00: S OIF41'30"E 40,71 N 66-411:30-W 40.01' S 21'1S'30"W 10.01, LOCATION ANGLE - RIGHT NES A 272100'OO' ® 26WOO'OO' Q 27NO13'a0' / O 26G'51'21" / EX19TINq WOOD POLE wAQ / y • lST1N0 1 STORY / FTtAmE DWELLIN �A��ry� ,v s STORY FRAME 9UlLDIMq FIAREA 771j F. N. ROOR Ei.EV. - 81�.1ri ` �N 21-18'30"E 2a.02' ~VISION CORNER WLmENT FOAM NO. 905•A mt%"ttar Stock No. 26273 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. IFsra PAGE 3 OF 3 A REDIVISION OF LOTS #I AND 02, BLOCK 06, OF THEJEWEL CREST SUBDIVISION. BEING PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 114 OF SECTION 4, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, STATE OF WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFI ATE OF DEDIQ'ICION', I, AS OWNER, hereby certify that I caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, dedicated and mapped as represented on this ninp. I also certify that this map Is required by 9,236-34 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: CITY OF MUSKEGO WITNESS, the hand and seal of said owners this_ j- day of--jYJ&t_, 1998. 4, 11 V /" zmm' /1' 0 ".' MARK DARKOW Oa n �JLo-j CAMILE DARKOW STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY OF ICI M1F. )% WWVKasµo Personally came before me thisjday of hinsell , 1998, the above named MARK DARKOW 6 iq CAMILLE DARKOW to me known to the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the a. . = 0TARY PUBLIC CO �.Y•Of' rmp ATE Or WISCONSIN. My, c 1ninission expires_ PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL T APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego this 1 7 day of 1998. l C CI-IAIRMAN ` IsCRE:TARY COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION: APPROVED and adopted this U day of Pl it i c /1 1998 by Resolution No. 3 iv MAYOR —,L['I'Y CLERK This instrument was dratied by Pete L. Bailey. (' % .pc.rtA4UARK0W 1WRTH CAPE, W1 lb sup, REGISTER'S OFFICE) I W&Uk hs ft, w) , 2303503 FORRECOROM .�.Z-414--, ....DAY 0TUM • M. d RECOAVED y+cQ I�