8390 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPBADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414) S42•8200 2258154 r-onm aac-1oi CERTIFIED SURVEY MAI) NO, [t):'SCjO A part of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 5,T 5 N. R 20 E. in the City of Muskego, Waukcsha County, Wisconsin, , , I \ NW CORNER SF. 114 5-9-20 WW" CONC. A10NUAIEN7' N 044,428.27 N01 00F T I;' 2,405,691 1 47.3 + ^V + r� r ` ' + + 1 \ 1 1 Y tj 1 ' l Z 1 , 1 w; C.-5• d f, _ NA _1 '4 ' lJ0�r�223' Y r��i__ - 1/d - --,rla0plii orS - Nr:' coffiv y1slu r t�B L38 l.7E sr•, 114 5-5-20 a �ysns u'xr,' CONC. N 0 940 B a, 4 q'1 • m s 5 rz4n o2~ —N 7p "!Y! !� Iv lU6.0(J •� O 7 + 4. 0 7 � � CS RCEL 06RI597 sr'. r a01I -\ \o\\ Wc 008 A CRt Wf'I 1 GA A 1�r� �I� I Iyo' ', ••" ,ri91•p0 to .' r 10.0_4 �r• ,53" 1V G7.r o N \��J LANDFILL L!A(IrS 41.37 26O.Q0 \ �� `452, 772 Is s a a O 09 �.1 !`0.,794 ACRES w 11 N: _ GA A 1�r� �I� I Iyo' ', ••" ,ri91•p0 to .' r 10.0_4 �r• ,53" 1V G7.r o N \��J LANDFILL L!A(IrS 41.37 26O.Q0 \ �� `452, 772 Is s a a O 09 �.1 !`0.,794 ACRES w 11 N: _ , �, 1 � w' 1 jq* , 4' I 1� ' , , , 1 , + , 13 ' CALF: = 0190, N 0 , 5g? 17 �51 W aa,I.B ' s a It w c� N N r, AfONuu N7' ' N .742,O19.67 4A140P. 2,49�7011cf1 , 1 O� I r _q I , 1 , r � ` I 1 wi r 1 ' I U' 4011- 1 — \ 1_ _..---- I L 1 - I - 1 1 � I , 1 i1_NVJ'��tfaU• !='! N5 G� PICK SCA LL' ra � � on'� 2p ' 300' ' S 160' � _��1 rcr� _ 4 O—D N07'F'S 11:v24" 11?01V P1Pl,, 1.13 LIDS. PER 1, INEA L f 00T .S1,"T A 7' A 1, 1, L 07' CORNERS UNLESS N07'1sD O771FRJ1'I.51V.. BEARINGS !�L'J I'1c' 1,0 7'll!' lY1SCONSIN STA Tr' PLA NE CO—OPO1NA TE SY.57111"Af ,5'01/77/ ZONI' ACCASS TO RACINE A VENUI; (C.7'.11. }') IS LIAf17"A'JJ 7'0 Tlll' COAl,11ON Vl.:'11j(,WA Ii' ACCESS POINT .51/0111N ON T7I1S HA1? - TA NS D1?, +�1 W of SCALE- '.� Q� -4, tip o — 1 a VICINITY sKr sr, 1 /4 srC. 5-5-20 SJV 114 SW 5-5-20 � gpp\ SC�07/ 11r I N44" N—0A'NO7'1,S TAST 1-117' PARCEL 1 IS I,1A11 %'1;'U TO I NCRASS & G'Ch'L:SS 7'O TIIN.S OI?I Vls' AS SHOWN ON THIS AfAP. — NO 111,311CUGi11e �1 CC1.5.S TO 11/1.I1AW011/ ; DRI VA' IS PA7eA1177j,,'1). 11. E. 970631 CHIRTS'rOPHEn J. * KUNKCL ==: S-1755 P W A U CEPI-I � `9 1 �Q jlfl444411111111\1�� �-" Sheet 1 of 4 HAnc;cil BLUE COMPANY, INC. W 10 5-12•8200 1"011M 13fic-IU1 C'IAZTII'IEI) SURVEY MA1) N0. _�'$ ri ? A part of the NW 1/4 of tile SL, I/4 and the NIA 1/4 of the SW 1/44 of Section 5.T S N. It 20 I:, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Main Curve 'fable !1 Radius Delta i•cngth Chord Chord Bearing 'Ilan in Tall Uut 1 1959.86 0,10 18' 29" 147.35 1,17.32 N 81 ° 32' 47.5" is N 830•12' U2" I N 79° 23' 3"I" I: 2 1859.89 120 35' S7" 108.98 408.I6 N 85° 33',15,5" F S 990 08' 16" I S 79° I5' 47" W SURVEYORS CI:RT11 ICATF: 1, Christopher .1. Kunkel, a roistered land surveyor do hereby certify; that I have surveyed, divided. and mapped lands being a part of" the NW 1/4 of the S17 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 5, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded rind described as follows: Comnu;ncieig at the NE corner of the SIB 1/4 of'Section 5, thence S 88° 52' 23" W along the North line of'the SE 1/4 of Section 5, 1600.26 fleet to a point till the centerline of Ilillendale Drive; thence S 13' 2704" W. along the centerline of l lillendale I]rive. 51.96 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described as 16110ws; thence Continuing along the centerline of l lillendale Drive S 13' 27' 04" W. 705.00 f1cet; thence S 88' 39' 13" W, 301.41 feet; thence S 13' 14' 47" W, 268.79 feet; thence S 88' 48' 51" W. 502.17 Icct; thence S 89° 09, 37" W. 25.90 feet to a point on the host line of Racine AVCnre (C.T.11. Y) thence N 061 28' 446" F along the East line of Racine AMILIe (C.'T.II Y)534.90 feet; thence N 19' 16'.59" h along the Last line of Racine Avenue (C.T.11. Y), 412.61 feet; thence Northeasterly along the South line of'I'ans Drive, 1447.35 f'ect along in are of a circle whose centcr is to the Northwest, whose radius is 1959.86 feet and whose chord bears N 8 1' 32' 47.5" F. 147.32 fccl thence continuing cilong the South line of "I'ans Drive N 79' 15' 47" h, 4.07 feet; thence continuing Northeasterly along the SOtttlllinC of "fans Drive, 408.98 feet along an are of a circle whose centcr is to the Solitlleiitil, Whose radios is 1859.89 feet anti whose chord bears N 85° 33' 45.5" E, 409.16 feet; thence continuing along the South line of 'fans Drive S 88° 08' 1 G" F. 301.76 feet to the place of beginning. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of the Mary 1). Thomas Trust, Mary 11. 'Thomas, Trustee, Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statules and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision O d'i ance in surveying, tnapliing and dividing. Date Christ phcl�l. 'tinkel R.I..S 1755 i KUNIKEL S-1755 WAU9 Il" I I N. Sheet: 2 of 4 _S BAW1111 BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. l41.41 542•8200 FORM BGC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. �. io A part of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and the WE 1/4 of the SW I/4 of Section 5,T 5 N, R 24 E. in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin OWNERS' CERTIFICATE I, Mary P. Thomas Trustee of the Mary P. Thomas, do hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City ofMuskego Subdivision Ordinance. I further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objecting or approval. City of Muskebo. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner this- day of (.� , 1997. 1N THE PRESENCE OF: Witness Mary11. T mas, Trustee of the MaryP. Thomas Trust STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY l PERSONALLY, came before me this ., day of l� Jc� ,1997, the above named, Mary P. Thomas, known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. 'Notary Public -State of Wisconsin `My,commission expires W :. REGISTER'S OFFICE) Iss Wnukeohn Co., WI ) ruo. 2258154 ntcrz o r-on nEcono ym r�T cry DAY OF INO of �L SUR C`.�_. - S ) 4 I,, Sheet 3 of 4 7 5.175� 'NAUKESII BADGER BL!]MMINT COMPANY, INC. (1114) 542.13200 FORM Br3C• I o i CE11'rimEDSURVEY A part of the NW 1/4 of thEe S1/4 and the NE 1/4 of tile W NOof S c� U the City OrMuskcgo, Waukesha County, Wisconsin S,T 5 N. R 20 E. in PLAN COMM ISSI N APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskebo by Resolution No,% � .� •� on this `/G �1, day of r'(�L�l�L111..,ti.f --- , 1997. David L��DcAZeljs,�C�Jjj Sandra S. Asti, Recordinb Secretary COMMON OUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City .1997. of Muskebo by Resolution No, ?.-3l-91 on David L, DcAnbelis ,May r .;y arenda, City Clerk. PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: MARY THOMAS 12120 W. Woodcrest Circle Franklin, Wi 53132 CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKHL METROPOLITAN I✓NGINEERING, INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIItCLi -SUITE 150 WAUKESHA, WI 53186 This Instrument was draped by Christopher J. Kunkel �3 ,``��`nutulr4rrrrr��ii� C—} Ive I%UNREL ' S•1755 WAUKFslr , �rr11 � `�! I H 44l{SS�NU Sheet 4 of 4 c77