8315 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPBADGIM BWEPitINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 2232302 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 3 31.' Being a redivision of Parcel I of Certified Survey Map No. 6645 and vacated Pasadena Drive, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 18, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. UNPLATTED LANDS S 00 058'43" E 310.95 r $355.G2� SIL OF N$ 114 SEC 18-5-20 SR CORNE11 N6 S 00 5843 E 1/4 SEC 1e-5-20 N9 CORNER NB 61x8" CONC. 114 SEC 18-5-20 ' MONUMENT 6"Xe. CONC. N 851.242.09 MONUMENT 0,,490,525.17 GRAPHIC SCALE N E 2T90.489.62 i �rrr rr� 1LWI 6mmmommmW SCALE-1 "-150, h w PARCEL 1 190,686 S.F. �C ti i y H y to o Q I I p~j I NE 114 SEC 16-5-20 ►-+ t VICINI T Y SKE,TC11 SCA LE•1 ' =2000' S 01.05146" E (� 310,93+ ,a --------a CID Cl) 9a q, 0 D NOTES 1 "x.24" IRON PIPE 1.13 LBS. n2 PER LINEAL FOOT SET AT ALL LOT C CORNERS UNLESS NOTED 07IIERWISE Gj BEARINGS REFER TO THE WISCONSIN U N: tl PARCEL 2O STATE PLANE CO-ORDtNA rE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. :%j C1Z - �; 175,913 S.F. Q ' O � to Ci 140.00 q w o 'N 01 ; 02'48" W N (hi w 9449 SF p N 1.ST FL 8MO Q 5926re. Cywy i w O O 51.37 /2c cy W �� � f �. o !4B SF ��������uu�1�1C�i0urN�i�i��,� 1•r. a4o 1 �15 sfr% 4� ----------------_--- _ --__ CHRISTOPHER J. 170.95 I - # KUNKEL - - —.. - - - S-1755 -------°, a N 0100,2'48" _ __ WAU ESH ------ ' ` O HI L E11l.LA L E' DRIVE 2 o w 1 I UNPLA TTE' C. S. M. N 0. V 75 1 3 LANDS FORM BBC-101 E; 970232 Sheet 1 of 5 IF BADW-lt BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)54244200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. _S�2 Being a redivision of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 6645 and vacated Pasadena Drive, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 19. T 5 N. R 20 E, in the Cit of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. y SUItVL-'YORS CER'I'll�1CATE: I, Christopher J. Kunkel, a registered land surveyor do hereby certify: that 1 have surveyed, divided, and mapped a redivision of Parcel I ofCertilied Survey Map No. 6645 and vacated Pasadena Drive, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 18. T 5 N. R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said NE 1/4 Section 18 said point being the place of beginning the lands to be described; thence S 87° 32' 43" W along the South line of said NE 1/4 Section 18, 1291.73 feet to a point on the East line of I-IiIlendale Drive; thence N 01 ° 02' 4 8 " W along said East Line, 17Q.95 feet; thence N 870 32' 43" W, 250.00 feet; thence N 01 ° 02' 48" W. 140.00 feet: thence N 87° 32' 43" W. 1042.1 Q feet to a point on the East line of said NE 1 /4 Section 18, thence S 00' 58' 43" E along said East line, 310.95 feet to the point of beginning. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Francesco and Rosalie Aiuppa, Owners of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have :fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, mapping and dividing. Date 41, ¢lg T ' C Christ her J. nkel R.L.S 1755 CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 WAUKESHA, �< WI '�nirrrsUtRv���a``�• Sheet 2 of'5 FORM 13F3C• 1U1 BALWJER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (4t4)542.8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP Being a redivision of Parcel i of Certified Survey Map No. 6645 and vacated Pasadena Drive, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 18, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We Francesco and Rosalie Aiuppa, Owners do hereby certify that we have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. We further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for objecting or approval: City of Muskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner thiday of Tub , 1997. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Witness Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) rancesco Aiuppa Rosalie Aiuppa PERSONALLY. came before me this 314 day of named Francesco Aiuppa and Rosalie Aiuppa known to foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. E&::9 -/I lrt��7 Notary Public -State of isconsin My commission expires_ na—q7 PuFc .. q7,-,.X =0�*R. tlt�..F OF _ t4 r ,I997, the above be the persons who executed the X5GO CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-176V '0/0 VV/ Shect 3 of 5 7 FORM BOC-101 DAMER BLUEPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO BI. FORM BBC -tot Being a redivision of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 6645 and vacated Pasadena Drive, being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 18, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City ofMuskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK a corporation duly organizcd and existing under and by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described in the foregoing instrument of Christopher J. Kunkel, a Registered Land Surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of Francesco and Rosalie Aiuppa, Owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK has caused these presents to be signed by Willm.., 4. S*Nbe� •-d tleadl,=l [--. &-thbo►il" l]r,.j•4.gt4 a Wisconsin and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this '� day of c 1997. IN THE PRESENCE OF: 61VW'tt"ness / G mce ltnes STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) 1 TRI CITY NATIONAL B , PERSONALLY, came before me this 9 r` day of ,!►.,w a ,1997, urd i�ru dl e y 1= 1.;;r� �,1.�= N �� of the above name corporation and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers of said corporation by its authority. Q IC 0 Notary blic- at of Vl�isconsin My commission expiresJ_V3z Pig PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED No. '! )y the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego on this 4 day of _Lid �+ _,.1997. _...tMltlllfllln,.. David L. DeAngelis, Chairman A 117'k-ttLo'. -vf. (�6 )z — Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary by Resolution ✓, s/z 2197 of 5 BArtc&A t3t.ur:rAINT COMPANY, INC. (414) 542.H200 For3M BBC• 1q t CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO d/s, Facing a redivision of Parcel I of Certified Survey Map No. 6645 and vacated Pasadena Drive, being a part of the SE 114 of the NE 1/4 of'Section 18, T 5 N. R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. on this _ 2 day of fc, / 1997. David L. M njelis, Mayor Je Marenda, City Clerk ' PREPARED BY: CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE -SUITE 150 WAUKESHA, WI 53186 IIRE13ARED FOR: Francesco & Rosalie Aiuppa W207 S8286 Hillendale Drive ``\�```,�`StitGllOAf riS����/'' Muskego, Wi 53150 �� � 4141� CHRIST'OPHER J. _— KUNRE. S•1755 wAUX IA, This Instrument was drafted by Christopher J. Kunkel i� _ (� " lOW 5-/2z/9 7 Slice( 5 of 5 „%,��� 2232332 t RECOM FOR RECORD THLI�?- Y4� OF DAY v �"�< (,, Q I/,' � YO A.1% 19AT Ct r� LJ L