8313 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPI N BAtWER BLUVRiNT COMPANY, INC. (414)542.8200 aa32103 CE?it'I'IFIF--D SURVE.Y MAII NO, 93/ 1 Being a pert ol'the SW 1/4 of the Si? 1/4 of Section. 31. '1''5-N. It 20 E. in the City or Muskelo. Waukesha County, Wisconsin GRAPHIC SCSI L IS' 0 100' goo' 300, I $.411 FORM BBC-101 SCALL':111 601 RaW.... U 1DAWO'1'1 'S 1 "x24 " IRON 1 /PA I. I � 1 MAY PER LINEAL FOOT SETAT ALL LOT CORNI'R.5 UNbAISS NOTED OTHER IVISL d ,*, ,, , IIAARINCS REFER TO THE IVISCONSIN y'�:STA TE PLANE. CO-ORDINA T1, SYS7' �.M SOU71!1 ZONE. TILE EIV TIRE C sRTIP1 , D SUR VEY MA P I�II'S IV17'NIN TIME SIIORELAND/ F1OODLAND JURISDIC77ONAl, LIM!'!'S. • �Q�',• ra+� - I SF. 114 SEC, -8-20 1 rr "r as •-. Gu"0 �a L? 6.4 DA'LG. IST F'L. 1101.04 Wq S�F. N `7z1 1 4 - -.N 01038'03"\W 33.00 `, C•sdl NO '?43 ' O wI,�As . �L�iz O�� w' � b i( 6 Sif CONNAW SF' 1/4 SEC 31-5-ZO �� 1 Ii XIi" CONC, AIONUMI NT N 314526.61 N 00.24"44" 1.' A 2,484,404.611 a511,29 ; Ii 1I, E. 970360 0 w w ati� •la �O 0WLG. IS1' F•1.. 800.00 9119 sr. 11 IVFY.1, 16.00 '64 S.R. -- --- - GAIt 1ST pl.. 1100r- L VICINITY SKETCH SCA1,R,1 "-2000' sAN, st v? E;SAI'7' 73' ACCESS (Unr No 104-ac 1) F,A.vx Ik1VT (SF. E DOC NO 1470900) ---------------------.� ' 111.15 S 88022'09" W w (IIFC AS S f 8*22'44" W) UN1144T= !.ANDS s/1, of, s!•.' 1/4 Svc 31-5-tin S !IQ•22'44" if 1014.50 DENOON ROA D V v CHRISTOPHER J. �k KUNKEL f'r S-1755 SE' rnleNl:R .s.5 1/4 5'E'C:11-5-zn a WAUKESHA. W 1 B"C.Xi" CON MONUAIE'NT N .11,2,GOZ. 1z f.' 2,491,15Q.24 111` /ZEv 6`Z �l� 7 Sheet 1 of 4 B�A7DMit ULULVIIINT COMPANY, INC. W 14) 542-8200 FORM (36C• lot C'I�It'1'II !Ia SURVEY MAV NO. Being a part of the SW 1/4 of the SI: I/4 al' Section 31, Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVEYORS C'I:ItTIFICATE: '!' 5 N. It 20 I:, in the City of 1. Christopher .1. Kunkel, a registered land surveyor do hereby certily; that I have sut•veyed, divided, and mapped a part ol'the SW 1/4 oTthe SI: I/4 of'Scction 31.1' 5 N. It 20 1:. in tilt; City of Muskepo. Waukesha C'01.111ty, Wisel)r15in, botlndecl and described as fullows: Conimencirtg at the Southeast corner ol'said SIB 114 Section 31; thence S 880 22' 44" W L11011; the South line of'said SIB 1/4 Section 31, 1814.50 feet; thence N 010 39' 03" W. 529.23 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be Lfescrihed. thence N 410 25' 03" W. 114.80 feet; thence N UI° 38' 03" W, 274.28 feet to a point on a 11, ,I cr' line of Lake Denoon; thence S 570 35' 27" is alum said Meander line, 107.18 feet; thence S 701 50' 39" E along; said Meander line, 118.89 feet; thence S UI° 38' 03" E. 293.30 lest: thence S 88022' U9" W. 1 1 1.I5 feet; thence N 01038' 03" W. 33.00 feet; thence S 88° 21, 57" W. 15.35 feet to the place 01, begirulirtg. Including the lands between the meander line and the shoreline of Lake Denuon. That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of the 1.aLlra Br•odel Trust, I tarry Brodel 'Trustee. That such map is a correct Irepresentatiun of all exterior boundaries of the land survevcd and the land division thercol'maLle. That I have lolly complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of'the City of'Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying!. Irlapping and dividing. / Date Christ hcr•,1. nkel It.L.S 1755 ���u►a�GmOrrrrA►�i������ CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 WAUKESHA, WI Q Su 111111111 Sheet 2 o1*4 �J r ft BADGER BLUEPRINT COMPANY. INC. (414) 542.9200 CIsR'TIFIGD SUIM'sY MAP NO. 9 3 l?, Being apart of the SW 1 /4 of the Sis 1 /4 of Section 31. 'T 5 N. R 20 E. in the City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. OWN CItS' C1;101FICA'TI 1. 1 lorry Brodel, 'I'rustec of the Laura Brodel 'Trust do hereby certify that I have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided. mapped and dedicated, as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. We further certify that this map is required to be submitted to the following for of jecting or approval: City of M uskego. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner this 6 day of v , 1997. IN ruw PRGSCNCG OF: Witness I ar'113(rolc7.rrustce of the Laura Brodel Trust STATE- OI: WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKIISI IA COUNTY ) l'EItSONALLY. came named Harry Brodel. before me this 6,, 5.Clay ofy ,1997.the above Trustee known to be the person who executed the foregoing My commission expires ,-/a � ,?J, ' Fst BONNEY W. OF W Sheet 3 of4 FORM BBC•101 Asa BADGER BLUPPRINT COMPANY, INC. (414) 542.8200 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAI) NO e s o Being a ptlrt orthe SW 1/4 of the SC 1/4 of Section 31. 'f 5 N. R 20 E. in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego by Resolution No.J��•' `J'7 on this / 7 day of yuc o e- ,1997, 4 � David L. DeAngelis, Chairman 'Sandra S. Asti, Recording; Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of tic City of Muskego No. lb V' 9 all this � X [lay of j U /1-1 ,1997• I]avid 1 : DeAng dlis, Mayor .ii rtJ 71� 1 �'��s�CL' �•=� .Iefi l Marenda, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CHItISTO1)1-11 R J. KUNKEI, METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING. INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE -SUITE 150 WAUKLSI IA. WI 53186 PREPARED FOR' Ilarry 13rodel W21 b S 10921 Crowbar Muskego. Wi 53 15 10 This Instrument was dral ed by Christopher J. Kunkel REOImwo 0mcm 2232163 1 "k"m Ca.1M 1 liar lltt.'�D FOR 11i1a 1}r! �/ (W t..� 4ff pro„ ir_,.1. 7 .,AV //�f�•j .� ('' 111111 r tP O'1d0i:K�ul. � !t�'CORDIEb AEGIS' 12 Sheet 4 of 4 by Resolution 412. e/9 7 FORM BBC•101 ram; _I