8260 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP13A1)WAt BI UEI11lINT COMPANY, INC. (414) 542-H200 6 ; Q) a 5 40 CJ Q0 fl 2Zos�ss CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. q) Q Being a redivision of Lot I of MEADOW GREEN SUBDIVISION in the NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 15, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. N/1, OP N fV 1/4 OY SI:C. 15-5-20 V .5 68015'34" IY r 9 � 11t1.6z N 86'15'34" 1: G7G,43 o NE CORNF,R NW CORNER N � NW 114 15-5-20 NW 114 15-5-20 ca N 334.246.98 N 334.166. 03 �„ E 2, 503, B6f1. a` P,' 2501,204.66 ('AS7' IRON MONUAIIiNT N 117'WII'l l " E N(i'1'1s� 0.. 91i'N07'1:5 1 "xL-1•1 " HeON /)//) ': !. /3 l.11S. PAW I.INAAh AT A1.1, l.UT COIeNIs'12S UNLASS NOVED 0771AW lYISl; B ARINCS RATAW TO 771E 1YISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO—ORDINATE SYSTEM SOU77/ ZONE.. fi ptiY G�zp,��N M ;A . 7 030,55t, N 7 14`�% N lb A. PA RCEL 1 37,289 S.F. 0.856 A CRE'S 170W 1313C• 101 NOTE. • A GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN MUST" BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT FOR PARCEL 2. O UNPLATTrD 6-4 o GA NU oN oQ) ARE.1 Or r,r / FLOOR OF /Iril STRUCTURE2000 S.F. S' ., N 150 57 E' 64 PA RCEL ,2 �f. V 200495 S.F. 0 q470 A CRES �o ral FLOOR EL, - 787.4 \ SC'A LE- Iof = 80, Area KURTZE LANE ' (6U') yi 1 .'1<tlre'rxr•' r.,1Nl; I VECtNI7'Y SKETCH REVISED 3121197 r1'w 1/•1 .ti'k,'C M.F. NO. 9700,15P SHEF_'I- I of I li,ua:r rr !ir t r rim r r•114) i42-+2011 r�arrnsr�r�raw C'I. RTII:Il:D S(JIZVI:Y MAI) NO. �1 Being a rcdiviSirJn u1`I.c�t 1 o1`MEISION in Ilic MEADOW GREEN SIJI1' 3f)IV SW I/4 af` tlic NW 1/4 oI- Section I5, ''oW1l S Nort12. Ran � ? NIA' 1/4 �1nc1 Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. b' () East. in the City Or SIJRVf:YORS C'I:R'1'f11C'A'I I': I, Christopher .1. Kunkel, a registered land surveyor do hereby certif,: 11 surveyed, divided, and mapped } 1 have SUBDIVISION in the NW l/4 and SWrI/4r`ofithe NW Il/4 }1. 01 MEADOW GREEN Rank 20 Cast, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha Count described 5l1115, lbolr� North, described as follows: Commcncin ► . ncled and b at the N W corner of the NW I14 of Section 15, thence N 880 15' 34" 1; 4110119 the North line ofsaid NW 1/4 Section, 676.43 iec 01 ° 73, 49" I:, 521.52 feel; ihc;ncc N 870 t, thence S 3K I 1 " Ii, 222.h0 li.•et; thence S 020 (p' (15" 1., GO 1.08 li:et to the place of bcbinninb of lands to be described, thence contintlin � ' �° 05" E 160.00 feet to a point ore the Nortli line of Woods R0ac1; thence S 420 2 S f f~ f}7 along the Nortl� line ofWood Road, 237. I5 feet; thence N 4fi° I I' �8„ W. 165.76 h 3 1 1 ' W thence N 01 ° 30' 00" W, 118.87 1`et; thence N 721 5.7Ci lc tt, 18' 58" I� 150.57 feet to the lace 01" be ,Co-)f 1 35 E. 144.44 fi:et. thence N 670 „ acres more or less brnninb. Cntaininb 57,783 square lcet or 1.326 That I have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of I3ochn) and Gloria .1. I3oclun. {iregory .1. 'That such rnap is a correct representation of all CNterior batrndaries of tilt: Iancl and the land division thereof made. Surveyed Thar 1 h,rve lolly complied With the previsions 01' Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin and Chapter IS ofthe City ol`Muskebo Subdivision��60 )rdinance in surveying, Mapping Str,tutcs dividing. 11 } b 17p1nb ,1nci Date 2--z5•97 ( � ^ C.'hristci Itcf 1. p h tlrtkel IZ...S 1755 ME `\`����uttilrturrrtrnu��i`i Cr Its STOPHER J. KUNKEL S•1755 t�til,Wc[SHh, _ �S REVISED 3,'-01/97 Slim 2 or-1 BADGER i)1l'i,l'RIXT COIN11'ANY, INC. (414) 542.N200 f'f'T)" :li't'% [t titi t��v ■ R • rO. f7 •`1 i /, Being a redivision of Lot I ol'MEADOW GREEN SUBDIVISION in the NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 ol'the Nits iM ol-Section i5, -Down S North, kange lU East, in the Pity of Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin OWNERS' C'I:R'1'11-IC'A'1'1-' We Orevory I Boehm and Gloril, .1. l oolim , do hereby c-,-,-tif'y that we have caused the land described above 10 he SUrveyed, divided. Mapped anu dedicated, as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 ol' the City oI' Muskego Subdivision Ordinance. I further certify that this map is required to he submitted to the following for obiccting or approval: City of Muskego. — WITNESS the hand and seal ofsaid Owner this day oI' 1997. 1 IN I'IIF PM:SI:NC'I: OI-: Witness /Gre't�y J. oehnt � Witness Gloria .1. Boehm'\ S LA IT OI W1S('ONSIN SS \VAIIK1:SIII!NTY 1 I'I RSONAIT.Ycame he?orc 1:ie thi:• day of _' ; •._ ,Ic)97, the above 11u1111ed ( iregllry J. 13m:11tr1 and (;loria ,I. 'Boehni'to Inc• kzno\�.n to be the persons .who eXeetIled the I'mCgoiug illstrument and acknowledged the same. \kllar� 1'111)1l .-State (if Wisconsin 11�11ttttlfttrrrrr�J�� �I� e1�1n111issiltir e�j}ires , �'� - - y 2 S 0 CI-IRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL � S•1755 :�ralii;c ::1n, +! .1 [?- U Sheet ' o1'4 REVISED 3121197 FORM BBC- 101 BADGER 111.1jEm N,r CONIVAM, INC. (414) i42-8200 CERTIFIED SURVI7Y MAP NO Being a redivision of Lot 1 of MEADOW GREEN SU13DIVISION in the NW 1/4 and SW 1i4 of the NW 1/4 of" Section I5, 'Town 5 North, Range 20 Last, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL APPROVED by the Plan Commission of the City oh Muskego No. on this 1 I day of I f r ,1997. David L. DeAngelis, Chairman Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council No.'- ' -' i ;= on this ti' day of'_ �_ avid I-' De gclis, Mayer ,lean Marenda, City Clerk PRE -TARED BY: by Resolution of the: City of Muskego by Resolution 0 I C h .1997. CI IRIS•I'OPl ER .I. K.UNKI:I, / MI{"FRO POITFAN f..NGINHHRINCi. INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE-S1JITI: 150 WAUKI SI IA. WI 53186 This Instrument %gas dralted by C hristopher .I. Kunkel PREPARED FOR: NMI om4m )as WSWMMr 08.IAA I Greet Boehm S81 W16964 Woods Rd. Muskego, Wi 53150 - I AT Sheet 4 of 4 REVISED 3121197 I (AUA Iilit' It)I