8235 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPIIAlx6eu Ih.1111411NT COMPANY. INC. 1.11+11 5,12-14200 2197277 ronM BBC -lot CEwrimED SURVEY MAI' NO. 's� Being a part orthc SG 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of section IG, and the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, all in the "Gown 5 Nordi, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskebo, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. AOM11: O- ORIVOTES 1 ".r34" IRON PIPA 1.13 1,13S. PAW LINAA1, POO'7' SIST A7' ALL L07'- CORIV RS UNLESS NOTED OTHERjVISR.. IMARINGS leA7, We TO 771E WISCONSIN I STA'TA PhANA' CO-0RVINA7'r: SYSTAW SOUTH XONL; 1 A GRA DING A ND DRA INA GE PLA N AI UST BE 1 i SU1 BITTED AND APPROVED BY PUBLIC r WORKS COMMITTEE PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE NW 114 SIC 21 —S Ol,'A 13UILDING PER,i IT — — VIC1NlTY SKT"1'CH 6MA PHIC SC /,A' SCA1.A.-I',20on' 0 100' 200, 3001 F w= SCA L1:1 o-80' UNt'LA TTlsl) LANDS No n1RF.'rr '�lF. CORNF.1? NW VA7111011.A11 ACrEll I/4 51 C 21-6-20 r1' 07" CONC. AIONUAI hNT - / N J211,110,7.09 a 0 ' ,•'-- !s $4911,62260 11 l0 0 E0 v% C ors �, f - 100. DO b N/l, of N lv 1/4 sl; r, a l -a-2o -1 �'c' _ f '' N 88 °34 `31 to E NO DI12AM' --- :r Vls1lIG'Ul.A1� AGC'l:SS' ` Y-3 606060' VISION COHNF.'11 h:SAI T. [� 'y tq 'y ZAfJl' C011N131 N11' 1/4 ShC 21--5-20 '� d► C� 1 1� s".rr" r,ONc G� l ,Y7 �CfJl.1 OF t n C11 MON11Al1:N'!' q rmxrn' vISM '� = `+ 7 5,rn0 S r ,V 301.7.1704 �. rO1/NF.'II h'S.Ir�T, ` y, a � ist , Q b to r .. PA Rc,EL,. l 9A C_- w REVISED r-c8. 27. 1997 co +y /// 1111.1 ~' 65.L O 54. 0.f+ 0IVSI�iri,. _ ... . S 88 03431 to W 310. 44 CIIRISTOPIIKR J. "r K U N K r L •,fir M U 1V P 1, fl Y' 'I' r: 1) L A N 1) S S-1755 r WAUKG311A, w if ' !/llllll !1!lllfl 1 ill c11le VA' 1',r 111, A' r,f/ijj Ur11ri 1,r.uf;1h Chard Chord 11anrin 7,111) 1rr Tnn 0r11 ! f1113, 31 1.7^1,?'4.1 " .203. 60 �O,7..'.l N 67-36'35. r1" 1,' N 74"12'57" h' N 61 "00' 1.3" li 111 8113..71 0.1 ",lri '37" 73. 6-1 7.7. rig N 7 1 114.9 131), 011 Al IT 1111,1 3! 0,1""11ri" 70.00 69•98 N 63'16'1:5,5" I. IN) 11113. 31 01111 i,'1 1•11 60. 05 60. rl;l N 07 "29'21). ," Is M.E, No. 960834 Sheet 1 o F 4 BAllumt C(IM'ANY, INC. (41.1) 5-12-9200 ronm DBC-101 CER'TII:IED SURVEY MAI' NO. F r� ), Being a part of the SC 1/4 orthc SW 1/4 of Section 16, and the NC 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, all in the 'Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City or Muskego. Waukesha County, Wisconsin. SURVf;YORS Clalt'i'Il�1CA'I'1: 1, Christopher J. Kunkel, a registered land surveyor do herchy certify: that I have surveyed, divided, and mapped a part of the SE 1/4 orthe SW 1/4 of Section 16. and the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, all in 'Town 5 North, Range 20 Last. in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as rollows: Commencing at tilt Northeast corner or said NW 1/4 Section 21; thence S 88" 34' 3 1 " W along (lie North line of said Section 21, 21.78 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence S 01 ° 50' 53" E, 300.01 feel: thence S 88° 34' 31 " W. 310.44 f'cet: thence N 01 ° 25' 29" W, 262.59 feet; thence Northeasterly 203.69 feet along the South line of Woods Road, and the arc or a circle whose center is to the Northwest; whose radius is 883.31 feet and whose chord bears N 670 36' 35" E. 203.24 Net, thence S 28° 59' 47" E. 39.83 rcet to a point on the North line of said NW 1/4 Section 21; thence N 88° 34' 31" along said North line, 100.00 feet to (lie place of beginning. That i have made this survey, land division and map by the direction of Lawrence Stefanink, Owner of said land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and (lie land division tl)crcormade. That 1 have Fully complied with the provisions of Chnptcr 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 or the City or Muskcgo Subdivision Ordinances in surveying, dividing, and mapping the same. /C�'% Date /V Gw 21 � f�' 6 REVISCO FEB, 27, 1997 Chris(li ".01 R,L.S 1755 CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL s•l7ss WAUKESHA. wl Sheet 2 or4 ItADW It III 111.1'Itm f C O MI -AN►', INC. 1•I I.1! 5.12-8200 Cl-"It'1'11:1EI) SURVEY MAI' No . Being a part orthe SE 1/4 of the SW 114 of Section 16, and the NE 114 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21. till in the 'Town S North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. OWN I'l-IM CERTIFICA11: I, Lawrence Stcfanink Owner, do hereby certify that 1 have caused the land described above to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated. as represented on this Inap in accordance with the requirements or Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter m of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinances. WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner this .•1, IN '11 lE PRESENCE OF: Witness S'I'A'1'E OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESI-IA COUNTY ) day of M rj r • I, ,�,,_,Ozzz Lawrence St Ariiak . 1997. PERSONALLY, came before me this ,,� day of �'I,;'�-,, � 17_, .1997. the above named Lawrence Slefaniak to me known to be the person who executed the floregoing instrument and acknowledged the slime. Notary Public -State of Wisconsin My commission expires r e. 19 I PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL A11111MIsU by (lie I'In1tating Commission of the David L. DeAngelis, Chairman at I L el Sandra Asti, Recording Secretary i �•,S�, � ;/ G 7 O �S CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL &1795 W1 il City of Muskego by Resolution M rrRngtipti►�,.,.. REVISED FEB. 27. 1997 Shect 3 of4 ttAI1EMIt BLUITRINT CL AIPANY, INC. WH) 5•12•I12110 RNINI 1111G IUI CEWI'IFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 9 .115 Being a part of the SC 1/4 or tile SW 1/4 of Section 16, and the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21, all in the 'Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin. COMMON COUNCIL_API'ROVAL APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego by Resolution No. this ? '� clay o ,/V r I+ r �: . 1997. David L. DeAngelis, Mayor .1 .i Marenda, City Clerk PREPARED FOR: 111tla'ARED BY: LAWRENCE STEFANIAK W102 SO 758 RACINE AVE. MUSKEGO, Wl. 53150 Cl IRIST0111Il-lt J. KUNKEL METROVOLITAN F%NGINFUUUNG.INC. 20975 CROSSROADS CIRCH1'*-SUI.1'1: 150 WAUKI:S1-IA, WI 53196 This instrument was dralled by Christopher J. Kunkel Sheet 4 of it mm"'B omm ,, 4 CHRlgt*M R J. 27, 1997 2197277 wrl Wwo 7 VIN 11_� lIECEtVE� FOR RECORD T11E,... _UIIY ' 1 • � GD A,D. If a 1 cm M '• ' ••'�ll.,.-_.'der, r -4 l�\ � 1 :+.;L�! 1�.C.tt.r.- :1 f ., .1 REGISTER , e